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To orders, the archbishop sent me a telegram saying that the sovereign is very pleased with my restoration project, im going from here to kiev and pochaev, while you work on the drawings and dont dig up, well, apparently, dont carry out excavations without me, heres your shusev, shusev understands well what privileges the royal favor promises, by that time he was already a Freelance Architect of the holy synod, and the romanov family. These towers definitely influenced nashchev to change his own design for the church of st. Sergius of radonichsky on the kulikovo field, because they just symbolized two heroes, peresvet and oslyabya, who participated in the shorebird battle, for a students art project. This tiny chapel, built according to the project, seems to be here today by accident. On the one hand, the new building, on the other, almost close to the bridge supports. The fact is that they moved it here by sawing it in half. A photograph from 1970 with the anastasievskaya chapel already cut up and suspended from a crane. Here it is, this is a crack. May correspond to the cut into two parts of this chapel. Initially, the chapel stood on this bridge, high up, like on a hill, on an embankment. In 1970, they will decide to expand the olginsky bridge; the unique chapel, which shchusev built and his teacher and friend Nicholas Roerich painted inside, will interfere with these plans. It will be moved under the bridge, only here it will be able to reach a twentymeter boom of a crane, and no one would think that the fragile building would collapse from the vibration of the bridge. He built the anastasyevskaya chapel in the eleventh year, at the same time he and his family moved from st. Petersburg to moscow. Here, in a homely environment, there is such family happiness. One might say, a young couple, when they had a child, an apartment appeared, the photo shows a family scene, but this is a happy period, the eldest son petya, dad dreamed that. The photographs were taken in rare moments when the family got together. Shusev spent a lot of time on business trips, working on circus orders. His wife maria took care of everyday life. When he traveled, he wrote letters, wrote to children, naturally. You can feel his concern for them in his letters. This is a letter from the son mikhail, who became an architect, who writes to his dad, his dear dad, everything is fine at home, everyone is healthy. Here he signed, kissing misha deeply. Shchyusevs Family History will be tragic, but this will happen later in his other soviet life. Revolution of the seventeenth year, civil war, execution of the royal family. Many friends and colleagues of alexey shchyusev are leaving russia. His latest project is a temple at a brotherly cemetery. It was erected as a cage for the sisters museum. A young man, he is 40 years old, the very beginning of his career, in fact, for an architect it s exactly like that, he doesnt wait, he doesnt sit by the sea, when the soviet government comes to him for projects, he proposes, they create this workshop, develop a plan for a new moscow , and he takes his students there, shchusev proposes to move government institutions from the kremlin to the khadynskoe field in order to relieve the center and abandon the demolition and expansion of ancient streets, but the plan for a new moscow. Will never be embodied, some kind of trail of someone who was not his own was trailing behind him, so i would say that he did not become one of his own for the bolsheviks under soviet power. The only thing that will remain with the architect in the first years of the new government is his brainchild, the Kazan Railway station, on which he began working long before the revolution. In his autobiography he wrote that the construction of the kazan station was the only Major Construction site in the young soviet republic. And this construction continued only thanks to his extraordinary efforts, thanks to the fact that he actually lived at the station. In the seventeenth year, when it was hungry and cold, chusev paid money from his own pocket, as a builder, as his own architect, he says i was an accountant, i was also a foreman, that is, this construction was everything to him. January 21, 1924, Vladimir Lenin dies in the gorki estate, the presidium of the Central Executive Committee decides to build a crypt on red square near the kremlin wall, where more than once lenin spoke. It takes almost two days to decide who to entrust the construction of the mausoleum to. Was the architect of the holy synod, but look, the bolsheviks still call him, why . Because he sees that there is Nothing Better than this, he was probably the only person at that time who could do this, because the mausoleum is not only a project, the mausoleum is a construction project, shusev will create the design and drawings of a wooden mausoleum in one night, in another two, he will erect a building, the frostbound ground did not give in. Worse, after the construction of the ochusev mausoleum his closest friend will turn away. Tretyakov gallery. Here are two portraits of the famous architect. One was created in 917 by boris kustodiev, a young man who has been active here for 44 years, and the other is a portrait by nester, i have been seeing it for 68 years. Alexey shusev in an uzbek robe and skullcap bought in samarkand during his student years. Portrait by best friend. They met somewhere in the early 900s. And when nesterov began to paint this portrait in 1941, they were already longtime friends. Two geniuses of the world art was brought together by an incident in georgian ostuman in 1903. It was Mikhail Nesterov who would introduce the young architect to grand duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and thereby open the way for him to orders from the crowned family. Veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. Could you imagine . Which he will also find in chisinau. The house for her parents will be one of the first orders of the young architect. Clear echoes of expeditions to central asia samarkand, came from samarkand, returned here to his homeland in chisinau, and created this for his wifes family such a project. The whole family lived here. The former nobleman would return to his native chisinau only in 1944, when the city was in ruins. This was probably one of his most soulful projects. Chisinau is still our homeland, these are special places. All the best that we see in the city of chisinau, built in the forties and fifties, was. Built, created by the students of Alexei Viktorovich. Big horde, an inconspicuous church, as if deliberately hidden from prying eyes, the church of the intercession of the most holy theotokos, the heart of the martha and mary monastery. The customer, she was the inspirer, she took part in the discussion of ideas, tasks, what was being designed, what was being worked out in the sketches, she chose what the architect offered her. Shyusiv paid a lot of attention to details, because, for example, absolutely all the decorative elements in this temple were made according to his designs and his ideas, for example, these forged door frames. This was done according to his templates, he personally made templates, that is , lifesize drawings, according to which the craftsmen then reproduced these objects, that is if he makes a project, then he tries to make it turnkey, as it were, the very appearance of the monument, the interior, the decorative details, even the door handles, pendants, ponikodil, on the throne crosses, that is, all the elements of the interior, they had to be, as it were, collected in one key. There was an idea that in order to revive the revival of russian religious life it was necessary to turn to the first words of christianity, when the first christians and the first martyrs were buried in crypts. The cave temple is just a tribute to the spirit of the times, but its own a kind of intellectual fashion. Elizaveta fedorovna turned out to be a fateful customer for everything else, because almost all of his further projects were in one way or another connected with her, with her. All around. Kazansky Railway Station in moscow. Alexei shchyusevs lifes work. The author will complete its reconstruction only in 194. Thats how he started working on it in the eleventh year or even earlier, i think, thats how he spent his whole life designing the most longterm project in the life of an architect. Shuse himself. He said, this is my khovanshchina. This project, the architect, before that for the time being, those who have never erected large civil objects will win the competition. It will not do without protection. Vladimir fonmek, secretary of grand duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and a relative of the magnates who owned the railway, will support his candidacy. The kazan station was a fantastically expensive building and according to estimates in 1915 , 11. 3000 rubles were allocated for. Construction and artistic decoration. Chusev sent his assistants, participants in the design of the station , on a tour of ancient russian cities, yaroslavl, rostov, pskov, so to speak, feed off this atmosphere. Everything that you have absorbed is reflected in this project. Kazan. Tower. The socalled shchusevsky scale, because all the details are, well, just generally colossal in size, theres window framing, stucco interior decoration, yes, everything is very large, so that everyone who comes to the capital can immediately see this metropolitan scale, it it immediately gives you the idea that you are actually in the capital of a huge empire, the nikolaevsky station already stood here, and now we see its elegant tower, but nothing it was necessary to surpass konstantin ton by building a station higher. Work on the kazan station will make the successful architect alexei shchyusev a rich man. This book has been preserved by the russian bank for foreign trade, unique, absolutely no one has seen these entries in the book, how much money chusev received and how much he spent. Shchusev withdrew money from this book only for one year, in small amounts, and saved the rest of the time. In 17, he received 10 thousand more. In monographs this masterpiece by alexey shchyusev will be called exclusively a hotel. Italy, the city of bari, the amazingly beautiful courtyard of the church of st. Nicholas the wonderworker. This church was built by the architect shchusev. In 1913, the laying of the first stone took place. All the furniture was made by russian craftsmen, specially brought from russia. He used a special spruce, which he exclusively chose himself, all the furniture, all the windows, all the decorations were selected by him. Historian and archivist nicola stradiotti was born right on the territory of the farmstead. His father and mother worked and lived at the church. Today, his unique collection contains more than five thousand documents about the construction of the temple. Shchusev presented the sketch to the tsar, nicholas ii gave certification for the construction of the church and personally donated 10,000 rubles. By the way, the story about the hotel in soviet monographs is not fiction; once it really was here. Vyacheslav has been serving in the church for the last 6 years, he assures that shchusev erected not just a beautiful building, but also a perfect engineering structure. Here is the drainage system, here below us there is such a large corridor, the water does not it flows onto the lawns, yes, it neatly collects from the roof, here is a large guide tray, colossal, it comes from the wall, you see, the first well, the second, the third. And only in 2009, the italian authorities returned both the church and the complex of buildings to russia, as the legal successor of the russian empire. This has all been returned, you are now in your homeland, this is storytelling. In that. Nesterov had a hard time during the formation of soviet power. After the seventeenth year, shusev adapted faster to new conditions than. Nesterov. It was more difficult for nesterov because he was 11 years older than her. Nesterov remained faithful to his, so to speak, religious interests. Friends will make peace only when trouble comes knocking on the door of one of them. In 1925, Mikhail Nesterov was arrested for participating in antisoviet activities. Nesterov is to them what is to the bolsheviks . He is a royal artist. Chusev went to the lubyanka and interceded. nesterov was released, in the thirtythird year the restorer alexander boranovsky was unfairly convicted, but soon he was released, thanks to the intercession of Alexei Shchusev and colleagues. Shchusev together with other heads of the academy of architecture, wrote a letter, which was naturally then transferred to the nkvd, where he wrote that boranovsky, as it were, is a valuable employee, we believe that he may well be. His signature is worth the signature of zheltovsky , and the signature of the grave master and vesnin himself. In the early forties, the authorities would come for the artists brother lanzere. Ishusev will not remain on the sidelines again. Nikolai evgenevich lenseray was arrested and sent to. Chusev wrote to beri, but then, because of the war, nikolai evgenievich was sent to a transit prison in saratov and. What did it take, who was called the tsars architect behind his back, to raise his voice in defense of his colleagues. Chusev himself was on the ropes; in 1937, he himself was removed from the bridge project. This room we are in now, on the site of a historical restaurant, of course, it is not at all the same as this restaurant was, the restaurant was much larger, higher, with balconies on top, in soviet times, in order to get a table in the moscow hotel restaurant, those who wished had to wait at the door for several hours, it was here, in similar rooms overlooking the historical the museum and the kremlin will be visited by foreign ministers. Difficult conditions, in the end he said, if you want me to complete this, i should be the main architect, it should be mine and not kicks. Shchusev was impatient with authorship. I am currently building the moscow hotel, starting the meirhold theater, and am involved, together with my groups of architects, in developing the construction of the smolenskaya and rostovskaya embankment residential complex with a total length of 2 km. You can even see when he arrives at a construction site, with what speed. With what efficiency they start drawings and ideas appear, that is, it is clear that he can organize the process. The building was designed as unique, for each series of rooms i developed its own furniture, there are sketches, furniture and everything, that is, the furniture was drawn, all the socalled lighting fixtures, that is, all the chandeliers, all the lamps, table lamps, moreover, there are even draft drawings of inkwells. Who would have thought that 2 years later shchyusev would be accused of nothing less than copyright theft. Article in truth, primacy. Yes, that is, she hit him pretty seriously. On august 30, 1937, an incriminating article was published in the newspaper. The authors are his former colleagues, savelyev and stapran. Shchusev treats his Creative Work dishonestly, in order to gain greater glory and satisfy his personal interests, he has slipped into directness. They saw him, they hated him, they thought that he was not out of his depth, not in his talent, the rank, of course, was written down, because to become a leader in the truth is serious, this is serious, this ends careers, architects are expelled from the board of the union, removed from the post of head workshop, a sick, depressed shusev leaves moscow for essentuki, illwishers are sure his career is over. The fall from olympus in 1937 was loud, but chyuseva is rehabilitating him quietly, as if nothing had happened. This story will be published in his book by alexey shusevs biographer, alexander vaskin. They were all brought together in the union of architects and sovelev. So that everyone who wants can compare the sanatorium in motseste, below i have posted a photo of the moscow hotel, and let people look and draw their own conclusions, we see that yes, a lot in common. Researchers differ in versions, but most likely, the almighty head helped restore alexei shusevs good name; there is an assumption that it was precisely in the year thirty. Saved chyusevo from more severe repressions, then he took him under his wing and entrusted him with the project of his department to a greater extent. We wont be able to find out everything about shchusiv for a long time, because he really designed a lot of closed objects, all kinds of garages, rest houses, departmental closed institutions. It is no coincidence that the main order departments at that time. Shchusev will receive the reconstruction of the building of the former Insurance Company of russia. During the war years, shchyusev was in moscow, one of his projects was the unification of several buildings under one facade. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the building looked different. These were two separate facade towers, so he unites them, and here the prison was kept. Accordingly, Alexey Viktorovich, decorating the posad and. Taking it into a single complex, of course, knew very well about the component of this parts, this is really a strange reaction from him, i built them more fun behind the walls and this is such a fig in my pocket. From the outside it seemed that shchusevs life was a full cup, yes, well, everything was there, fame and honor, and money, an apartment on leninsky prospekt, a workshop on bryusov lane, but almost no one knew what was going on inside the shchusev family. Shchusev purposefully hid his personal life. I believe that this was an absolutely conscious action. Shchusev did not tell anyone how he lived. If before the revolution the uschevs provided lunches for colleagues and friends, then in the eighteenth year the doors of his house were tightly closed. The youngest daughter fell ill with meningitis in her eighteenth year; this disease worsened and could not be saved. Then it was the turn of the firstborn alexei and maria. The patient and peter will have to be temporarily placed in a specialized clinic. Parents will not be able to cope with guardianship. This was a tragedy for Alexei Viktorovich. He will follow in his fathers footsteps, become an architect and even an assistant in several projects of Alexei Shchusev. You can build an entire city, there is nothing that it cannot designed, there is a metro station, a train station. There is, there is a theater, there is in tashkent, there are hotels, there are in baku, in matsesta, he even designed a bridge in moscow, a luxurious bridge, the large moskvaretsky bridge, commissioned in 1938, the building of the peoples commissariat of agriculture, built in 1933 , house. Architects on rostov embankment in moscow. Thirtyfifth year project. The novosibirsk opera and ballet theater opened its doors in 1945. Shchyusev will create all this either personally or in collaboration with colleagues. But there were still restored after the great patriotic war the city. His workshop worked on the project of creating the istra and the New Jerusalem complex, the New Jerusalem monastery. Rested largely on his developments, on the developments of his workshop and with his participation. It seems that no one else would have liked to become the head of the National Museum of architecture. This will happen in 1945 , immediately after the war. The museum will have at its disposal a former noble estate on the raised street. The kremlin is just a stones throw away, our visitors are greeted before entering exhibition halls bust of Alexei Viktorovich shchyusev, when he was in charge of the museum, there is an order from the director that the director orders an urgent order for a bronze bust of the director of the museum, it may seem, at first glance, that this is some kind of amazing example of narcissism, but this is not the case actually, because in 1948. She very solemnly celebrated the anniversary of the great master and he, as the director of the museum, simply as an administrator, gave this order; Alexey Viktorovich chusev received this publication in 1945 in order to open a museum here russian architecture, at that time there were 800 communal. Tenants living in the house. The reconstruction of the building will take a long time, and people will live in the adjacent rooms for 13 years. Collected here today. All that the great master managed to save from destruction is part of that very original interfacial arch, which was located on the belarusian square in moscow, and this is the heraldry of russian cities, yaroslavl, st. Petersburg, moscow, nizhny novgorod, in the year thirtyseven, this one here is an episode with his speech in defense of this monument, it practically coincided with his problems in the union of architects, in a letter in defense of the arc de triomphe. His life, real everywhere, an architect cannot build well if he does not believe in what he is doing, chusiv, he was sincere when he built mosals, he was sincere when he designed new moscow, he was sincere when he built the kgb building, he was sincere, he was a statesman, he was a russian man, the komsomol ring, almost 190 people come here every day. Build a church, he built it, a church, with mosaic, with gold, shchusev will not live to see its opening; the komsomol ring road will be completed and will be launched in 1952, three years after the death of the great architect. He will never be destined to see his last underground church, a place that brings together not only believers. When my father worked for the cia. As a u2 pilot, this was the most interesting period of his life, since childhood he dreamed of being in the thick of things, there were secret government missions, he underwent training in the area 51 in nevada, where he became a pilot of the new and top secret u2 aircraft. The americans flew over our territory, well, if not fortyfive, then fortyseven, they were either shot down or. Beaten, it was unpleasant, but life, and another flight, what can i say, crying or biting, theres no point it happened, an unknown plane crossed the border of the ussr, altitude 25, speed 700, colonel, send them to intercept fighters, who is your best pair, i understand you, no questions asked. Place your signatures here. Sorry, ink. Reidenar, there is a post office nearby, for 5 youll have time in a few minutes, thats for sure, come on, now everything will be, dont worry, now everything will be fine, the pen seems to be able to write, youre a magician, i got it, nice, flowers, sorry, we need to move on. So, i pronounce you husband and wife, i ask you to Exchange Wedding rings, but quietly, come here, what happened . The ring has fallen, captain ayvazyan, senior lieutenant safronov, Team Number One for you, alarm, sorry, an hour, maximum for one and a half. May day is coming soon, the snow is falling, maybe someone will leave some . Well, here it is again, as if for the first time. Since the alarm was announced, what are you really doing . The ring fell, well, it fell, its a bad sign, what nonsense, what signs, something is stuck, help, right here now. And that my wedding is going on in good spirits , i drank it, i didnt have time, why didnt you invite me, invited me, when im inviting you now, after all, on the occasion of a wedding, but for courage, a wedding, im not afraid of. Ready, combat mission, the groom, a highaltitude intruder, can turn out differently, take readiness, there is take readiness, i think the turots are his last. Afterburner, im third, theres afterburner, im fourth, theres afterburner, fourth, dont lag behind. Im fourth, fire engine, im fourth. Engine, fourth single pass, third, continue the pursuit, im fourth, turn on the fire extinguisher of the left engine. To goal 10, go up the hill, i m third, i got you, to goal 10, im going out to the hill, height 17. Speed, im third, you see him, no, i see, im third, i see the goal, work on it, yes, attack , there is an attack, yes, yes, what are you going to do, but im losing altitude, can you hear me, the speed is dropping, no, the third one, struggling, try to get him, you hear me, quickly get him, im losing speed, im third, hes on the second approach, there is fuel, there is, but then he wont reach the airfield, give the command for the second approach, and then let him jump, tell the third, let him go for the second approach, as soon as he shoots down, immediately on. Im the fourth, the left engine is on fire extinguished, the third one, the third one is ok. Half past three, try to get it, no, you got it, earn money on it, its easy to say, also a colonel, first, he left, didnt reach it too high, i ask for a landing, well, thats all, for the violators flight. State borders bass comrade vatintsev, but no selfconfidence lose, we have pbo for one beaten, they dont give out broken ones, what are you saying . Youre sitting on it, its probably you who sat on it, listen, but you saw it, well, of course, i m saying, you sat on it, but no, im talking about myself. The spy saw this ice, black, wingspan probably 20 meters, but he can carry a bomb, i dont know, although, no, i dont know, give me the tie, hold it, listen, like me, handsome, like god, i think ive chickened out when it caught fire, right . No, not really, but to be honest, its bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, one, two, three, four, thats it, thats enough, thats enough, lets have a drink, come on, lets, lets, oh, well, why, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our home, first of all, first of all, planes, and girls, and then girls , first of all, first of all, planes, and girls, and girls, now. Everything is fine, so what . I say, comrade lieutenant colonel, why are they flying to us . Who are the americans, or what . Well, yes, we miss you, havent seen each other for a long time, since the korean war, no, im serious, what did they forget here . But seriously, the war is going on, cold, albeit noble rage, 60 years is fighting. Japanese, world war i, civil, great patriotic war, now its cold, these flights are propaganda, but i think their flights are a test for lice, for sure, theyre testing us, well shoot them down, we wont shoot them down, what kind of equipment do we have, no, brother, were fighting , we are fighting for influence in the world, the arms race, so to speak, with more weapons, because. Then i definitely wont get involved, some of the conversations we have are not festive, not fun, come on, lets get drunk, why dont we drink, not already with replenishment , oh, congratulations, congratulations, creators, lets drink to our victory, guys, so that there is no war, hurray, higher and higher and higher, we strive to sing our birds, in every gap and breathe, the peace of our borders, in a pair of 146 readiness one. What are you thinking about . Seryozha, why do wars start . Build, have you arrived . Well, you asked yourself . No, nastya, are you serious . I dont know why, were the first to call at night or the police are wrong, the question is removed, sorry, hug me, quickly. Why arent you going to sleep . Lets go now. Why was the wedding with seryozha sanya so gloomy, was there a battle alarm . Well, seryozha, what are you doing . Why do wars start . When i was a boy, i lived in our yard, a stupid idiot. When he sings, then its as if youre not yourself, youre hanging around, youre smoking, as if youre hiding from me, but youre not hiding anything, that youre moving, moving, well, let me listen, but no, im still early, its the fourth month. Are you scared . Yes, well, whats wrong . Are you still living well, settled in, suddenly you feel scared, suddenly again. A step in the eye, when nikita sergeich headed the soviet union, and isenhaur became president , it happened around the same time time shifted by a year, they had a relationship of tough politicians, this is the relationship of two old people who went through the war, who knew it not from reports, not from. Nikitushka, whats bad . Its really bad, they fly over our cosmodrome, over bases, they think we are bastards, but we cant stop them, its all on the eve of a meeting in paris, how am i going to talk to them there now, i dont understand, theyre deliberately escalating the situation, okay, i have to go, well, it will be, it will be, it will happen, but i dont know what will happen, but i know what wont happen, you wont go anywhere hungry. Youll go, ill go warm everything up now, please, dont run away anywhere, go, again the plane, again, seryozha, again, american, but whose indonesian is it, you know, from the president , a former ally, im in his hands at the mausalum stings, but he spits, you know, spits on us, soon in general, the United States must even more clearly express its readiness to support the independence of freedomloving states. Congratulations allen, great photos, thank you mr. President , very valuable information. The first flight was in 56 on july 4th. Thats it. After visit of their delegation, i then showed them the air parade in the tushka, but i warned them then, warned them, if you poke around, well shoot them down, they smiled, threw them off, left, and 2 days later by plane to moscow, and yet, allen, why do you think khrushchev so harshly rejected the open sky, the project from. Open sky contradicts the idea of ​​​​the iron curtain, and they only need the curtain to hide how quickly they are building up military potential, here you go, open sky, mr. Zenhaurs plan in action , continues, then he passed over the districts of moscow, yes, the baltic coast over the base of strategic bombers. So what did this give them . Elements of the air Defense System and other objects were photographed. Well, well, what others . Bases, military fleet. So what do you say, radion . According to my data, their nuclear potential is Something Like 5 of ours, but at what rate they will increase it is a question. After the war with germany, the soviet economy is bursting at the seams, miracles do not happen, sit down, the russians defeated hitler, they should not be underestimated. Rozult generally believed that russians must rule the world together with us. He was wrong. We must rule the world. We can barely make ends meet. And if the americans find out how weak our defenses are. They will begin to dictate their terms. And this is not the last thing they can do to us. If the russians are not stopped, they will be in cuba tomorrow. When i speak with khrushchev in paris. i need very compelling arguments, for this you must have accurate intelligence data, so the flights must be continued, no, the flights must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, mr. President , the probability that the plane will be shot down. Insignificantly small. Learn to shoot down immediately. Immediately. Extreme situations, so it was his honest, wellproven character who was chosen for the new assignment, scheduled for may 1, 1960. Youre not listening to me at all, francis, well, how can this be, im saying such important things, well, you can get together, only 800 dollars, francis, they need to increase your salary under the contract by 11 thousand a year, thats it, thats it, i counted everything, look, barbara, well, you know our salaries are increased only due to risk, oh, come on, the main thing is not to take out a big loan, well, pull yourself together, please, im telling you such important things, yes. Yes, yes, i understand, yes, i understand, barbara, yes, now shelton will come for me, we are called to the base, i have to go, you said after lunch, you know, you know how i want to leave, uhhuh, well, i have to, i have to, just stay like that, i cant, well, just for a couple of days, when i get back, well discuss everything with you, uhhuh, i have an idea, listen, youre kind of weird today. strange, Nothing Happened to you, what are you thinking about, about the plane, about yours, yes, about him, and how invisible he is, my father could not tell his wife what exactly he was doing, where he was being sent for what purposes. After all, he understood that Americas National security secrets were much more important than being frank with his own wife. Men, what could these flowers mean . Do you think a maniac from a neighboring area has moved in with us . Ill take another female detective to the department so that youre not the only one who catches maniacs with live bait. A woman . No way case. Request cameras. Its better not to check the cameras, but to check its genetic code. What . What are you doing here . What are you doing here . Do, if anything happens to nika, calm down, colonel snoop, new episodes from monday on the first, but they say chocolate makes a person happier, they are lying, monte shock cognac, a product of the stetellar group, in september last year. We already had this, this, remind me how many times they flew over us last year, five times, comrade marshal, if only everything were so simple, what are you talking about, what am i talking about russians, france, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, thats right, by 20 thousand mik can rise for a few seconds. Recently, the pentagon sent its plane to the armenian region. The ceiling is 20 something, well. It was removed as soon as it crossed the border, and this is in the stratosphere. Now you have more than just moments. And you have the seventyfifth missile system. Why didnt they shoot down, the reason . The rocketeers have very little experience in practical shooting, i cant call it anything other than a fatal coincidence of circumstances. Well, after all y2 is the last squeak, there is nothing cooler in the world. I agree, everything will be fine, but im calm, this is my job, a fatal coincidence of circumstances, you are aware of what you are saying, circumstances, 15 years ago we did the impossible, we won the most terrible war in the history of mankind. What is happening to us today . The air Defense System is powerless against some spy, lowspeed subsonic aircraft . You know how to use it, its a very strong poison. Theres a needle with poison in the dollar, funny, i dont think i ll need it. Five years ago i would have flown myself, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, tell me what it looks like there, the iron curtain. Remember, there is a great country behind you, so the fruits need to be poured into a container with the product, i say, this can help, huh . i can bring dry ice, cherry, when its cold, its the same, yes, i remember a wonderful moment, drag it, drag it, dont ask, youve already been invited, why are we covering the bridgehead today, may 1, it seems to be the deputy. when is duty today . All night, in the morning for a demonstration, then sleep for an hour, an hour, then its already evening, well, yes, everything seems to be according to plan, yes, yes, see you tomorrow, i understand, and now, guy, show me the most important element of the plane, the steering wheel, of course, is at the bottom left, this is francey, the most important element, u2 should under no circumstances fall into your hands. Opponent, if you want to make god laugh, tell him about your plans for tomorrow, i dont believe in god, seryozha, dont do that, why, dont, congratulations young jaune, yeah, it smells like something, u2 under no circumstances must fall into the hands of the enemy, if such a danger arises, you must blow up the plane, you know this very well, guy, this is your twentyeighth flight. He made 27 flights. Poland and east germany. From may 1, the task was very difficult and dangerous. The father was completely ready for him already on the runway. I was waiting for the president s permission to begin the flight, and after about 45 minutes of agonizing waiting, the president gave the goahead. Please note, boris, its already 5 oclock since the first of may, i congratulate you, mutual, sergey. Well, i still love it when, if its a holiday, im at home at the table somehow. Our holiday will not escape us anywhere. Spit, sergei. Yes, you are superstitious, boris. This is an interesting move. Target 8630 azivut 30 range 120 does not respond to the request state border violator reports the duty officer understands the head of the border post reports the border. The aircraft is weighing an unidentified aircraft, i understand you, no, in this case its too early to report, check the coordinates, that s right, its heading north, set it immediately im aware of the fact of border violation, i confirm, im listening, nicknames well, come on may 1, what kind of pig, well, never mind, well show you, the mother of a piece of meat, an intruder plane, going north, went deeper into our territory more than 100 km, in connection with which the air Defense System has been brought to the highest degree of readiness. Combat mission, go to sverdlovsk, to the refueling station in koltsovo, then continue the pursuit, you realize the moment, of course . Happy holiday, same. In general, a desperate guy, an american, yes, across the whole country to semipalatinsk before, and have you ever seen the americans, otherwise, of course, only. Target captured, target in the launch zone, target 86 30 with three missiles, launch, first, launch, launch failed, second launch. Usk didnt go through, third launch, posk didnt go through, oh my well, radion, they shot down, not yet, you understand that its a shame on such a day as may 1 and admit your own helplessness. Well definitely shoot it down before we shoot it down, but. We will shoot down, yes, you will shoot down, our country is a big, long, wide country, my dear, go, marshal, and tell biryuzov to report to me personally, there is. Im starting the search, finding the target is difficult, there is no reading from one of the locators, the fuse has blown, lets go. Now the locator will turn off, catch it, it fell, we cant aim it, its leaving, its leaving the affected area, but dont force it, i see it, insert it fuse, there is, there is, there is a second steal, oh, thats it, he left the zone. Happy holiday, straighten out the ends, that is. There wont even be any hats left, take the union with your bare hands, i dont want to, connect me with the main air defense headquarters, connect with the main headquarters urgently, connecting, connecting, turquoise, listen, turquoise, i am here 100 meters from the kremlin, here is the government, the parade, the people, you have a guarantee that there are no Nuclear Weapons at the port, i have no guarantees, comrade marshal. Destroy the target by any means, well , how can i shoot him down, comrade marshal, if i could become a rocket, i would fly myself and shoot him down, but even though there is a globe, so exactly, whats funny . There are fifty two ready. There is takeoff, im fiftytwo, ready to ram. I have a request do not forget my family and mother. Promise. I promise, look, who else is in the air . No one, ran out of fuel, afterburner, there is afterburner, to the goal. To the target 25 km, the sight is clogged with interference, to the target 12 10 to the left. To target 12 10 to the left, to target five, to target five, you see, i dont see, you ll overtake him now, hes under you, see . you see, its under me, you passed it, passed it, hear it, slow down, slow down, drop, it will lose altitude, try from above, turn off the afterburner, this is an order, the shell battery is ready for the hall, i see two targets, ready for launch, fiftytwo , go away, go away for you, now bu. Work, first boost, second boost, third boost. Past, selfdestruction, gone the wars of the soviet army and navy, brought up in the spirit of marxismlenism, soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism, closely rallied around the communist party and its Leninist Central Committee in a single formation. Watchful third, ready for takeoff, definitely ready, takeoff, takeoff, fourth, come with me, slava singer, good soviet, i cant take it anymore, leading the communist party. What are you celebrating radion jakovich . The country spends 2 3 of all the money it has on defense, people they live in starvation, but they work and work well, and those who invented all these missiles, fighters, locators, do you think they deserve a holiday, they do. All the others who, at least not directly, work hard on the defense industry, do they deserve it . Thats right, but you didnt deserve it, radio, and i didnt deserve it, so now i have to go there to look people in the eyes, and what will i tell them, what will i tell them . Another 10 seconds and youre quiet, thats right, theres three to destroy, the first launch, theres the first launch, the launch didnt go through, the second launch, the launch didnt go through, the third launch, come on, dear detected a missile, maneuvered, meeting, not a fact, created interference, creature, left on its own, look, the missile did not explode. The target used passive interference, the intruder aircraft left the affected area, and is now entering the affected area of ​​shugaevs division, this is the upper tagil division, i find. In the forty fourth square, bring it to the target, the target has applied interference, we are waiting for new data, do not leave the square, oh, guys, man, parachutist, i think i see that its not a corolla, the forest is going, yeah, or towards the river, no, the wind is blowing, it will fall on the field. Father flies to the ground, sees lakes, fields, forest. In the distance he sees sverdlovsk, right below it is a collective farm field. And a truck that is heading to the place where it fell. Major voronov reported the target used passive interference. The intruder continues to fly due north in the direction of shugaevs battery. Yes, we are not the heroes, but have you already screwed a hole for yourself for an order . Okay, were having a good time on earth, youre certainly not bored anymore, says the command post of the ural air Defense Missile forces, the boundary wall. Frontier, wall. Specify the command. Boundary wall. Didnt understand. Shugaev. Come on, keep quiet. Not ours. The goal is to destroy with three. There is a goal to destroy with three. Seryozha, fourth, seryozha, its me, borya, answer the third, fourth, answer the third. Where are you, seryoga

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