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You see, she needs to be noble and not swear , under no circumstances, foul language is something that also causes very strong rejection, my god, bow at the feet of your mother, because sometimes you walk down the street, and such the impression is that young people dont know the russian language at all , they dont speak, they just go through all sorts of things, i m just happy that you yourself are so noble and beautiful, well, now who . Will add science, well, if we talk about science, there is also such a thing as age difference, which also contributes to either a long life Stable Family life, it turned out that if the difference between spouses is more than 7 years, then this has a negative impact on family life and life expectancy, moreover, women who. Their chosen ones die 40 more in relation to their peers, she is in relation to her peers, and i thought in relation to my husband, how you bent, you understood about nobility, such a wonderful boy, you can talk a lot on this topic, the most important thing is to understand the character of a person and immediately decide whether you feel good with him or not no. Because it is impossible to change a person in the process of life, you need to accept him as he is, this is our advice to you guys, to you, vlad, to you, sasha, if you decide to connect your life with someone, then you know that you will not be able to change this person, the shortcomings that he has will remain with you, the advantages that he has will remain with you, this is very important to understand. Get married or get married, accept this person for who he is, i wish you a brilliant career, a good destiny, fully share your principles, and even just warmed my soul today, please sit down, just like this , listen, its so nice to hear that young guys appreciate the inner nobility in girls, there are simply no words, we had a good time with you, may you live great. The information channel starts broadcasting on the first, time will tell the program, we are working live. In the United States, a draft budget for 2025 was revealed, it includes 482 million for. Its good that we have started now. Fine. According to our legend, Petro Poroshenko is recruiting fighters his personal private military company. What is the average price for training one soldier . From one and a half thousand to 2. 0 euros per person, includes accommodation and three meals a day, this is the average price per week for a ukrainian soldier, that is , this is how much ukraine spent during these years, well, this is at a discount, even at a discount, poland is largely involved in training the ukrainian army, this the gray zone under the army took off one chevron, put on another chevron, this is such a career growth, but again many there are mercenaries who first went to ukraine, they went to safari, so it was advertised there, what . On the first. The most important song for me at our first acquaintance , it was not possible for me personally to guess the future folk artist. These are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal. Comes to the microphone, only the first words are spoken, who doesnt love them . Lyuba, lyuba, on friday on the first. In our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. Im young again, youre the man who renounced, yeah from everything worldly, being military, they decided to return to the front line. For a monk, this is, of course, not typical of the life i live now. The birds begin to fly or. All the doctors, volunteers, surgeons, excuse me, im already in tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, its worth it, when you drew, what were you thinking . I thought about victory , home, on saturday on the first, the pier was fishing, the Apostle Andrew, the savior walked on water, that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was not small, but tall, bravast in the garden, with gray, slightly spiky hair, there cannot be a last judgment until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including the scythian. The apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the enlightenment of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones, he went to preach, to meet everyone. Troubles, sorrows, he was moved forward by faith. Why is st. Andrews cross a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha, christ, he was crucified on just such a cross. This is the letter ha, such a sign, across the whole country, which accuses christ and which accuses the faith of the Apostle Andrew the firstcalled. Andrew the firstcalled, premiere on saturday, on the first. This is an information channel on the First Program , time will tell, we are working live, tonight the armed forces of ukraine attacked a number of russian regions with drones, the ministry of defense stated that two drones were intercepted and destroyed by air Defense Systems over the territories of the moscow and oryol regions, in the leningrad, bryansk and tula regions have one drone each, the Belgorod Region has seven, and the kursk region has as many as 11 drones. The russian air Defense Systems on duty repelled all these enemy attacks, in operational mode it is reported that there were no casualties, Operational Services are working on the spot. Yesterday, the sssu hit residential buildings in makeyevka. Several civilians were injured, unfortunately there were children among the victims, the blow was so strong that residential buildings were completely destroyed on several streets, people were under rubble, in addition, kiev nationalists fired at a school in makeyevka. And now in direct contact with us, special correspondent of the Union Tv Channel dmitry ermakov. Lets find out the details of this shelling. Dmitry, hello, is it known from what means the enemy was hit at the moment, what information is there on the victims . How many are there in what condition . Ruslan olesya , hello, yes, now ill share information with you, ill probably start a little with geography, after all, the soviet district is the sawgrowing area of ​​makeyevka, the blow was struck on the village of khanzhonkovo, which belongs to soviet region, they hit almost 30 km from new york, or, a settlement, which is otherwise called novgorodskaya, they hit with nato 155 caliber, and 30 km is practically the ceiling for some western artillery systems, which by the way. Caliber, as i noted earlier, a total of nine houses were damaged, one of them was completely destroyed, five people were trapped under the rubble, and after that a fire broke out there, the situation is extremely dangerous. Because dust rose after the explosion shell, all escape routes are cut off, because the shell exploded and caused damage to loadbearing structures, time is against this situation, you need to act quickly, nevertheless, the ministry of emergency situations arrived, the fire was extinguished and localized, as for the victims, i will share relevant information at the moment, one the child was taken to intensive care, three are in various medical institutions for. Can we say that although shelling, unfortunately, of donetsk and adjacent settlements continues, they are decreasing, or still, the ukrainian nazis are still trying to maintain the intensity . And it can be noted that shelling is being reduced, including in donetsk, but still the frontline areas that are close to the front line are still being hit by them, including enemy uavs operating there that drop ammunition, after all, part of the artillery , which was located in ovdeevka, the enemy was able to evacuate and place it, for example. I think that with support for kiev approved by congress, there will be a real opportunity to consolidate strategic success ukraine. According to our estimates, with additional assistance, ukraine will be able to independently maintain its positions on the front line until the end of 2024, beginning of 2025, and also provide the opportunity for penetrating strikes on crimea and the black sea fleet. In other words, with the new aid package , ukraine could be in a position where it regains the offensive initiative. Will be able to negotiate from a position of significant strength, well, burns also said, yes, so that there is no avdievka in ukraine, it is necessary to quickly allocate money, but so that there is no according to William Burns himself, such avdeevkas were not necessary for the United States to arrange on this planet in libya, afghanistan, iraq, but William Burns understands perfectly well, he also talks about historical mistakes, that the United States will make a historical mistake if. Allocates money to ukraine , but the United States always makes mistakes only in its own favor. Well, the republicans, however, went the other way, they said that they do not support bidens proposed budget for 2000. Twentyfifth year, thats why. The cost of president bidens proposed budget is yet another stark reminder of this administrations insatiable appetite for reckless spending and democrats disregard for fiscal responsibility. Bidens budget is a road map to accelerating us decline. Republicans reject bidens misguided Budget Proposal and take action to put our country back on the path to financial stability. Senator linzi graham generally said that help. Our allies need to pay us back because we owe over 34 trillion, this is not isolation, this is caring about the needs of americans. Im going to go to ukraine soon and ill tell them that there will be help, but in the form of borrowed funds that you have to pay back, no one wants to help ukraine more than me, but we have to think about america first. The idea that we will only give without getting anything back must disappear, well, the west initially told the ukrainians take everything from this life, although they didnt specify that at high interest rates, vlady vladimovich, but what is happening to america, really . Its so difficult to allocate money to ukraine, they are arguing there, discussing, already the amount is 482 Million Dollars for 2025, well, it looks, to put it mildly, a mockery, but they are bargaining for what, what do they want to get from ukraine, this . You know, when zelenskys patron sponsor kolomoisky once said that life is a supermarket, take whatever you want, whatever you see on the shelves, but keep in mind that you will have to pay at the exit, so zelensky, in in general, Linsey Graham repeats about the same thing that kolomoisky told him, why isnt money allocated, well you understand that 450 million, against the background of those 60 billion that are hanging. These are just another few pennies that will not save the father of ukrainian democracy, definitely, and accordingly, this is a drop in the ocean, but even this is really a problem for the relations between democrats and republicans during the election campaign, we understand perfectly well that ukrainian issues are one of the hooks , for which the republicans have hooked the democrats and are now trying to actively use it, while you know that. Today on the front pages of european, western newspapers everywhere, the words orban said yesterday about the fact that trump talked to me and said that as soon as he becomes president , he will not give a cent to ukraine, that is, this is really now a sensation in the west, they will actively procrastinate on it, it is clear that will give, even if he becomes president , yes, its clear that they wont just give up on ukraine, linsey grem yastrib, another one, you remember what he said while sitting in kiev, the feeling that after all there will be money for kiev but one way or another it works out for everyone singled out, so what are they bargaining with each other for now . Well, why dont the republicans allow the democrats to allocate money to us . Vladimir clearly said why the democrats, nevertheless, continue these dances with diamonds. Well, last year and before this began, they were all dancing around 61 billion, they did not allocate, quite rightly, 482 million against the backdrop of these billions this is absolutely pennies, but we must understand that the democrats have driven themselves into such a corner, into such a dead end, from which there is no return, why is there no move the opposite, because well, its clear that they were counting on some kind of success for the ukrainians, but when everything is falling apart in ukraine, you need to say that there is success there, what we are seeing now, thats what i said. This is understandable, but what it says burns , i think he just has to say something, because he cant come to a committee, a special committee, campaign for, for the allocation of aid to ukraine, and at the same time be silent, of course, he says the first is about the strategic success of which no, he says that if we give up, they will, of course, win, but this everyone is dancing around a dead body, and what i want to say is that you need to understand that in parallel the democrats are pursuing the issue of a possible peaceful settlement in ukraine, because this is what is developing in parallel that means the topic too, look what happened in davos, how zelensky met with the president of switzerland they constantly talk about the need for a peaceful settlement, why . Because they understand perfectly well that if the russians are not stopped now, then tomorrow the russians will come, take odessa, reach kiev, and maybe even the western borders of ukraine, and what will happen then the americans are afraid that we will go even further, thats what, for now we will stop at the border between ukraine and poland, they are afraid that they will not have any bridgehead from which they can demand at least the money they are talking about says graham, do you understand . For 10 years now, many of them believe that they were forgotten, abandoned, not everyone there perceives it as well as it seems, there are people who love ukraine, but believe that they were betrayed, there are many such people, while zelensky himself said that ukraine is actively Building Three lines defense, the length of each of them is 2 km, more precisely, probably even the width , that is, they are building large defense lines, in addition , the president of the square assured that the pace of construction is good and he expects timely completion, klat, well, its simply necessary. For a military expert like you to comment, because budanov, well, yes, he says a lot of things, but nevertheless, yes, he is the main terrorist who commits many terrorist attacks on our territory, and zelensky with this line of defense, with three lines of defense, who promises to do everything in time in the near future, this means what they are actually preparing for, well , they are preparing for only one thing, to somehow make it through this year, but the situation is that everything is not going the way they want, let me remind you. Last fall , when it was clear that the offensive had failed miserably, it was announced that the new strategy, the victorious one, would be a war of attrition, that is, a war during which russia would suffer losses many times greater than the ukrainian ones and thus, as it were, we would switch places , and accordingly the main the offensive struggle will unfold in crimea, since then we have only seen that ukraines losses are still three to four times higher than russias, that ukraine is losing territory. Ah, the ukrainian gur is the main intelligence department, it has finally turned from a special service, just into a pr agency and at the same time such, you know, a killer office, that is, this is the basis of all terror , nothing more, and accordingly, the pr with which this terrorist promotes, with the help of which this terror is promoted, that is, to talk about any real actual effectiveness of the guru, well , not a single professional will say this, because everyone understands that the entire spread of information comes from sources of a completely. Different level, these are the americans, the british, nato and so on, so now everything that we hear these are stories for internal use, again, we have seen all the attempts over the last six months there, of the same budanov, to portray an active presence in crimea, the only one that could even be passed off not so much as successful, but as at least somehow would some kind of exhaust appeared when several people sailed there at night to the crimean coast and planted a flag. They immediately left, and also lost several people killed. The current longstanding attempt literally a week ago, a beautiful landing of troops on kasa near kherson, ended with the entire landing simply being abandoned, again, the story of two days ago, with an attempt to enter russian territory with the help of scum there from some such Russian Volunteer corps, ended with that they were simply ground up on the way to the border, that is in fact, budanov publicly over and over again. Conditionally it works, but one must understand that, for example, the terror itself that budanov is engaged in is militarily, from an intelligence point of view, it is largely devalued and meaningless, why . Because each such operation requires a huge amount of forces, lines, attracting people, routes, everything else, but after that it always resets to zero. A scout is effective when he works, when he sits, when he supplies information month after month, when you did something about. They will continue to allocate money from the United States, all European Countries and Great Britain, well , they dont spare other peoples money, like ammunition, they dont count, but with ammunition. They, of course, are like with people, very big problems, heres what they write about it in the west we have an exclusive that may cause anxiety about the future on the front lines of ukraine. Cnn has learned that russia produces almost three times more artillery shells than the United States and europe combined produce for ukraine. Highranking representative of the european intelligence says the Russian Military machine is working at full capacity, its artillery shells are being fired nonstop. To a potential offensive this year. Russia produces about 250,000 artillery shells per month, or about 3 million per year, and this compares to just 1,200 artillery shells that the us and europe produce for ukraine over the same period. Ukraine spends about 2. 0 artillery rounds per day, and russia 10,000. And in some places the difference is even greater. Well, the point here is not only ammunition. In general, in the defense industry, the italian defense minister recognized our military superiority over the west, this is what he told journalists from the publication lastampa. Russian military production has outpaced the west, whether in terms of ammunition or equipment production. Thus, the russian economy is better adapted to military conditions than nato military production. Well, for most western politicians, russias success and our superiority is. Not a reason for reflection, it is not a venial sin. About the achievements of our military industry were discussed in the stream of the popular front. I recently read that such a wellknown volunteer as Alexei Zhivov recently raised a very important, painful, you know, question in his telegram channel, which conventional weapon is better, the one that, of which there is a lot, or the one that, relatively speaking, advanced, so the question arises, can we disperse our efforts like that, that is, come on. We are really talking about how much you need to go into high technology, well, that is, relatively speaking, a resource time and finances, it is finite, you can make a lot of cheap, unguided or close flying projectiles, or a smaller number, but more accurate, but more expensive, thats where the golden mean is, how do we. Catch this balance, there is a whole type, a whole branch of the production of military equipment, which will never leave the pages of the presentation and from various advertising videos, their goal is to get more money for the next research, this is an endless cycle, so nothing ever reaches the front and the fighting, there is another direction, which we will actually talk about now, that is, these are things that have already been tested, they have proven effectiveness, there are really a lot of them that can be made and they can be used. And we use it, but you can never stay in place, the same applies to aviation, the first world war, you cant look at these black and white chronicles without tears, what kind of planes were there at that time, but it literally passed. Then , in a more compressed period of time, i got up the question is whether artillery is needed at all when aviation is so effective, as a result we have aviation remained, and artillery remained , and therefore here it is certainly necessary to maintain some kind of balance, you cannot completely go into the fantastic developments of some new drones, new weapons systems, on the one hand, forgetting about ordinary, lets say , types of weapons, but you cannot we must not forget and develop, if there is any technology, if there is any new. Watch and read exclusive materials in the telegram channel stream popular front be sure to subscribe qp code on your screen subscribe in order not to miss this news, for example, that the hopelessness of ukrainian officials has reached the point that in kiev they decided to remove the mothballs from their pedestals. Has already taken place, i think that the car can perform important functions and after the victory it will return here to the piagestal. While american tv channels are still counting the amount of ammunition and that we are clearly superior in production to ukraine and the eu, in general, europe is being forced to tighten its belts. The Czech Republic decided to chip in to purchase 800,000 ammunition for the needs of ukraine. Lets well see. President of the Czech Republic petr pavel. Announced the supply of 800,000 nato style Artillery Ammunition to the ukrainian military. If there are no fundamental problems, ammunition could arrive in ukraine within a few weeks, he said. Thus, the czech president makes possible what the European Union recently failed miserably. So far, the European Union has delivered to kiev only a fraction of the million artillery shells that nato countries promised to hand over in march. The czech government secretly searched for shells outside the European Union found half a million nato 155 mm shells. And 3,000 shells of 122 mm caliber, presumably in south korea, turkey and the countries of south africa. Well, you see, the czechs somehow screwed up, now the germans will also have to answer , the minister of foreign affairs, anna lena berbeck, decided to do this for them, she said that she was personally open to the proposal of her british colleague David Cameron to provide ukraine with new cruise missiles by exchange. Cameron has shown that he is open to a roundrobin exchange of tauros missiles. It turns out that the germans supply their cruise missiles to the british, the british then supply their cruise missiles to ukraine. This is, so to speak, a german invention. This would be an option, and we have already organized a similar exchange, but with different weapons. Yes, we smiled here, vladimirovich kornilov laughed, but berbeck really did. The possibility that german chancellor scholz himself denied the exchange of longrange missiles with Great Britain. The foreign secretary said yesterday that an exchange with the uk was possible, meaning germany would send taurus cruise missiles to Great Britain, and Great Britain. And i do not rule out that as a result of these elections , the coalition will ultimately fall apart in germany. And whats most amazing, right . Anna lena berbeck, a representative of the green party, a party that grew up in general on pacifism, yes, that is, the whole history, the restoration of this party, the fight against missiles as such, yes, now she is talking about the circular exchange, she says, our inventions, but i understand , theres something wrong with our geometry , we understood it in 360, but uh, circular exchange, and they constantly repeat it, so. Germany transfers taurus to britain, britain transfers stormshadow to ukraine, and germany receives what, yes, that is, where this ring closes, this is where i wonder, but here everything is clear with them running in circles, but in this way they do not cease to be participants in the conflict become direct participants, and this must be explained to them constantly. And definitely to the czechs, i think the Czech Republic in general should be informed through official channels that you will have to answer sooner or later for your direct participation in this conflict. This does not mean that we will attack, we will go there until portugal will fight, conquer, and so on, but the answer will be tough, economic, trade, political, whatever, that is, we will find ways to respond to this very great Czech Republic, they must understand this, the citizens of the Czech Republic themselves. That they will really have to pay for the crimes of their regime, including for these shelling of makeevka, by the way, very symbolically from new york to makeevka, yes, that is, but when they supply these missiles, shells, and ukraine complains about the lack of these shells, but for some reason bomb the school in they have enough in makeyevka, your example in the Czech Republic told me what the circulation of missiles in europe means for the germans, the germans supply Great Britain, Great Britain supplies ukraine, ukraine. Regarding russia, russia responds regarding germany, well, it probably assumes so from its historical memory, but ordinary germans, perhaps from such a prospect of sending taurus missiles to ukraine through the uk, also do not cause optimism; residents of berlin gathered yesterday for a demonstration at the memorial to the fallen soviet soldiers to protest against such opportunity, many of the demonstrators could see posters with a dove of peace with the inscriptions get out of nato peace of russia stop supporting the kiev nazi. Still wants to turn these 360, she has some kind of fixation on this, she even has these gyres, well, for this we need to remember how the current, Current Coalition in germany was formed, this is the crossing of a snake and a rhinoceros, a giraffe and a rhinoceros , this is burbak and sholes, burbak is a hawk, everyone knows this, she is about the american hawk, naturally she will do everything to to make the right picture for the americans, but scholz makes the decision for him. Berbak can even hit his head against the wall 500 times, but scholz will not make the decision to transfer the missiles to britain, she is simply trying to tell him an option, but if he decides to transfer, he will transfer them anyway without any of these missile cycles. The question is for political will, whether he has it or not, until she has this will, no matter what berbak dances in front of him. Okay, but with the germans, yes, of course, thats probably how it is and there is, there they are trying to figure it out among themselves, but the Czech Republic. I found money somewhere, the whole world chipped in and bought 8,000 ammunition, 5,000 being nato caliber and 3,000 soviet russian caliber. Hes aiming for something, the Czech Republic is not afraid to receive , to get something in return for this, well, in fact , no one has bought anything yet, while he just offered, and European Countries began to jump on it, let me remind you of the story from a year ago, the European Union promised ukraine that he would provide, buy and provide all possible million shells of nato calibers, as a result, were delivered. 40 of this amount, that is, promising and getting married , especially in the european version, are two big differences, now lets take the place of comrade pavel, yes, he said give me money, ill buy 800 thousand shells, we understand what the trick is, yes, they will give money, but how much will he buy there, how will it turn out, this is another big question, the question is, why exactly is he purchasing shells, will they be produced in the Czech Republic, or will the Czech Republic find them somewhere in their stash. . Obviously not, there is no amount, he says that europe could not produce the promised million , could not find it, and i am such a talented, wonderful fellow, if you give money, i can do it, but they will listen to him, well, you know, his astap ibrahimovich also knew a lot of interesting things talk and tell, one problem is that 800 thousand shells is not even a needle in a haystack, its huge, these are huge warehouses, and in order to say that guys, im here. It wont pull out, the whole European Union wont will pull out to supply 800 thousand shells to ukraine in a few weeks, well, this is bullshit , well, lets see what this leads to, because he forcefully, persistently makes such statements, directly insists that he can implement it, but time will tell, we will definitely tell you, today you are on your telegram channel wrote that the plan of the armed forces of ukraine in the ovdeevsky direction has become clear, what it is connected with and what kind of. Plan it is, well, in the last days, that is, as it were, when we see during the week when the enemy is taking some actions, gradually you can understand what the enemy has a plan in his head, that is , we saw over the course of the week that he has a huge shortage of reserves, a huge number of these very reserves, and Strategic Reserves, as they say, for example, polish generals, that is, this is the Strategic Reserve of the supreme conditional main armed forces of ukraine , rushes specifically to the line of berdechiya cheretin, here attack after attack. Who was shot down by us, and on camera, this was recorded by the ukrainian military, he also seems to be from this sandbox, that is, this is also part of these actions, and this speaks of that this is a very serious event, well, in general, i assumed, taking into account what i see, that their main task now is to knock us out of the berdych, to move us as far as possible from ocheretin, to occupy the watershed ridge, in order to. Thus prevent the possible a spring offensive bypassing the same taretsk or bypassing the new line of defense to the west of avdeevka, which the enemy is now desperately quickly building, that is , this is a point, as if weak for his defense, everyone understands this, and we are the enemy, and he is trying to strengthen this point, placing hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, thousands, probably even soldiers there and driving out their last tank reserves, because, in fact, our guys are burning tamrams one by one, as i understand it, it s them. Preparing to repel of our offensive, which should be cleared up after, now the weather conditions there are not the most optimal for the operation of equipment, but nevertheless our guys are working and what changes have there been in our offensive plan over the past 24 hours . Well the most interesting the situation is a little to the south of ovdeevka, southwest, i apologize, this is krasnogorovka, north of krasnogorovka, there is the settlement of pervomaiskaya nevelskoye, yesterday our troops launched two attacks towards each other. Friend, and one beautiful attack across the stream, you understood that, the steppes of clay, clay, stream, will unravel, ours cross this stream, go to the rear, deep into the rear of the enemys main line of defense here, take strong points under their control and puts the enemy in stalemate, or knock out us from there, or retreat quite seriously, at the same time meeting us in the nevelskoye area, our troops carry out an attack and also kill the enemy because of his support and. Now, in fact, the enemy has a dilemma, either retreat deep back, or try to counterattack us here knocked out well, its clear that their reserves are not rubber everywhere, they wont be enough, as i understand it, they have enough for everything. I really hope that we. Its worth noting that, following macron , the president of the Czech Republic, peter pavel, is actively rushing into the ukrainian battle; he strives as much as possible quickly declare his political ambitions, insists on increasing the number of czech and european instructors in ukraine, thats why . There are currently discussions about sending nato soldiers to ukraine. Would you be in favor of sending it . I would, of course, not refuse a discussion on this issue if we could agree with the allies that, for example, instead of training ukrainian soldiers on the territory of nato member countries and transferring thousands of troops to, say, poland or the Czech Republic, it would be it would be much wiser to translate several dozens of instructors to the territory of ukraine and train ukrainian soldiers there, but what about the fact that, for example, they could be hit . Time to discuss sending western troops to ukraine, the start of negotiations will allow us to throw away the red lines that we have set for ourselves. Lithuania will participate in all coalitions that will help ukraine win. Nato secretary general en stoltenberg stirred up intrigue; he stated that there must be a consensus and a unified approach by nato countries to sending troops to ukraine. U nato has no plans to send troops to ukraine. Who in 1986 joined the czech communist party, so to speak, very actively defended it as part of the warsaw pact, then when the Czech Republic collapsed, he immediately enlisted in the western, so to speak, intelligence services, interned there, so we got this clown, and again, returning to the story with the shells, its interesting what s really there, firstly, its just an attempt to make money, because he really doesnt have shells, but before that, 2 day was literally in the west. More than that, most of the ukrainian drones that then fly to russia, she just stupidly makes money from this, he personally wants to enter ukraine with his troops as part of the nato contingent, but so that we dont shoot at them, as pavel said, we cant shoot for us, it would be absolute naivety, i will remind you that not more than a year ago we disposed of several dozen western, so to speak , curators at the yavorovsky training ground, and no one after that. Didnt even squeak, so here its like conversations from the captain obvious section, which is also lying, but of course you need to understand that this is a warming up of the topic, what we will go into, this is, as always, an attempt to probe, that is, what will happen if we go in this direction, we we remember that at least twice during this time, for example, the topic of Nuclear Weapons was explored, twice during our twoyear operation, at the moment the topic is generally taboo. I absolutely agree that this is the preparation of Public Opinion in order to so that at the moment when in fact it is already it will be impossible to hide the origins of the french, the british , the americans, the americans are unlikely, by the way, most likely the europeans, first of all, so that this does not come as a shock to the european population, one must understand that macron is an absolutely nonsubjective character , he is not expressing his own thoughts, he is saying that firstly, this is. We must remember who, whose protege he is, this is the fosterling of the rothschilds, and he plays absolutely according to the playbook written for him, he threw in the ball and now they are watching, what will they say . By the way, we observe that stoltenberg, who is also absolutely not a subjective comrade, yes, he says the opposite things, now those who lead both stoltenberg and macron, having sowed this seed in the minds of europeans, they will watch how this seed rises, i think i agree, with. Sending, that is, their own troops, at the moment when they realize that this is possible, and at the same time they are convinced that they will not get hit in the teeth in return, they will probably do it, this is the option of peaceful negotiations about them really is played out, they try it indicate, and most likely europe will still choose the option of a peaceful solution to the conflict, here is an example of macrons involvement. Just recently, macron, who was burning with determination to send nato troops to independence, abandoned it for the third time. My trip to ukraine with evasive wording for security reasons, i remind you that the first time the reason was an alleged assassination attempt on the french president in ukraine, then macrons visit was postponed due to the shelling of odessa, when zelensky, the greek Prime Minister, and friends were there , actually, hes not going for the third time, yes, but nevertheless , the elysee palace reported that macron is still there. To visit kiev, someday this will certainly happen, but he will not come alone, in the company of his other european friends, and the dates of the new trip have not yet been determined, this was supposed to be. Macrons first visit to ukraine in a year and a half, let me remind you, in the summer of twentytwo he already came to kiev together with german chancellor olaf scholz and exPrime Minister of italy mario draghi, and then this visit was considered a kind of signal of unity, with whom he will come now, with whom the next unity will be unknown, it hangs around the visit, macrons theoretical visit to kiev is being discussed by the western media, the political publication believes that its nothing. There is nothing strange about canceling his visit to kiev for the third time, macron just took a break to consult with his colleagues. Vladimir vladimirovich, well, let us also consult with you, in fact, what is happening with macron, firstly, yes, indeed this story with the greek Prime Minister is indicative, i hope that it will make some europeans think figures, when zelensky says day after day look, russia will definitely attack a nato country, right . They tell us that if there are czech soldiers there on the territory of ukraine, and russia strikes, god forbid, it will be an escalation, yes, a strike on a nato country, it turns out, yes, in this regard sooner or later, putting it all together , any european politician should think about whether zelensky himself will kill me in order to then say look, russia attacked a nato country there on the territory of ukraine, i honestly speaking, really. The meaning of macrons visit to ukraine, you know what struck me most, yesterday an editorial column in the Times Newspaper, one of the most hawkish ones that always promotes russophobia, which means they demand the supply of weapons to ukraine, suddenly attacked macron for his idea to send in nato troops, well, the theoretical idea of ​​sending nato troops into ukraine, you know why, splits the unity of nato, that is, it suddenly surpassed the british Times Newspaper in its very. Extermination and they didnt like it, that is what are you doing, what are you doing, this is our field, dont stick your nose in here where you dont need it, maybe they wont let him in, well, in the end you see, they wont let him in, yes, but in reality, of course, this is the hope of the ukrainians , that the french will come, yes, the violet beam will be launched again, as paustovsky wrote petliurists in 1919, they also hoped for a miracle from the french, this is an eternal indestructible, you know, dream of. Direct communication, vladimir, hello, how lets go to the front, peoples correspondent of the popular front vladimir razin on our website the situation in the south donetsk direction . Ruslan olesya, good afternoon, in the donetsk, southern donetsk direction everything is quite hot, on our side, there is progress in the novomikhailovka area, in the most populated area, slowly but confidently enough we are advancing and, most importantly, we are gaining a foothold, the enemy does not stop. Further successes in the coming days from our side, also in the georgievka area, this is the kurakhovsky direction, there are also successes, our fifth donetsk brigade has advanced quite well north of georgievka is being consolidated at the next captured strong point, even further north in krasnogorovka assault operations continue, our guys are secured in the building there, all the communications that the enemy is trying to make there. Spread on the internet that our assault groups have been knocked out, these are just more fakes on their part, because the guys are firmly established there, plus very serious support from aviation and artillery in this direction, just yesterday evening it was quite accurate and quite noticeable for the enemy blows were struck at his points management, just in krasnogorovka, plus the accumulations of equipment, personnel, which. Never stops being in krasnogorovka, constantly working our aviation, even further north this is already the avgeevsky direction in the pervomaisky area, our guys went to. The flank on the side of vodyanov in thin after thin there is also an advance, that is, this pervomayskaya thin line is leveling out and further behind this there will be the already populated area of ​​nitailovo and karlovka, in the area in the orlovka and berdychi area erasures by our advancing ones also continue the formations of their most combatready brigades today, the armed forces of ukraine, abandoning, abandoning them is understandable , thank you very much. While caring for ukraine, they make sure that the will of the owner is carried out. Kuchma, who was lucky. Dolls of the heir tutti. Today is the first one. Transfer me through moydan. There are 1. 10 of them here, no less. I want to know what is mine now and in 100 years. War, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost all modern chinese economy. One of the first decisions of denzio pina after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharins ideas, so that china has a sinicized nepa model. Premiere of civilization, film seven. China. Tomorrow on the first. 10 years. On saturday on the first, we often talk on air about the help that is given to our guys on the front line, of course, we must not forget about the rear workers who provide this help and do everything to ensure that our guys have everything they need, and the tv channel, the Russian Media group decided to support the workers of our ural carriage plant and went there, as it happened, and discussed it in the stream of the popular front. The ru tv channel and the Russian Media group jointly continue their musical and patriotic mission, support the participants of the northern military district and home front workers, support not only in word, but support in deed. At one of our most famous factories, the ural vagonzavod in nizhny tagil, it is located, a large concert of a patriotic marathon called music in the workshops was held. And i must say that before the concert. Marathon of this concert, which took place in nizhny tagil, we have connections with the vocalist of the group zemlyane andrei khramov and also the keyboard player of the group andrei dubrovin, how did the plant workers greet you . You know, the concert was wonderful, i think that we are doing the right things by organizing such concerts, the people are happy, everyone is cheerful, cheerful, waving flags. Everyone is very happy, it s all the sweetness of patriotism, especially since in the background a train with tanks was just leaving, it was so poignant, they only noticed it now, its really here in the background there are tanks going straight ahead, apparently the people and the army are united at the front these are not just words, this is what we are now showing everyone, then the news is on the front page. Hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. And at the beginning about the work of russian fighters in the special Operation Zone in the north of donetsk

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