There are 19 new Covid-19 community cases reported today (May 30).
Five of today's community cases are linked to the NTUC Foodfare (308 Anchorvale Road) cluster, according to the Ministry of Health's (MOH) evening report.
Amongst the five linked cases, four were already quarantined, while one was detected through proactive surveillance.
In total, seven confirmed Covid-19 cases (Cases 63853, 63854, 63874, 63883, 64884, 63885 and 63886) are found to be linked to the cluster.
Case 63853
Case 63853 , a 33 year-old male Malaysia national, was reported as an unlinked Covid-19 community case in yesterday, May 29's report.
Case 63853 works as a kitchen assistant at Hua Zai Eating House Pte Ltd.
He developed loss of taste on May 26 and sought medical treatment at a GP clinic on May 28, where he underwent both an ART and PCR test, and was immediately isolated when his ART result came back positive on the same day.