2021 Missoula American Flag Ceremony Retires over 500 Flags
On Flag Day, 2021, three long tables were heaped high with tattered American flags waiting to be ceremonially retired on Monday in a field near the Western Montana Veterans Memorial Cemetery.
Susan Campbell Reneau introduced Boy Scouts from Troop 1911, as well as veterans who stoked the flames into which the flags would be lowered with reverence by all who participated.
Representatives of two out of three of our Congressional delegation provided comments before the ceremony.
Dan Critten read a message from Congressman Matt Rosendale.
“On June 14 1777, the second Constitutional Congress officially adopted the flag of the United States of America,” wrote Rosendale. “The flag’s designers carefully and wisely chose red, white and blue as its colors symbolizing Americans hardiness and valor, purity and innocence, vigilance, perseverance and justice. These are the core values on which our nation was built and continue to guide us to this day.”