What would you be willing to give up to get on a plane and travel right now? If you're anything like the 2,000 people who took part in a new Trivago survey, you'd likely be willing to give up some other earthly pleasures to see the world again.
According to the new survey by Trivago, a whopping 38% of Americans say they'd give up sex for an entire year to go on a trip right now.
"After a year that changed everything, it's clear that modern travel has been profoundly altered, perhaps forever. As the vaccine rollout continues and restrictions begin to lift in parts of the globe, eager travelers everywhere wait patiently for the clear signal to be able to get away and adventure once again," Trivago shared in a statement alongside its survey results. "The results reveal significant desires to travel, including what consumers would give up, what they'd like to do and where they'd like to go, as well as why they'd like to get back on the road."