Full Album Links: Michigan Football vs Indiana 2023 (Patrick Barron) Michigan Football vs Indiana 2023 (Bryan Fuller) Well here we are again, the 7th blowout win in a row. I'm running out of unique and clever things to write about here, but there's always at least one gimmick in these games, so let's spin the roulette wheel and see what it ends up on: **RAIN GAME** Oh. We were overdue for a weather game [Patrick Barron]Not even an apocalyptic rain game like 2019 Notre Dame. That game was an experience that was awful enough to be memorable. But given the results, I suppose it was fun bad? I'll never forget getting dropped off at the airport immediately after that one and the third shift TSA guy took one look at me and my rain soaked everything and asked "...you came from the game didn't you?" Turns out wet clothes set off everything in the body scan machine. No, this game endured a generic drizzle that you don't quite notice until you get back to the car and realize you're soaked and cold and your ticket stub is just ruined enough to look different from the rest of the season's ticket stubs in your 2023 collector's case. Weather games at least make for some unique photos like water droplets getting launched off the players after a big hit [Patrick Barron] Michigan Indiana football games are often unmemorable but for about 25 minutes of gameplay this was almost starting to look like an uncomfortably memorable game. "That 2021 Rutgers game" but with rain. But the game reverted to the mean late in the 2nd quarter and in this case, the mean was Michigan scoring 52 unanswered points. And then the offense sighed and said "ok fine" and shortly after, the ferret gave one last gurgle and that was it. [Bryan Fuller]So now here we are, Michigan is 7-0 and it feels like we're still waiting for the season to start. Since this blog is secretly a Lord of the Rings fansite I'll go ahead and say it. This season is like watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers in theaters (so you can't just skip to the end). The last 30% or so is going to be some of the best cinema ever recorded, but until then we gotta get through the Aragorn and Arwen dream scene. Some people really like Treebeard and traveling to Nebraska, some just think it's filler. Harbaugh was even gone for a while and came back ala Gandalf the White. And now we've apparently got the Rohirrim, too. "Theoden King stands alone." "Not alone." [Patrick Barron]None of this is bad, oh no. Lord of the Rings at its worst is better than New Star Wars at its best (shame me in the comments, Andor fans). All things Rohan are awesome and there's still nowhere else I'd have rather be on Michigan Indiana day than at the Michigan Indiana game. But we're like... at the scene where they're traveling from Edoras to Helms Deep and I'm realizing an hour and 45 minutes have passed and I'm getting a little anxious to just get to the good stuff. This pretty much sums up the whole experience. It's cold. It's wet. It's rainy. But like... it's fine! We have coffee and are enjoying some nice Tuttle Time. Sam's really excited about oliphants. Neat! [Patrick Barron] We're almost there. Next week is the warg attack scene where *realizes what happens to Aragorn* THIS WAS MAYBE A BAD METAPHOR I WILL END IT NOW. About the Photographers If you'd like to support us, one of the simplest things you can do is follow us on social media (links just below) where we post way more photos than here. In the offseason I also do a LOT of wildlife/national park photography. While we're not allowed to sell any of our sports photos per our credential agreement (sorry to anyone who reached out asking about one), I sell prints from my adventures which I sell on FineArtAmerica. You can buy prints (or just look at some pretty pictures) here: Patrick Barron Art Collections Or if you'd like, you can simply support me by buying me a coffee! Social Media Accounts: Patrick Barron: Twitter: @BlueBarronPhoto Instagram: @BlueBarronPhoto Instagram (BUT WITH BEARS): @BlueBarronPhoto_Wild Bryan Fuller Twitter: I have been informed that Bryan's Twitter was hacked and is currently INOP :( Instagram: @BryanFullerPhotography [More Lord of the Rings references after THE JUMP, but you probably already knew that]