Reads, recipes and videos that we hope will help and resonate with you, too.
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(Credit, left: Gabriel Cabrera; middle and right: iStock/Getty Images)
As we (finally) say goodbye to 2020, we're taking a look back at the stories that reflect the year that was on CBC Life. While it's no surprise that articles about making your own mask, living room workouts, or growing your own garden were popular, many others really stood out. Like how to avoid bad habits during social distancing and isolation, reclaiming the art of letter writing, or the important task of writing a will, what it's like to be a Black father raising a daughter during protests and a pandemic, what it's like to find your true name if you're a transgender person of colour, and more personal stories and advice from Canadian writers and experts. Below, a collection of reads, recipes and videos that — in case you missed them — we think are insightful and helpful in ways that might resonate with you over the holidays, and as we head into 2021.