A message from Hemingway for our nuance-challenged times
What happens when we lose our grip on our literary infrastructure?
Ernest Hemingway on guard at Finca Vigia, his home outside Havana. The Cuban Revolution led him to fear looters and kidnapping. From "Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy," by Nicholas Reynolds.
(William Morrow / Ernest Hemingway Photo Collection, JFK Library)
By Tracy Dahlby
1:30 AM on Jun 27, 2021 CDT
In July of 1961, when a self-inflicted shotgun blast killed Ernest Hemingway in Ketchum, Idaho, the news hit in a way that’s impossible to imagine today.
Two years earlier, George Reeves, Superman in the popular 1950s TV show, had also died of a gunshot wound and left us kids on the block to ponder the irony of how the Man of Steel could be felled not by kryptonite but a mere bullet.