114 in Ashland County.
84 in Douglas County.
St. Louis County youth continue to keep COVID-19 cases low. In St. Louis County, those ages 4 and under had two new cases, ages 5-9 had three new cases, 10-14 had three new cases and ages 15-19 had six news cases in the past week.
Statewide COVID-19 cases over the past week by age group: ages 4 and under, 69; ages 10-14, 98; and ages 15-19, 126.
COVID-19 in schools
St. Joseph's Catholic School in Grand Rapids was removed from the Minnesota Department of Health's outbreak list Thursday.
A school building is put on the list if it reports five or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 in students or staff who were in a building while infectious during a two-week reporting period. The building is removed after 28 days of no new positive tests.