I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened, but there was a time, between 2018
and 2020, when LED cubes were a bit of thing in the world of hobby electronics.
On Twitter, I followed day-by-day the journey of kbob (aka Bob Miller)
as he tried to come up with the best possible 3D printed solution. The
end result was amazing.
He also wrote a blog post with
a history of LED cubes as well as some implementation details.
At the Hackaday Superconference 2019, Greg Davill
took things to the next level.
After first building something with off-the-shelve LED matrix panels, like kbob and everybody

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China ,Wuhan ,Hubei ,Chinese ,Hackaday Superconference ,Bob Miller ,Greg Davill ,Twitter ,Cube Assembly ,Panel Orientation ,Bangbangcon West ,Pixel Purse ,Pixel Purse Teardown ,Icon West ,Star Wars Death Tunnel ,New Year ,Glen Akin ,Death Star ,Gonna Give You ,Hello World ,Bad Apple ,Short Circuits Solved ,Beam Ray Tracer ,சீனா ,சீன ,பாப் மில்லர் ,ட்விட்டர் ,ஏமாற்றுபவன் மேற்கு ,புதியது ஆண்டு ,இறப்பு நட்சத்திரம் ,போகிறது கொடுங்கள் நீங்கள் ,வணக்கம் உலகம் ,மோசமான ஆப்பிள் ,

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