93rd Academy Awards aired live on ABC on Sunday evening, rewarding the best achievements in cinema from the past year, and what a strange year it was. Although the coronavirus pandemic certainly made the year in film much less exciting, mostly because movie theaters were closed for a large chunk of it, there were still plenty of phenomenal films that deserved our attention. But which ones impressed the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences the most?
Check out the full list of 2021 Oscars winners below.
Well, producers
Stacey Sher and
Jesse Collins said they were going to shake up the format of the Academy Awards this year, and they weren’t lying. Not only were the awards themselves more cinematic visually, but the presentation of the awards themselves brought a storytelling element to the stage. Some presenters offered their own personal touches as they introduced the nominees, but there were also certain background details and fun facts that provided insight into the making of the movies being honored. It made the ceremony more intimate an engaging, at least for cinephiles. It may not have been so effective for general audiences who want the glitz and glamour of the traditional Oscars ceremony.