A Look Back: From the Gazette archives
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50 Years Ago
■More than 180 people joined together at the Northampton Lodge of Elks on Saturday, to honor Robert Cloutier as Northampton’s Elk of the Year. William Scott, one co-chairman of the event, said, “the Elk of the Year Award program is designed to pay just honor to a member of the Lodge who has exhibited a willingness and desire to promote the many phases of Elkdom that are so important to a strong lodge.”
■Bjorn Wiberg, assistant executive director of the Hampshire Regional YMCA, has announced that the YMCA is finalizing plans for a new program — Indoor Archery. “This is a sport which is increasingly growing in popularity with people of all ages and throughout the world, as is evidenced by the fact that archery will be included for the first time in the Olympic Games in 1972,” Wiberg said.