15 January 2021
Madrid - For an Andalusian like me, snow has always seemed exotic and wonderful. But the snow in Madrid this month reminded me that there is something epic and terrible lurking behind its beauty. The weather service had been warning since the start of the year that this would be Madrid's “snow storm of the century”. But typically Hispanic in their unbelief, few people here were prepared for it - starting with the authorities, who were astonished and overwhelmed by the biggest snowfall in 70 years.
(AFP / Benjamin Cremel)
It started, like an ill-timed Christmas story, on January 7, the day after the Feast of Epiphany whose usual festivities had been dampened by the Covid pandemic. The annual Three Kings carnival parade through the streets had been cancelled. When I saw the flakes begin to fall, my first reflex was to go to the Retiro, Madrid's grand central park. I didn't want to miss the sight of the fresh, fluffy snow on the magnolia leaves.