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It turns out that they are already older adults, they remember soviet times more and more often, and such fakes are aimed at young people who will not check, who do not remember, did not live then, yes, which means that when young people form an image of the soviet union, how simply well some kind of understate , understate, something totalitarianarab , beggarly, then any arguments of old people, well , old people, as before. It was good and we ourselves ruined everything, they will not influence the youth in any way. Lets go into more detail lets dive into the history of doctors sausage , find out everything about the guests, boris rustamovich ryabinkin, an expert in the field of the Meat Industry and semifinished meat products, is in touch with us now. We are glad to welcome you, we all remembered the doctors sausage with pleasure and love, but what was it made from . Hello, why was the sausage even called doctors sausage, doctors sausage in 1947 . Well, by order of stalin, it was developed for schools, for hospitals, so that people could, well, after the war, improve their body and up to 15 was added there glucose, its like for maintaining the peoples body, the country after the war was very difficult and it was necessary to give boiled sausage fried there in schools, there in enterprises, at breakfasts, at lunches, thats what it s basically for. Thats what the guests are they were developed by the institute, produced, tested in the trade, that is, to launch some new type of sausage. This took a lot of time, this happened for more than one year, a test of making sausages, that is, they checked all the parameters so that it was not harmful, there was nothing, well, of course no one i didnt expect that the sausage would be a kilogram, the sausage wasnt considered food, it was considered a snack, well, that is, sausage, it always contained something in itself, dye, lets say, so they sat down. Before this, it is now added that in ukraine and in the soviet union, raw smoked sausage is 10 g per 100 kg, boiled doctors sausage, including 56 g per 100 kg, if you dont add it, the sausage will be green, you know, but meat was added , did not have. Meat substitute additives, there were no soy additives, that is, everything was natural, thank you very much for these answers, all the best to you, lets just let our viewers, maybe ill tell the young people the recipe for doctors sausage, try to reproduce it at home, if you succeed, send it to our editor, since the exact recipe for doctors sausage has been used as an Industry Standard since thirty sixth to seventy fourth year, the number of ingredients for preparing 100 kg of doctors sausage , the next 15 kg of beef. Its of the highest quality. 60 kg lean pork, 25 kg fat pork, 2. 5 kg salt, 30 g saltpeter, 100 g sugar, 30 g cardamom, thats it, the gost changed just after the seventies, we dont see turpentine here, to summarize, why are such throwins, russia is considered, as if considers itself the heir of that great country of the soviet union, and legally, by the way, is the heir, in principle , to discredit the soviet union will discredit us, so. The country and love for ones country begins, well , our viewers, as always, can help us in defending our fatherland, if they see some unreliable information in the media space, be sure to send it to to our editorial office, and i always remind you that we need reasons to be proud more than ever, so if you meet a good person, good information, be sure to send it too, we will be happy to tell you about it, thank you so much for coming to us today, how are you always all the best. The First Channel presents. World kidney day. Instructions for using kidneys. Products that last forever. Beans. Pain service. We help everyone, the program to live healthy is always with you. So friends, today is world kidney day. The kidney is an absolutely unique organ, god gave it to us, but you and i did not receive instructions for use. Today we have instructions for kidney users. Well, the first question for you, kidney users, is why do we need kidneys . What are they doing . Well, can you answer us . I believe that the kidneys are a very important organ in our body, it filters the blood, removes, filters, or rather, yes, removes toxins, harmful substances, in general, maintains our body in such a healthy balance. So, the filtration function of the kidneys, absolutely true, but what about the kidney filters . That it is toxins, harmful substances , no, well. We are filtering Something Like blood, the kidney filters the blood, few people understand this, the kidney filters the blood, absolutely right, just imagine, here is a vessel, it has been filtered, so here is urine, germash, that the kidney filters, that is, the kidney filters the blood, removing toxins, harmful substances , leaving in the blood everything useful that is needed for the body, for example, the human kidney. 200 liters of blood passes through it, 200 liters per day, of course, look, it means that here the blood entered the kidney and began to be filtered, what does the kidney filter, for example, you ate a lot of sugar there, the kidney will remove the excess sugar, this is how i cut it, this is how the kidney will remove the excess sugar, but the right amount. Waste products of our body , it also removes, that is, what is not needed , what can be harmful and toxic, yes, it leaves all the blood elements in the blood, it does not necessarily throw them out, therefore the greatest stupidity, remember, in russia there was such a fad of drinking urine, nothing more stupid can be thought of, the kidney filters, filters, i filtered 200 liters, and they took them and drank them, well, there are no words for it, the kidney says so, no. The kidney regulates our homeostasis, the entire constancy of the internal environment, so that all the biochemical reactions of our body proceed at the required speed. I see, now the question is what are the kidneys enemies . Who will answer . Lets well, the kidney actually has a lot of enemies, people in general have a lot of enemies. Well, the main thing, i think, is still the cold. Cold is generally harmful to anyone, to any part of the body. For any organ, also wet weather, yes, there are often stories that someone takes a swim in the summer, puts on wet clothes, walks around, then the kidneys hurt, the cold doesnt harm the kidneys, the kidneys are deep, deep in the body, behind the intestines, behind everything, so that the kidneys, as people like to say, get cold, you need to go to the freezer put it in, when we get a block of ice, then well get a cold, its impossible, the kidney is in a huge warm place. Deep inside, it is impossible to catch a cold, it is impossible to cool it down, this is fiction, herman shaich, enemies of the kidney, all enemies lead to the formation of stones, you see, the stone has formed before our eyes, what products lead to this . Foods rich in oxalic acid, this is the same sorrel and many types of greens, like spinach, that s not all, food rich in purines is a huge amount of meat, which leads to the formation of urates. Dehydration, that is, not drinking enough water, also leads to the formation of kidney stones. Its clear, and also, of course, infections , well show you now, but we dont even suspect that mice and other rodents that run around in our dachas, outside the city, are mortal enemies of our kidneys, why . Because that they are carriers of a special infection. Hemorrhagic fever, in which the kidneys are affected, leads to kidney failure, so rodents, the direct enemies of the kidneys, and therefore your enemies, must be destroyed mercilessly, because. The disease is serious, but i want to say, once again , and invite one woman to us, come to us , please, because kidneys and Blood Pressure are just like that, so these are related problems, the time has come when you yourself must take care with your pressure, dear friends, and today dont make claims against us doctors , today there are free ones on the internet. Look, we save the first one, and the person is immediately placed in the red zone, but even more important, not even that, there is a screening system, that is , what diseases you need to check, and here on this list there is definitely kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, there is diabetic nephropathy, and there are other kidney problems that you should definitely. Check off, why . Because only in this case these applications prescribe the correct treatment, today you can get treatment, check your doctor and. No, thats not it, another era is beginning, we will remain doctors, but now you will be responsible for a lot of things, get used to it and control yourself and control your doctors, friends of the kidneys germansheich, the first is a sufficient amount of fluid drunk, the second is at least 2 liters per day, regular physical activity, which allows us to lower Blood Pressure. Third medications that control diabetes, Blood Pressure, and fourth antibiotics that treat infections that affects the kidneys. These are the friends of the kidneys, so drink, control your Blood Pressure and take care of yourself. Lets take a short break and then continue. No expiration date. The fourth day of maslenitsa, round dances, songs, dances, what is the benefit of this, regular dancing can reduce Blood Pressure to about 710, sometimes above millimeters of the column. Russia, part two, today on the first. It is not without reason that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy. Here, 2. 0 years ago , Apostle Andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. We we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. He was not a big man, but he was tall. Brovaz, nasad, with slightly unkempt gray hair. It cant be scary. Here until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ, including the scythian. This is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. Andrew, peter dedicates the order, Apostle Andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. Why is st. Andrews cross a symbolic name, because it reminds. Bath premiere on saturday at the first carigri, welcome to the city of kirov, vyatka, kirov, vyatka, of course , kirov, lets go, lets go, it s milking time, its true that browns and cows give chocolate milk, no, its not true, lets try to make a bird, the most a simple figurine in the demkovskaya toy, it turns out to be some kind of penguin, korynych he was a stern and dangerous predator, power from the boiler. Location your personal record 9 seconds 15 m faster than elevators, all winter mushrooms grow on trees, this is chaga, an asexual form of the tinder fungus, they might not even say it, as if someone doubted it, the life of our own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, so andrei petrovich, we steamed, soaked and now we are scalding the beans, this is a program to live healthy, friends, our theme is products that last forever, last forever. Today we have beans on the table, dry beans, these beans belong to the products of the eternal storage, and we strongly support this, why . Because beans are a super healthy product, bring them to us. Beans to the studio, andrey petrovich, tell us about beans . I want to tell you that in fact, beans as a food product have been known for more than 11 thousand years, why are we talking about a product of eternal storage, because even in old burials, for example, the egyptian pyramids, when in. Not very harmful and not harmful and useful, now look what these indigestible dietary fibers do, they dont digest, they form this food bolus, absorb everything that is bad, including cholesterol. They do not allow sugar to be absorbed and come out in the toilet, which means, look, the first function of beans is, of course, the abundance of coarse fiber and the normalization of intestinal function, coarse fiber is not digested, not absorbed, it absorbs 1015 of cholesterol, do not let it be absorbed , it absorbs toxic substances, absorbs carcinogens, substances. Hemoglobin is not formed, in general, beans, a miracle, what is it, but our Mikhail Egorovich again brought us his fundus, rods and cones, light the model, michal egoro, i want to say that, uh, beans contain in 100 g, half the daily dose of selenium, and selenium is a powerful antioxidant, look, these are our sticks and cones, the fundus of the eye, to which we have millions of them. Here is 1 mm, the best point, the most important part of the retina that we see is in the center, it determines our visual acuity, but the point is, why does it need selenium . And she needs selenium in order to protect herself from light, in in particular from the blue spectrum, because exactly those changes occur here that can lead to dystrophy of this part of the retina, lentils, lentils, nud, for example, peas, lentils, beans and nud, yes. Selena , who is in first place, beans are in first place, exactly , absolutely, half the daily dose, lentils are in third, innuts are in second, that is, it is also important to understand that beans are in first place in protecting the eyes, but today we are talking exactly about beans, lentils these are also legumes, these are small beans, these are all products eternal storage, but our heroine is a bean, like a bean . Choose, how to properly preserve, how to eat beans correctly, how to choose, mihal , of course, in appearance, firstly, it should be like this dry and friable, the surface should be smooth and hard, uh, there should be no additional inclusions, there should not be any kind of bat, so to speak, completely dry. We have here such a canvas bag with beans, this is correct, or like this, where there is no moisture, the absence of moisture determines the quality of the beans, there will be no moisture, it will be stored forever, respectively, glass or ceramic containers, which will not allow moisture to enter, and the bags can be perfectly stored in a cellar, this is a cool, dry cellar in which you can in a holch bag. Lets try, yes, in fact, everything is very simple , and there are life hacks, if we have already gone to boiling it, that is, the only thing we usually do is always pour cold water over cereals and bring to a boil, that is, with legumes, you need to pour boiling water over them, thus, its even better, by the way, to soak them overnight so that they absorb the required amount liquid, then pour boiling water over it, yes what did you bring us, this is hummus, as we do not all think that hummus is mainly prepared from the inside, but of all the legumes it can also be perfect, what do we need to do . In the same way, soak the beans overnight, pour boiling water over them, let them dry, be sure to dry so that the excess moisture is gone, then puree them with a blender, bon appetit, ill tell the hummus specialist , of course, yes, and most importantly, we dont serve it on carbohydrates, we serve it with fresh pepper, so you understand, both pepper and beans are carbohydrates, but carbohydrates that are slowly and poorly absorbed, all plants are carbohydrates, absolutely, just bread is fast carbohydrates, and these are slow carbohydrates, well, by the way, good hummus, Mikhail Egorovich, try it, try it, well in fact, products of eternal storage. Beans are included in the list, thank god, this is all about food, its time for us to talk about medicine. So, friends, we are continuing our program at the medical site, and our pain service is working here today. Two doctors at once dr. Kahn, chiropractor, education, and russian and oriental medicine, and dr. Protsenko, physician. Anesthesiologist, specialist in pain treatment, i propose to move this arc, lets move this arc, guys, hello, hello, len vasil, i saw you, where in the Pain Management clinic, thats right, lyubov alekseevna, ill ask you to sit down, sit up, here you are now lyubov alekseevna will see, it was a different person, we lower our legs, it was an elderly , exhausted woman, exhausted by pain, i fully confirm. My right leg and even right down to my knee, i have a strong lumbago going to the right side, it hits me, it hurts, and this is getting worse every day, take a couple of steps, show me how you walk . Like this, i walk more like this, its somehow easier for me , leaning on my knees like this, this is how lyubov alekseevna came to us, exhausted from pain, the pain has been tormenting her for many years, and first of all we do a Magnetic Resonance imaging tomography, without this examination it is impossible to treat, on the screen is your xray image of the spine, so do we we see where the nerve endings come out, that is, the problem is at this level, here it is l2, l3. Therefore, our task is to do it at the l3 level so that the medicine enters from below and goes down, and then we will do it at the l2 level, but the main problem is here, so our task is to create a concentration of the drug in order to most effectively treat the inflamed root, the inflamed nerve, which gives such radiation of pain to your bucket. Interventional pain treatment. This is the name of this procedure strictly under xray control , the doctor brings the needle directly to the source of pain, in order to work like this, you need to know anatomy perfectly, but dr. Bratsenko has precisely these qualities, there are very few specialists, feet on me, head to the right, just like that, we go down , we go down, we go down, we get bigger. Oh, yes, in general , this is great, wonderful , thank you for your excellent work, thank you, it s not a good job, its not a good thing, but how is it not a spine, therapeutic work, yes , its a spine, its all done under control, its a completely different person, really, lets go. Lets go, lets go, like this, like this so , here, here, here, here, here, here i can, and so i can, wait, the camera is there, just here, here, here, that is , some kind of, show me, like this, here, lord, already with your palms, and how do you lift your legs, like this, how old are you, 69, tell me, were you able to do any of this before you came to the doctor, right . No, i was in so much pain, i was in so much pain, i drank everything, including orcoxine many times, and did Magnetic Resonance imaging, Magnetic Resonance imaging, too. But there was no help as such, and i am very grateful to your clinic, i am very grateful to doctor percent and his entire team, and your team for the help they provided me, i always get praise, although i dont provide this help myself, so look, here is the spine, yes, where was the problem and what was it, the problem was that the fibrous ring. Having ruptured, compressed this nerve, yes, this nerve, and we saw pain for our own sake, precisely in the thigh, in the hip, in the lower leg, our main task was to precisely inject the drug to relieve inflammation, swelling, tension, size here this point of pain is where you need to hit with a needle, 4, 3. 5 mm, 4, 3. 5 mm, depth 9 cm, thats why doctors only work. The story is that this is an intervention, an interventional procedure under xray control, look, every time we release our patients, we tell them that we are releasing them, but they need to do exercises, and the most responsible ones generally start going to dr. Kahn, because they dont rely on themselves, and he does manual therapy exercises, now well put two mats, and ill ask our doctor kahn show those exercises that, firstly, can be done for back pain, and secondly , every person should absolutely do it, i ask you. So we lie down with each others heads , and with each others heads, but well need to lie on our stomachs, so we lie down like this, yes, and our arms are like this, and little by little we raise our body and chin up, ill now show you whats happening with the spine, in fact, those holes where our doctor gets stretched are stretched and you see how, this is what happens in the spine, dear friends, how long do you have to stand like that, well 510 seconds, 510 seconds, then lie down, yes, then you can lie down, and then you can repeat it one more time and put your chin up, like that, great. Absolutely true, where did you come to us from . Moscow, oh, moscow, by the way, is rarely with us, yes, usually from somewhere my husband says that you are thinking of where else you are going, and i say here you go, a call from elena vasilievnas clinic, is it true, or something . I say, really, so get in the car and drive, he brought me, he was sitting there with me, the doctors saw him, he is now sitting somewhere in the corridor here, why did you leave him in the corridor . Im very pleased with your project, the service and all the doctors, im just very pleased, we are also very happy, now i recommend it to all my friends. The fourth day of maslenitsa, round dances, songs, dances, what is the benefit of this, regular dancing can reduce Blood Pressure to about seven. I didnt think it would all end like this. Ulya, he sang the most important song for me when we first met, a blessed future folk artist, i personally didnt have any opportunity. They are known, they sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that they have been with us for these 30odd years, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i drew a cat for you there, i know that you love them, who doesnt love them, love, love, tomorrow on the first day, in our studio there are songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland, im young again. A person who renounced and renounced everything worldly, being a military man, they decided to return to the front line, for a monk this is of course unusual for the kind of life that i live now, birds begin to fly or there the shelling begins, im driving and thinking, well , if they kill us, then its just me and my mother, well , somehow its not scary, but who did you leave it to, stronger than many women, shes a military wife. Friends, maslenitsa, the fourth day, revelry is a turning point, today the wide maslenitsa begins, all the housework. Stopped, it was impossible to do housework, people poured out into the streets and began to walk and have fun, this actually had a great, great meaning. Well, girls, thank you for the air of maslenitsa, so, the wide maslenitsa begins today, the fourth day, take a walk, all the work they stop running around the house, just go for walks until monday. Because on monday lent will begin, now we need to go out, have fun, get drunk , so we decided to go for a walk today, and you remember that in the old days people lived by agriculture, that is , agricultural work stopped , stopped, they dont exist in winter, spring , spring is the very, very early, and today there is only a walk, only a walk and only a walk, so we thought, well. Well, that means we have to tell you that a person gets when he walks, ill start with what he doesnt get, he practically cannot become infected with any germs on the street, because there are huge layers of air, when during the coronavirus we were told that we couldnt walk and the gardens were closed, we as doctors were outraged because that this is a direct violation of the most important rule of fighting infections, maintaining , i will begin that walks, this has been shown, really have a good effect on strengthening the immune system, active walks, which for at least half an hour allow our immune cells to recharge, they are starting to be active. This is just a miracle holiday, everyone, everyone to the garden , everyone to go for a walk, everyone to walk, walk and walk, at least 30 minutes today, at least walk home, at least this, absolutely, and this has its continuation, because when we walk, when we have songs, dances, round dances, it turns out that we can strengthen our immunity even more, we have another immunity, an immunoglobule is produced. A virus and a microbe entered the oral cavity, i share immunoglobulins a, immunoglobulins and so they surround it, they neutralize it, they immediately tell our immunity who the enemy is, they neutralized the enemy, killed him and removed him from the body, its clear, thats all, theres no room for these enemies in our mouth, we walk for at least 30 minutes, we sing, we sing, lyubov alekseevna, me

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