50 years after its release, 'Anand' continues to turn heads
Sat, Mar 13 2021 13:42 IST
50 years after its release, 'Anand' continues to turn heads.(photo:India Narrative). Image Source: IANS News
New Delhi, March 13: Fifty years ago, in March 12, 1971 when Rajesh Khannas film Anand was released. I was 10-year-old when I first saw the black and white print of this movie in my school. The school auditorium reverberated with sobs, even I was sobbing uncontrollably.
Why? The delicate sensitivity of a child in me could feel the looming death in the film. I was devastated witnessing my favourite star rue in silence. Fifty years hence has made me old and heralded wisdom, and since then Anand has become a very different film for me