Previously: Last year’s profiles. S Damani Dent, S/Nk Zeke Berry, S/HSP Keon Sabb, CB Myles Pollard. Germantown, TN – 5'11.5”, 175 [Patrick Barron] 247: 5'11/175 3.87* 4*, 90, NR overall #22 ATH, #11 TN Rivals: 6'0/180 3.98* 4*, 5.8, NR overall #21 S, #9 TN ESPN: 6'0/180 3.87* 4*, 80, #141 SE #24 ATH, #11 TN On3: 5'11/175 4.07* 4*, 91, #260 overall #27 CB, #8 TN Composite: 3.96* 4*, 0.8958, #333 ovr #14 ATH, #10 TN Other Suitors Tenn, Illinois, UF YMRMFSPA Chidobe Awuzie Previously On MGoBlog Hello post by me. Notes Twitter. Team made it to 7v7 Finals Film: Senior highlights (note: was playing all year with a high ankle sprain): I hate a lot of things about the SEC, but one of them is they haven't had a good team short on cornerbacks since 1999 Alabama. While we're out there Moneyballing it with spider-shaped people and sanctifying any city that can send us three footballcats in a decade, it feels like every lowly South Carolina or Tennessee has some guy claiming 6'0" who's already 180 and not going to require an entire defensive overhaul when he steps on the field. A quick check of this year's draft shows eight from the SEC taken before the second Big Ten cornerback (Tariq Castro-Fields), and two more SEC guys right after him. I don't know their names or stories, but if I click on a random one he's 6'0"/190, top-175, and in-state. And oh look he was ranked as a safety! I bring this up because I struggled with a comp for Kody Jones, a safety-nickel-corner who's too squat to make the long-and-tall chart, too tall to be a Brandon Harrison clone, too muscular to qualify as one of the Detroit cats, too athletic to be Raymon Taylor, and not a top-100 guy from California. We're in uncharted territory here. Michigan's explored the Southeast for leftovers, but when's the last time we went down to SEC country and plucked an average-sized, average-shaped average NFL cornerback over the local school's strong objection? Never? [After THE JUMP: Maybe one time.]