Winnipeg Free Press
By: Carol Sanders
| Posted: 2:56 PM CDT Wednesday, Apr. 7, 2021
Last Modified: 3:15 PM CDT Wednesday, Apr. 7, 2021
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After a pandemic shook Canada's economy, schools and health-care system to the core, the tax-slashing Pallister government has, as promised, left money on the kitchen table for some Manitobans.
After a pandemic shook Canada's economy, schools and health-care system to the core, the tax-slashing Pallister government has, as promised, left money on the kitchen table for some Manitobans.
It has done so with tax cuts, an overhaul of the education system and a half-billion dollars in relief from the federal government. While the province giveth, it has also taketh away. In December, the online services that kept Manitobans entertained throughout the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown will be taxed by the province.