Aishwarya Rajesh is one of the talented actors in Tamil cinema, and she loves to take up challenging roles. Aishwarya Rajesh's women's cricket drama 'Kanaa' turned out a great success, and the film is being remade in Hindi. Now, the latest report is that Aishwarya Rajesh had denied the rumors of playing the lead role in Santhi Soundararajan biopic. According to some reports, Aishwarya Rajesh was supposed to play the lead role in the biopic of Santhi Soundararajan, who is an Indian track athlete and the first Tamil woman to win a medal at the Asian Games.
Actress #AishwaryaRajesh is not playing the lead in the biopic of Athlete Shanthi Soundararajan. No truth in such t… https://t.co/MTN1ckAbIQ— Yuvraaj (@proyuvraaj) 1615899911000