10. Indonesia Peer-to-Peer Lending Market Size, 2016-2018
10.1. Indonesia Peer-to-Peer Lending Market Segmentation by Disbursement, 2018
11. Competition Stage, Major Players, Competitive Trends and Competition Parameters
Strength and Weakness of Major Players (Koinworks, Investree, Modalku, Amartha, Akseleran, Crowde, Crowdo, Danamas, and Aktivaku)
Market Share of Major P2P Lending Platforms by Loan Disbursed, 2018
Heat Map of P2P Lending Platforms by Presence in Personal Loans, Term Loans, Invoice Financing, Buyer Financing, Collateral, Bond Issue, SE Asia Presence, Sharia Financing
Cross Comparison between P2P Lending Players (Loan Disbursed, Business Model, Number of Lenders, Borrowers, NPL, Average Loan Amount, Investors, Fund Raised), 2018
12. Company Profiles (Company Synopsis, Business Strategy, USP, Lenders and Borrower Profile and Employee Headcount, Business Model, Number of Loans, Amount Disbursed, NPL, Commission Income, Investor Return, Average Loan Duration)