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What a waste of service . I rented a cafe for the rest of the day. Today we celebrate philologists day especially for you. Its may 25th, no matter. This means its world philologist day masha. And what will it be . Sit down. Youll see. My signature coffee, especially for you, this is a debut, ive never made coffee like this before, and ive never made coffee for anyone. Thank you, are you reading nitshi please . And he said that a man should beware of a woman and her love, because it becomes unpredictable, its not true, he said that among women you need to find your business. Youre in a hurry, somehow this is wrong, well, we set the rules ourselves, then my rule is, i want to meet your family, crimea is a special place, blorets with architectural features. Virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes hello, you can be in virtual space several people at once, that is, for example , the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. Petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is developing, production of diagnostic tests to determine allergies. Using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected, mainly in our collections are sheepskin coats, we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts, the style of our brand is everyday luxury, our everything, premiere on saturday on the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. Why, why, what was left for me in the soran, no one, no one, today the grand opening of the twelfth Film Festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i will see the light, come here, and you will catch me, i was studio, dozens of people saw me, youre lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and well get used to living separately, well break up anyway, well, understand, its not us who decide, but then figure out what wont happen. So, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. I officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, will begin to live together in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna. Well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ll tell linka right now that im leaving. After all, she wont be the first to cry and calm down. Wheres the champagne . I drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. And i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her. Hello, lian, not a serious conversation. Are they sure that they truly love each other . What are you ready for . Yes all. Life after life. Premiere of a serial film. Coming soon on the first one. Good afternoon. He is not kind, unfortunately. About six months ago, we agreed in almost the same company that here, that is, in ukraine. Everyone minds their own business, according to our gentlemans agreement, we do not cross each others path , your people, well, we just crossed, yours people trampled and killed my man, how to understand this, colleague, only out of endless respect for you and your experience. Now to talk, it will be very offensive if such a super professional as you excludes me from the circle of colleagues and good acquaintances, but i will formulate it again for complete clarity, ukraine is not the United States of america, if something does not suit us, we will do so, as we think it is necessary, if there is someone. In ukraine, we will either help him understand that he is wrong, or let him shut up completely, fuck them, colleague, and what are the prospects for the uranium program, month, love, well, are you already leaving or are you leaving . The spring sky of france, the villa in kapfer, beloved grandchildren, what could be better in such a difficult, harsh time, an explosion occurred at the volgograd Railway Station less than 2 hours ago. There are different information about the number of dead, according to some sources there are 10, according to others 18, among them there are police officers, about 50 more people are injured, we are talking about a terrorist attack, an explosive device was detonated by a suicide bomber in front of a metal detector frame near the entrance to Railway Station. Whats happened . Igor is back. What are you standing on . Undress me . Did you think . About what . How to talk to your father . About what . Well, we need to leave, the child will require expenses, you must give birth in the best clinic in europe, we will live there, but for this. you need to take your share from your father, well, so as not to beg every time, you yourself said that he is stingy, you never know what i said, as it will be, so it will be, and if he gets married, all the rights will belong to the wife, and if even if they draw up a will, you wont even know what he wrote there under the influence young, magnificently busted wife, stop chattering already, well, really, hes about 60 years old, well , its time to look for a young wife. how much he has there, i dont know, about twenty, green euros, well , ask for half, his rightful share, his only daughter , where he has them, im not going to rob my father, youre not robbing him, youre taking whats legal, nothing. I wont ask, hell give me as much as i need, i never said hes stingy, dont make it up. , its none of my business to visit, my fathers money doesnt concern you, of course, ok , ok, sorry, you lie a lot, you lie a lot , you havent earned any authority with the guys, you let the cop run the show here, its bad, and theres no need to chat, dont babble, thats why this is happening, because of the woman, youre for the women . Lost, well, thats what, i decided, youre going to go to izmail tomorrow, we have a branch there, youll work, what to do, you know, ive decided everything , i said, what about the cargo, the cargo will arrive now, and im not needed here, but will we meet a cargo of weapons . You, i told you everything, get away to ishmael, and dont put pressure on my brains, dont i love this, you know . Oh, dust. Raise your hands, but coming to visit without an invitation is not nice. I told you, mat, dont push me, you shouldnt have touched my woman, i loved you and didnt hate you, and i liked you. Even if you knocked yourself out, it didnt start then, as i could, without this drama there would be no me, youre too weak, your rear is too weak, you were like, but my piano cooled down, and my music, it s not from you, everything turned around cooler than i expected, my sky, slowly naked, probably, a special edition of the big game is on the air. Today is the tenth anniversary of the liberation of crimea, the return of crimea to russia. And today a big concert took place on red square, president putin came out to the concert participants and invited people with him. With whom he had just met, his three rivals in the president ial elections, they clearly did not expect this, and this, of course, was a very broad gesture on the part of president putin, and it fit into the president s line that the most important thing is the consolidation of the people of russia, that we are all one, and as he said, speaking to gathered on red square, that the future is ours. But in general, as i understand it, the elections were as calm as possible and the results were incredibly convincing, and i just want to tell you why i say that they were very convincing, not i looked only because we all want to believe in it, and not only because there were International Observers there and they did not find any serious violations. 86 of russians approve of president putins performance, and this figure has only increased since last time. Polls several years ago, that is, well, this is what they call the coincidence between official election statistics and data from the Levada Center this is a coincidence that speaks for itself, your comments, you started by calling these elections outstanding, i am with i agree with this , but let me, for starters, ill still call the 10 years that have passed since. The reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia outstanding; this is truly a unique period in our national history, and im not afraid of this word, in the history of everything there are probably few periods in humanity when directly opposite assessments of what happened 10 years ago collided so sharply with each other, in any case, our assessments of the socalled collective west probably never happened in the history of mankind so. Drove i didnt hear about the exercises, its generally missing, because it didnt happen, in reality, maybe once upon a time it was in our national history, it probably was, but it didnt happen this time, because people really have really, over these 10 years realized themselves as citizens of their country, which was not available to everyone before, and secondly , it became obvious to many people that the fate of the country is, in general, in their hands, they are not only in the hands of the president of russia. Federation, i dont know, government , parliament, anyone else, they are in the hands of every citizen, and either each of us will come to these elections and indicate our civic position in one way or another, or it may turn out to be more difficult in the future, if we compare the period current with a period of 10 years ago, i may surprise someone, but i will say that now it is much easier, yes, there are much more sanctions and pressure on us, a special military operation is underway, but i am sure that it is much easier for each of us, citizens of russia, to feel like citizens of russia, because the time of doubt and choice, in general, for the majority of us, for the vast majority of us it has definitely passed, we finally understood what the meaning of life is, what the meaning of our existence is, excuse me for the pathos, and what really depends on us, because this turnout is absolutely phenomenal, because such a result too. Tell us what turned out to be in washington . Well, lets start with the fact that in many ways these queues were mainly in western capitals, where it was easier for these whiteribbon people to mobilize their flock; after all, they arose in many ways because there were significantly fewer of these areas. In the same germany, in previous times, plus or minus 15 sections were organized. Now only two were allowed to be organized. In many countries, in principle, it was. It is prohibited to organize voting, there is a shortage of these polling stations hence the queues, firstly, secondly, i have a lot of contacts among my friends in the embassies of the relevant countries, and i believe them, as they say, without any kind of propaganda, i know for sure that these queues began to appear not at 12 oclock, as the belollentochniki and novalnists called for, they began to take shape naturally somewhere already. Maybe not in such proportions, but those who in the same way cast their votes for president putin, or whatever case, i didnt spoil the ballots by protest voting, well this american situation at our embassy in washington, which you just talked about, which turned out to be simply captured on video camera, when people who wanted to make a political performance out of all this approached those standing in line with the hope of hearing. From them some curses addressed to russia, to the number one president ial candidates or other president ial candidates, to their amazement, they heard completely calm comments from the queue wait, what are you talking about, we came here because we know that russia this is our country, we are citizens of this country, we have russian passports, and we want to make our informed choice, and some of them said that i came here to vote for the current president , that was also the case, then there are those who. Tried to film some kind of exaggerated sensation, from my point of view, they were very seriously disgraced, just as those who tried to obstruct the organization of voting in the president ial elections were disgraced, because as it turned out, they obstructed the free citizens of the Russian Federation. Federation with the right to vote, living on the territory of these countries, but because of this they were subjected to discrimination by local authorities, the most shameful. I saw the video, there could not be , as it seemed to me, different interpretations, especially when those standing in line in response to provocations began to sing katyusha, it was like that, but just in case, as you know, because you were already sitting at this table , i called the Russian Embassy in washington and they confirmed to me that it was exactly the queue, mostly for the vast majority, consisting of people who honestly went to vote. In no way did you try to build this conversation into the logic that you would need for i can testify that you were in no way involved in our conversation today, you just asked a question, and how it was, and you received the answer that we are now with you in the video, absolutely definitely good, back to russia again, and this makes Vladimir Putin a russian land collector, not bad. First, lets remember that crimea was handed over to these illegal, ugly thus, in 1954, formally Nikita Khrushchev was already in power, but there were still 2 years left before the twentieth party congress, where stalinism would be exposed, that is, the soviet union of the 1954 model, this is still the case. Absolutely stalinist society, living according to the laws of contempt for people, well , there were deportations of peoples during the war, we know, and in approximately the same way they acted with the people of crimea with the residents of sevastopol, who , so to speak, were not even included in the documents of that period, they were not mentioned what was not asked in logic of the totalitarian regime of that time, it was a decision of the totalitarian regime, which now with all its might, supporters. That year and which the ukrainian authorities could theoretically correct if they understood all the fragility, all the injustice of this situation, so that they would take care of it, preserve it through attention to the people who live through providing them with the broadest additional opportunities for their autonomy, for their realization of cultural, humanitarian, linguistic, whatever rights, instead began in postsoviet ukraine. Create an absolutely monoethnic state, despising the autonomy of crimea along with the constitution of ukraine, which was in force at that time, and despising the rights of the people who live there, got what. And we corrected this, we, russia, corrected this historical injustice, we heard the sentiment crimeans, because it was their choice, the biggest lie of the last decade, that they allegedly voted in a referendum at gunpoint of russian soldiers, and that all this ultimately turned out to be the occupation of crimea, it was the liberation of crimea, it was free elections of people, thank god that after 10 years we can state that during this time crimea. Sevastopol in an absolutely phenomenal way, at a faster pace than in russia, where the base was lower, they developed to the state of a normal , civilized region, society, well, and part of our great country, you said that there were no accusations, not even of election fraud, but it is interesting that there were no other accusations that were heard enough before. What will happen now in the plan special operation and more broadly the entire conflict around ukraine. Well, if we remember the logic of the structure of the president s message to the federal assembly, i ended my speech by saying that everything that i had previously outlined as strategic goals for russias Development Tasks will become possible only when we win. This is direction number one, and no less accurate is that besides this direction number one , our country has not a single dozen, not enough fingers and toes, not a single dozen Strategic Directions for the development of the country in in a variety of areas, each of these areas is for the long term, there are areas that are designed for a period of two decades, that is, already. A president ial candidate, no, this Program Remains now, literally from today from tomorrow, it comes in motion it will be realized at the pace that we have outlined for ourselves. From my point of view, the most important thing is what is happening in history, the modern history of our country, we know exactly where we are, and we know exactly where we are going. Putin spoke about that, in general, these are quite difficult times. And the president is a man who speaks very convincingly; you need to look at the energy with which he conducted his Election Campaign. This. It really doesnt get any harder for us, so yes, the pressure on us increases, but it becomes easier because we understand what these difficulties are for, what these trials are for, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel. It seems to me that in russia, many analysts, including me, underestimated the extremely, well, i would say, embittered reaction of the collective. From russia to russia, this time. Secondly , it seemed to the west that russia has oil and gas, resources, and they, so to speak, allow the russian economy to stay afloat and somehow make it, so to speak, comparable to the economies of other countries, thats two. And the third illusion, it seemed that Russian Society is extremely fragmented, only the rigid nature of the authorities, who have taken over the levers of control, does not allow the situation, so to speak, to get out of control. Now its completely obvious, yes, they cannot inflict strategic defeat on us either at the front, nor in military development in general, although we have not even begun, as the president of the Russian Federation said, to use our military force to the power for which it was created and designed. Two it is absolutely obvious that the resource potential of our economy, not fuel energy or not only fuel energy, we have a colossal margin of safety and our economy is only now. Beginning to move into motion. And three most importantly, it turned out that Russian Society remains united not because it is from above, but to say, with these levers of power they somehow press and force him there into some kind of geometric shape. No, this is a conscious choice of russians, and this choice is becoming more and more conscious and categorical in the good sense of the word, due to this erroneous pressure on us from the outside, when. We are held for, well, absolutely some kind of people, well, i i dont even want to say words about who they are holding us for, some kind of herd, so to speak, which, so to speak, is not unaware of its national, cultural. Spiritual in ultimately, state identity , but nothing like that, it was all in us , thank god, these times were not the easiest, they allowed each of us to open up, allowed each of us to realize who we are, thats what really happened, thats why the result time after time it turns out for the west to be exactly the opposite of what they expected, they were able to inflict a military defeat on us, they were not able to inflict an economic defeat on us, as. The elections have now shown, they were not able to inflict a political defeat on us, everything happened exactly on the contrary, in each of these cases it turned into our national victory. Konstantin, thank you very much, we are going to advertise, we will be back in just a few minutes, and i hope to see you soon on our broadcasts. Thank you. To the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. Crimea, how was it . Today is the first one. Well, is it time to think about the future . And here the revolution will begin soon. Clashes between demonstrators and soldiers of internal troops and Berkut Special forces continue. The miller is now on our hook, something is wrong i believe that he will leave his fatherinlaw. Theres a big game on the air, now with us is valery valerievich fedorov, the general director at tsom, which in general has become a Legendary Russian institute that predicts and explains what is happening in elections and more generally in relation to trends in public opinion, im looking at your exit floors, in general they were. Very accurate, you have reason to be satisfied, exzi, that is , an exit survey, this is indeed a very resonant survey method, but we have others, we are in during the Election Campaign , ratings were published every week and thereby saw the dynamics, so we even made a forecast, on march 11, yes, the last day when it is legally possible to publish, so we predicted the result. And then within 3 days they actually carried out exit surveys, indeed they turned out to be quite accurate, but there are no secrets here, the technology has been known since the sixties of the last century, one excellent american researcher, mr. Mitovsky, invented it, and he also brought it to russia, this was a long time ago in 1993, so it was worked out to the smallest detail, and of course the scale helped, that is, we interviewed almost half a Million People during these days. With about 77 , that is, also 5, approximately percent higher, these two figures are related to each other, that is, almost the entire increase in turnout, compared to our forecast a week ago, it went in favor of Vladimir Putin. I think this is the result of such a very intense period of the last week, when those voters who did not have a clear installation. Should he go to the polls in general, whether to vote or not, and if so , for whom, in principle there werent very many of them, that is, by march 11, about 10 of the total remained, but this campaign, it is different in that the main part voters still decided literally at the start, but the dynamics in the last week were quite high, it was not only informational, it was political, we all remember the calls of completely different Political Forces, it turned out to be even higher than, which means we was predicted just a week before, i m sure, as a result of the fact that this dynamics in the last week acquired such an accelerated, intensified character, in my opinion, even western observers were amazed, so lets see what the Washington Post wrote about this , which seems to very often harshly criticize russia. For four days this week, belgorod air defense could barely cope with the barrage of kamikazo missiles and drones. At the same time, depression groups attacked the border areas of belgorod, seeking to discredit Vladimir Putin, who is reelected for a fifth term, to show his inability to protect his country. However , it cannot be said that these efforts were crowned with success. These kinds of attacks only strengthen support for putin among the population. Well, now its already obvious that such attacks. Increased public support, why . Well , do you remember that the first moment when a black cat ran between russia and the west in earnest, there was still the war in yugoslavia, 1999, even then the pendulum swung in the other direction, if everything in the nineties, we tried to learn from the west, tried to adopt values, ideals, principles, norms. This abyss, 2007, 2008, events in the caucasus, and so on and so forth, that is , by the time of these elections, of course, and even earlier, by the time the northeast military district began, there was a clear understanding that the west is pursuing only its own goals, only its own interests, not agreeing to respect the interests of russia, this is exactly the assessment that putin gives, this assessment has essentially already been shared. The absolute majority of russians, of course, had discussions about what to do in such a situation, well, endure or fight, or not notice, turn a blind eye and look for some other ways, there was a discussion, but after february of the twentysecond year it became clear that we are all now in the same boat, and some, some alternative , except for everyone to get together and go to the end, defending their integrity. Can do it very calmly, not really worrying about the reaction of the population, but if real losses begin, if people start dying, then this kind of support disappears very, very quickly, as they discovered the United States, president s johnson and nixon in vietnam, as President Biden discovered in afghanistan, here. In the case of the russian people, faced with difficulties, the russian people, instead of, as it were , saying, why are they doing this to us, and why we need this, instead, the russian people almost unanimously rallied around their president , what kind of quality of the russian people, in this case, determines this, from my point of view, very attractive, but in general. Yesterdays teachers begin to defend these interests, that is, in this sense, russia is unique, but not unique, look how independently, say, india behaves, the americans are trying with all their might, it is also not a country of the collective west, absolutely. I was specifically talking about the reaction of the collective west in contrast to russia, after all, we are very far from the collective west, i still, well , of course you cant classify us as the global south , here is the north of eurasia, but we are rather a non western country, close to the west , but not western, we also went through this cycle, of course we were in the seventies, the eighties were on a trajectory of decline; of course, the collapse of the sss did not happen simply. So this is not the result of a conspiracy and the actions of foreign intelligence services, as many believe , no, this is primarily a consequence of our internal weakness, the weakness of our model, and we paid dearly for it, but then we. His supporters are the only real Political Force in modern russia, it seems to me, the president himself does not fully agree with this, but what do you think . Lets not forget that our constitution is considered superpresident ial, that is indeed, all the main powers of power belong to the president , the powers of representative bodies, well, first of all , the state duma, they are much narrower than, say, the american congress. But still they exist, this is the appointment of the most important ministers, and deciding who will be the Prime Minister and the adoption of the state budget and the adoption of laws, all these are the powers of the state duma , therefore the duma matters, and the parties also matter, because they are the main players in the duma elections, so of course the parties remain, they are not going anywhere, we will have elections in 2 years. Representative of the party, adherents of which they are, or to support the national leader, but to support Vladimir Putin, who, well, obviously is what is needed and necessary even for russia today. It was a difficult choice and many supported putin, stepping on the throat of their own party song. But in 1926, i m sure, the situation will be completely different, so the communist party of the Russian Federation will certainly remain serious player. There is no doubt about this, as for the ldpr, the situation here is more complicated, after all, it was a leadership party, a personal party, vladimir volfovich

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