29 Sustainability efforts of the fashion industry in November 2020
By Simone Preuss
16 Dec 2020
Following on the October momentum, in November, too, cooperations ranked high in the industry, ranging from promoting circular fashion to reducing packaging materials and more. Brands and retailers kicked it up a notch in view of the holidays and put their most sustainable foot forward in terms of offering products that make a difference. FashionUnited found 29 sustainable initiatives, which were announced in the month of November alone.
Cooperations & Projects
Photo: New Cotton Project
The European Union is funding a new project to harness fashion industry collaborations and technology to create circular fashion. Under the ‘New Cotton Project,’ a consortium of brands, manufacturers, suppliers, innovators and research institutes will be tasked with proving that circular, sustainable fashion “is not only an ambition, but can be achieved today”. The twelve participating fashion companies and brands include Adidas and the H&M Group, alongside Finnish biotechnology group Infinited Fiber Company, Aalto University, Fashion for Good, Frankenhuis, Inovafil, Kipas Textiles, REvolve Waste, Rise, Tekstina, and Xamk.