Vladimir putin answered questions from journalists and talked with students of the harbin Polytechnic University, to whom he told what sidinkin treated him to. I think ill only eat one piece, you know, yes, but i couldnt resist, i ate the second one, you know, it was already painful, it was delicious. Our president also visited the russianchinese expo exhibition and the Orthodox Church in kharvin, well show you everything. 12 settlements in a week, about the pace of advance to kharkov. Destroyed in a week. On board spacecraft that will be used in the interests of the ministry of defense , a soyuz rocket launched from the pleses cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region, after which a space jellyfish appeared in the sky. Cultural code of mentoring Educational Program in crimea. Teachers who manage to educate young leaders, including winners, gathered there. The Strategic Partnership between russia and china is not directed against other countries, but in the current multipolar world the west i must be aware that beijing and i have our own views on development. Vladimir putin spoke about this today following his visit to china, where everything, economics and politics, was discussed for two days. The states and europe did a great stupidity by starting a sanctions war, and thereby they are causing harm. This topic became one of the main topics at putins press conference today. Russia will proceed from realities, as it is now in the kharkov direction, where our troops are creating a sanitary zone in response to shelling of belgorod. Anton vernitsky about everything in order. Vladimir putin summed up the results of the state visit, which lasted 2 days , at harbin Polytechnic University. What is symbolic more than 100 years ago, one of the leading universities in china was founded. Far beyond the scope of our bilateral relations, while it is clear that this visit was due to the fact that the future of the rapidly changing world largely depends on the position of russia and china, the fact that it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, here. There are no doubts, i think that everyone understands this perfectly well, they are aware of in this regard, it is important that those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on decisionmaking in the world on all issues understand this, and i think they are fine, yes i dont think, i know, they understand this perfectly well, so that they understanding this, they did everything that depended on them in this case so that this process would be natural, peaceful, with china, russia and china, not directed against anyone, it is aimed at one thing creating better conditions for the development of our countries improving the wellbeing of the people of china. What was discussed during his recent trip to europe, stated its position related to chinese peace initiatives, we have already said many times, we believe that china sincerely strives to resolve this problem, offers various options, behaves very flexibly, in my opinion, sincerely strives to resolve this problem, we discussed this in quite some detail, as for our. Counterpartners, so to speak, in this case, this concerns the ukrainian leadership and its overseas, primarily european, masters. Well, weve talked about this many times. They said when our troops were standing near kiev, we were told by our western partners that we cannot sign documents if the opposite side has a gun to their head. On the ukrainian side, they withdrew from the negotiation process, they announced that they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us, they said that we would fight to the end, actually, not to the end, to the last ukrainian, which means they did all this with our own hands, we have a basis for a negotiated protest, well, whats the point of this the event, of course, is to bring together as many countries as possible. Then declare what has been agreed upon with everyone, and then present it to russia, this is like an already resolved issue, like an ultimatum, such a development of events will not happen, please tell me under what conditions you could still take part, so to speak, at the peace conference on ukraine in switzerland, if, of course, such an offer suddenly came to you, politics, it doesnt tolerate subjunctive moods, they dont invite us, moreover, they say that. we never refused, i just said it, this is not a joke, i didnt come up with anything, as soon as the troops were withdrawn, the westerners immediately said in ukraine, dont sign, fight, they took the punishment, theyre doing it, we were immediately told , well, now we will fight to the last, thats what we were told, there will be no more negotiations, now they see that its not working, until the last, maybe it will work, but it wont be possible to inflict it. it didnt work out, you can now find our conditions, the oak trees have collapsed, or something, with what why . This means, of course, we will proceed from the realities that are developing on earth, this goes without saying. Asked Vladimir Putin about the legitimacy of zelensky, who canceled the president ial elections in ukraine. His term of office expires on may 24, will the russian president consider zelensky an illegitimate leader of the state of ukraine . This is a question of assessment, this assessment, of course, must first of all be given by the Constitutional Court and, in general , i would even say so, by the political system of ukraine itself, but for us this of course matters, because that. Of what is happening, all todays authorities in kiev, the source of their origin has a coup detat, first, second, by allowing a coup detat, and western sponsors, facilitating it, organizing it, created the conditions for the transition of a smoldering conflict into an armed conflict. Elementary norms of justice, in order to demand or expect something from others, you yourself need to fulfill these rules, the question was raised about new appointments in the government and, above all, talk about the new minister of defense andrei belousov, together with sergei shaigu, the appointed secretary of the Security Council responsible for militarytechnical cooperation and the work of militaryindustrial complex enterprises, which he had often visited recently, they both participated in negotiations with the chinese country. According to the president , the appointment of economist belousov to this position is related to defense. From small percentages it is uncritical, absolutely normal, moreover, some experts believe that even more could be added there, in this sense, he is, of course, capable coordinate the activities of the ministry of defense with all ministries and departments of the country and the regions. The second thing he will have to do is he must open the ministry of defense for constructive work with science, with research centers, he must open the ministry of defense for innovation. Well, if you noticed, i supported the idea of ​​making denis valedinovich mantruva first deputy in the government, precisely because of what we want to focus on. Administrative resources to achieve the main task, which today the country faces achieving the results we need within the framework of a special military operation. Has an agreement in principle been reached on the power of siberia 2 project, when construction will begin this year, next year, we have a huge common border, and here no one will interfere with either sanctions against the tanker fleet, sanctions against even financial institutions, in National Currencies we will buy and sell everything, so interest on both sides has been confirmed on the one hand interest in obtaining additional volumes, on the other hand, interest in sales on the chinese market. China knows very well that russia is a reliable supplier and a truly huge common border allows us to communicate directly without any intermediaries trying to dictate their terms. Anton. On the final day of his visit, Vladimir Putin took part in the opening of the russianchinese expo exhibition in harben. There is enormous interest in her. On an area of ​​almost 400,000 square meters hundreds of companies from both countries are represented. Guests were attracted by the pavilion with goods made in russia. Before the final press conference , Vladimir Putin, already within the walls of the harbin Polytechnic University, talked for a long time with students and teachers, Oleg Shishkin knows what they talked about and what advice the russian leader gave to the students. In the museum of the Polytechnic University in harbin, books are in russian. This Educational Institution was created at the beginning of the last century with the participation of russian specialists to train personnel for the chinese eastern railway. Now this is one of the leading technical universities in china, with almost 60,000 students. 4 years ago, the United States imposed sanctions on the university for developments in the field of defense in the military. Here, 15 generators and more than 100 sensors can perform work in outer space instead of a person. The russian president was also shown a model of the rover with an automatic deployment function. The informal nature of the communication also emphasized the fact that the guys sought not only to find out the russian leaders opinion on current problems, but also just ask for advice, for example, how to become successful in a tough competition, you need to first love what you do, if you love, you will definitely think about every detail of what you do day and night, you will wake up think about it, go to bed, you will always think about it. Find the right solutions, but in todays world one circumstance is very important, which without any doubt creates a competitive advantage in achieving goals, this is the ability to work in team, in the hall there are future philologists, engineers, economists, managers, the question of western sanctions as an element of unfair play in the Global Economic market, well, just like the americans recently took and imposed sanctions on china on. The same applies to, say, aviation , now in russia we are faced with these restrictions, but there is a flip side to the coin. Yes, it is not very good that we are faced with these difficulties, but the good thing is that it encourages us to work more intensively on our own work in this area. Of course, it could not have happened without questions that are usually he had a chance to try chinese cuisine and what he liked the most, yesterday my friend Vladimir Putin was asked what dishes and the president of the peoples republic of china treated me to this kind of peking duck, ill be honest with you, there are two pieces of it there, i think ill only eat one piece, well, you know, yes, but i couldnt resist, i ate the second one, you know, it was already painfully delicious. Before his visit to the university , Vladimir Putin visited the trade and industrial exhibition expo, where 190 chinese and 170 Russian Companies set up their stands, in their including the russian direct investment fund, it was created on the initiative of the president. Rdif is the most active partner of Chinese Business in russia, accounting for 60 of our investments. Over 10 years, 50 projects worth 780 billion rubles have been implemented. More than half of the investments go to industry and infrastructure. 600,000 new ones were created. One of the Landmark Projects for the construction of the first ever railway bridge across the amur. The movement opened 2 years ago, and it was called a historical event. Thanks to the bridge transport route between russia and china has been reduced by 700 km. Maximum throughput capacity is 20 million tons of cargo per year. This bridge is unique; it simultaneously operates according to the Railway Standards of russia and china. The cargo goes one by one from one side to the other, but there are two rail tracks, russian and chinese cars of different widths. The development of the socalled eastern transport hub is now a task of strategic importance for our country; not only russian, but all world trade is reoriented towards asian markets, and the Optimal Logistics routes go through our far east. Rfp announced new investment projects with chinese partners. Very active interaction with china, only during this visit we announced five new projects with the peoples republic of china, investments in a port for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, two pharmaceutical projects, one for. The release of our drugs on the chinese market, the other for the production of chinese drugs and localization on the russian market, an agreement with a leading Technology Park in china, and even a fund about joint investments in films, it is very important that we invest together in infrastructure projects, because this gives good returns and provides prerequisites for Economic Growth in both russia and china. At the exhibition , under the already traditional name, made in russia, the organizers joke about our country, you can taste it, here there are goods from different regions. By the way, a sign. Respect for the receiving party, the chocolate was made according to a special recipe, made less sweet, such a product is closer to the taste of the chinese. Oleg shishkin, ekaterina yarovenko, sergey romanov, channel one. Harbin is also a city, a symbol of military brotherhood, the peoples of our countries, it is no coincidence that upon arrival there, Vladimir Putin first went to the monument to soviet soldiers. More than 12 thousand soldiers during the great patriotic war died in the battles for the liberation of northeast china from the japanese invaders. And today Vladimir Putin visited the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, built according to the design of a russian architect in 1930. Now this is the only one in operation Orthodox Church in harbin. The abbot, a chinese, studied at the st. Petersburg theological academy. Vladimir putin handed over the icon the savior not made by hands to the temple. Now about how the special operation is going and the weekly report from the ministry of defense. Our units are actively promoting. In the kharkov region, in a week, a group of troops north liberated 12 settlements; in this direction alone, the ssu lost about 1,200 militants; in total, enemy losses along the entire front are approaching 1,000 per week. Many enemy aircraft were shot down and destroyed. Another Patriot Air Defense system. In addition, our army continued to launch highprecision strikes against the enemys military rear. Alexey ivanov follows the news. Detection, report, shot, the missile flies to the target, this is what it looked like from a distance, it went, went, went, and so everything happened inside the tor m2 antiaircraft missile system, which guards the sky in the southern donetsk direction. The twentyfirst gathering, there is a hit, the twentyfirst target was destroyed by the gathering alone, thats exactly the same combat vehicle, the antiaircraft missile complexer that. Minutes, what kind of target was this, an unmanned aerial vehicle, such as a wing, judging by the noticeably increased number of air targets, ukraine began to actively use the next package of western assistance, just in the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, our air defense crews were shot down in the territory of crimea and krasnodar edges of 123 attack drones. These images show a successful night hunt by sailors and pilots of the black sea fleet for surface drones. Our patrol boats and helicopters, despite the darkness, destroyed all goals. Right in the waters, the operational report for the week also indicates that Russian Aviation missilemen successfully hit seven aircraft of the Ukrainian Armed forces, more than thirty missiles, these are mainly american ms, as well as point u. The same package also contained shells for hymers launchers. As a result, since last saturday, air defense divisions have shot down almost 200 hymers vampire, alha and grad missiles in all directions of the special operation. The most active promotion of our units was noted in the kharkov region. During the week , a unit of the voz north b group as a result of active actions, 12 settlements in the kharkov region were liberated. Borisovka, bugrovatka, gotishche, deep, red, lukyantsy, morokhovets, ogurtsova, oleynikovo, pletnevka, dusty, shooters, continue to advance into the depths of the enemys defense. They defeated the manpower and equipment of five brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, four brigades of the Defense Forces and the fifteenth border detachment of ukraine. Enemy losses amounted to 1. As a result, this direction had the most prisoners in a week, almost 50 people surrendered voluntarily to the fighters of the northern group, the operation was told, they asked, they said there would be help for the seal, then they said what kind of help there would be for 15 days at the position of the village they attacked and we surrendered, i didnt even understand what was happening, what i had was that i was hit by some kind of shrapnel, i shouted that i was giving up. Executed by at least eight people, the prisoners are already giving detailed testimony about the composition of the units, their location and stock of weapons. Alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, ilya podkidozhev, natalya moshtakova, sergey prokofiev, channel one, donbass. Squad of ships. Pashin rescue tug nikolai chikker. Over the next few months, the ships will carry out missions in various areas of the worlds oceans. Before the trip, the crew underwent full training. I will add that admiral gorshkov is a modern multipurpose ship. This frigate is capable of delivering powerful strikes against the enemy both on land and. Starting from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. On board are spacecraft that will be used very beautifully, such atmospheric traces can be seen if the launch is carried out after sunset or before dawn, as was the case this time. Now New Caledonia is an overseas territory of france, an archipelago in the pacific ocean, east of australia, and so there have been protests there for several days now, there are riots in the capital, arson of schools and businesses, all because of the constitutional reform that is being discussed in paris, its the point is to expand the electorate in elections on the island territory, local. Residents believe that the initiative will weaken the position of the indigenous population, on the contrary, and strengthen the influence of the french authorities. As a result, mass riots in five people have already died in clashes, two of them are gendarmes. Emmanuel macron , due to fears of losing territory, is sending another thousand additional Security Forces to New Caledonia, that is, increasing their number to three. At the same time , the french capital unexpectedly criticized baku. The head of the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic said that azerbaijan supports the islanders, and the reason was the countrys flag, seen at the protests. In baku they rejected the accusation and advised the minister to Pay Attention to the failed policy of paris, she, according to the azerbaijani foreign ministry, and led to peoples dissatisfaction, you are watching the evening news and then we will tell you about a large Educational Program in crimea, mentors have gathered there, dont switch, i ve been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is also the living room. Bedroom, and it is also desirable that it be also an office, here we need something lyrical, romantic, light, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, and admiration, very beautiful with gray goes with gold, plume, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, premiere tomorrow. On the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropol, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, indian, natural homemade, please , i have the most delicious one, this is a duck baked with garlic in the oven, i have the full program, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, but boys have a greater instinct of selfpreservation, you have to push more, oh, your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, you have to jump, im very scared, lets go, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, hows the mood, great, mood, oh, mariopol, like a seagull with a broken wing , here they are thrown. Tomorrow at the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday at the first, we managed to solve a couple of their questions, yes, but there were also failures, all the failures, by the way, are connected with one character, arkady yakovich , know each other, yes, met several times at events, you i was scared that this was not what i expected to see, believe me, dinner doesnt oblige you to anything, i dont know, sasha, well, its cool to start all over again, well , lets try, please go, i want to take a walk alone, okay , we are all supposed to stay in our places, the police, but why is this . Did you really like your couple . were actually not a couple, just like were not a couple, i didnt believe it myself, but its him, this cant be, solve the problem, bloodhound, new episodes, from monday on the first, this is the evening news on the first, and we continue, the cultural code of mentoring, thats what its called. Educational program that is currently taking place in crimea participants, teachers, mentors of children, winners of the competition, a big change, let me remind you that this is the flagship project of the movement of the first, it is part of the line of the president ial platform russia is a country of opportunities, and for schoolchildren, the competition is a real chance to prove themselves, reporting by alena evtyakova, i am the youngest mentor of a big change, i am 19 years old, last year a participant under my leadership won the competition a big change in the category. Its great that a big change gives the opportunity not only to schoolchildren to develop, but also to their mentors, because this is the second time ive been here. And the program that was last year, it gave me a huge impetus to be a mentor not only for schoolchildren in the fifth and seventh grades, but also for eighth and tenth students of secondary vocational education. No matter how much teaching experience there is, there is always something to learn. The cultural code of mentoring program is the best speakers in the field of education and training of young people leaders, master classes from competition partners, motivational sessions and brainstorming sessions. This too, i also completely agree with you. We support each other, we exchange experiences and thanks to this joint communication we find new solutions, and always when we come to our regions, we add something new, and i think this is very valuable, their baggage during their stay in crimea is definitely this store of knowledge will become heavier, they will take it to their cities to apply new practices in working with schoolchildren. This is Artificial Intelligence first of all, these are formats of group interaction, including lego education, yes, when. We do something, we try to show the child that everything in this world can be visualized, i havent done this before, everything was limited to drawings, sculptures and so on , well, within the framework of the technology of other subjects, here are ordinary things, but from a different angle, and the number of teachermentors in the competition is only increasing from year to year, by the fifth Anniversary Season of a big change, there are already 43,600 teachermentors with us, together we presented a unique. Opportunity for a largescale project for children and teenagers in russia. The main task is to create opportunities for an incredible number of children for an entire generation. A big change is the best for developing the potential of young and ambitious children. The competition has been held since the twentieth year. During this time, more than 5 million schoolchildren, fifth to tenth graders, college students, and High School Students from Foreign Countries became its participants. And becoming part of this huge Educational Community is not at all difficult. Apply for participation in. In the fifth season of the competition, a big change, is possible until may 20. The best will make it to the finals, which will traditionally take place on the black sea coast in the famous artek. Alena evtyakova, anastasia slobodenyuk, ivan pokhomov and dmitry baranov. First channel. A largescale exhibition project that will become one of the key events of the upcoming Summer Season in the tula region. Exhibition tulla masterpieces of russian museums. It opened today and was created on the initiative of former governor alexei dyumin, who now holds the position assistant Museum Summer in tula, it will be

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