Kryuchkov faltered. We hugged. I left. And 3 hours later he was arrested. There was fear everywhere. The Party Members hid, the kgb disappeared. And jubilant crowds of winners moved from end to end throughout the city. They carried a huge tricolor flag and shouted victory slogans. They came to my editorial office. Tv reporters, i hope to see a defeated, frightened, obscurantist who bowed his head before the winners, they asked me how i feel about the winner freedom, i replied that if on one side of the scale is the fate of a great state, on the other side of the scale is freedom, then your freedom be damned, under such headings an article was published. Alexander yakovlev stated that the den newspaper is the headquarters of the putsch, and Alexander Prokhanov is the ideologist of the state Emergency Committee. But no, not everyone in those cruel days fell under the pit of the winners. Not everyone covered their ears in fear. Viktor ampilov came out in a protest demonstration together with his working moscow. Russian writers locked themselves in theirs on the fat night. In the palace in his mansion on komsomolsky prospekt, waiting for the storming of the democrats, we withstood the defense with our army commander, yuri bonderem, barricaded the entrances and windows with ridiculous barricades of tables and chairs, we sang songs, read poetry, prayed, drank vodka, waiting for the attack, it was the best day in history russian literature, my god, how much there was in those days before beyshchek. They treated me like a damned man, it was the time of traitors, for the main traitor stood at the head of the state. Dante, describing hell, depicting its nine circles, described the center of hell, its deepest core, there in the depths. Beelzebub is in the underworld, and day and night with his sharpened terrible teeth he threatens the one who is called the betrayer of his benefactor, he gnaws at judas , who betrayed his benefactor, jesus christ, gorbachev betrayed his benefactor , he betrayed his party, betrayed the revolution, betrayed the state, he betrayed victory, russian space, millions lying. Grave of heroes, i heard the gnashing of terrible teeth and heartrending screams. Perestroika was a special operation to collapse the soviet state. Ggpp was her last chord. The point of the ggpp was to create a constitutional vacuum in the country for a few days. And in these powerless days, transfer power from gorbachev to yeltsin, from the main allied center. To parallel, regional. Gkchchp was a product of gorbachev. Alexander ivanovich tizyakov, arrested in connection with the state Emergency Committee case, told me that gorbachev himself looked through the lists of members of the state Emergency Committee and added new characters to them. In particular, he brought vasily staroduptsev there. Gorbachev instructed the gokochepists to do the grunt work, interning yeltsin and his comrades, after which he promised. Return from foros to moscow. Kryuchkov, the leading figure in the gachp, did not fulfill his intended role and did not give the order to arrest yeltsin. Yeltsin escaped. Arrest, climbed onto the tank and declared the state Emergency Committee outlawed. The gkchpi members rushed to faros to beg gorbachev to return to moscow, but he rejected them and threw them to be torn to pieces by the crowd. When gorbachev returned to moscow from pharos, he should have demanded that yeltsin return his powers to power, but gorbachev did not do this and left yeltsin in power. Gorbachev was an accomplice in the coup. Which took place then in that illfated august of ninetyone. On november 7, on a dim , cloudy day, i put on my medals and went to red square. The entrance to the square from the side of the Historical Museum was blocked by turnstiles and guarded by the police. I wanted to go through, but they didnt let me. Among the policemen were those who had recently fought in afghanistan and. Fortyone and fortyfive, i saluted that invisible one who stood on the mausoleum in the rainy fog, perhaps it was the most important act in my life, what . There is a big story on air, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. One of the most outstanding answers that i have ever heard over many years of teaching at lomanosov Moscow State University came to a completely harmless question about when the decembrist uprising took place, the answer was at night, why was i surprised at night, because they woke up hercyn, indeed , when else could it be possible to wake up Young Alexander hertsin if not at night, every schoolchild in the soviet union knew lenins passage about how the decembrists awakened hercyn, who in turn launched revolutionary agitation, the execution of five rebels and the persecution of another six hundred people by Emperor Nicholas i echoed storms of indignation in many hearts. The historical component, which i knew was probably not enough at the time we started making the picture. But i wanted and i wanted everyone who started work, both producers and editors, to talk today about the things that concern us today, about which its very difficult to talk about love for the country, about duty, about freedom, and it was such a time, we started working on the picture in the twelfth year, that is, quite a lot of time has passed, the time when it was replaced by. Such ideological pathos , yes, which concerned this story, too, you will agree, such cynicism has come, yes, cynicism and such an attitude, when its really awkward to talk about such things, its somehow awkward, but somehow some kind of patriotism, lets calm down, yes, there is some kind of freedom there, so well , yes, individualism, it hasnt gone anywhere yet, so we. Wanted to make a modern picture, i wrote the script, so, but the further i went into it, the more the idea was refracted, because, of course, the story itself, its mysterious, its about which ive been working with for many years, so its this is a producers idea, and i was lucky, and not only me, but many who carried out this production idea, and i was the author of the script and the director of this eightpart film, well , i played a small role, and ernst maximovs idea, well , indeed the idea was grandiose, yes the implementation is also grandiose. Just as grandiose those events were in their influence on our history and even on our modernity. The film begins with the napoleonic theme, with our great victory in the patriotic war of 812, and with the scene when our future decembrists celebrate this victory. Lets remember how it was in the film. They are decembrists, they are all heroes , they are all nobles, they are all favored by fate, they serve, at the same time they create a secret society that should change everything in russia, including destroy the dynasty, so who are the decembrists . The decembrists, of course , are heroes, and i would like to start with the words of maria volkonskaya, who wrote he who puts his head on the chopping block for the sake of his convictions, he truly loves his fatherland, its another matter that they acted, perhaps, in the wrong moment, you see, the decembrists are indeed, some of them were from highranking families, there were eight there this is precisely the beginning of the reign of alexander i, another thing is that he would later change everything upon his return to russia, especially in the twenties , when all. Radical, but he, too , was going to abolish serfdom, he had such plans, in fact, even this is shown in the film, his conversation with spiransky, in which, probably not for the first time, he proposed developing a plan for the liberation of serfs, many believe , that he didnt have time to do this, well, by the way, lets see how it s depicted in the film, but what if i suggested that you start preparing a law right now to remove peasants from fair possession . What would you do . Your majesty would begin, so start, your term is no more than a year, and i will sign it and submit it to the senate for approval. Imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose. And i will retreat, but a beginning will be made, the wall will begin to crack. Alexander vladimirovich kibovsky was, among other things, a scientific consultant for this blockbuster, i must say , a lot depends on scientific consulting, because the most attentive people who watched the film were historians of criticism who looked for all kinds of historical inconsistencies, and i, frankly speaking, there. I practically didnt see such inconsistencies, this is a huge merit of yours, thats what didnt suit alexander the first in this case, they first plotted a decembrist conspiracy against him . Well, you see, in general, the filmmakers had a very difficult task, because there is a Decembrist Movement known to specialists, historians from documents, those who read materials, testimonies, memories, who have a picture of what really happened, but there is. A huge decembrist legend, largely formed under the influence of their subsequent misadventures, ordeals, very dignified behavior in siberia to the exploits of their wives, and of course, here we must understand that the authors are trying to get closer, and this is after all the first film adaptation that tried to reveal the essence of the Decembrist Movement of secret societies, because before that, well, i i dont take early soviet films there such as svd. His colleagues decided, let us still show the way it was, historical prose, then this inevitably came into dissonance with some already ideas, where so many of these negative there may be criticism, as for the topic , of course, it is grandiose, in general, this is a very complex movement, when we say decembrists, because lets understand that. 579 people were involved in the investigation, and its not a fact that all of them in fact, they found, of them, in substance, that is , those people who were convicted, about whom there were later various trials in other places, those who were left without attention, nevertheless knowing about their participation, this is about half of this number, but for comparison, on the borodino field in the russian army there were 45 officers, here we we are talking about a number of somewhere around 300 people who were somehow included in the same secret societies, which also seem to. History has experienced very strong changes, starting from the first predecembrist organizations, when we are all for everything good against everything bad, such ala masonic style of organization, to such specific, structured secret societies that came to the uprising, and besides, within this movement itself, out of this number of these 300 people, lets call them the decembrists, although for example, the same he was a loser, he thought that i, who wrote a book called notes of a decembrist, refused to call myself a decembrist, believing. That the decembrists are those who failed everything, those who deceived the soldiers into Senate Square and ruined the whole thing, this is the very a longliver of the decembrists , who, by the way, who is from siberia. Heroic, what was his feat, what was the greatness of these people, counts, barons, princes, this was probably the first, so to speak, attempt at a palace coup when people did not put their own personal interests and their personal grievances, this was probably the main thing in this whole story, because they created their own society, how they wanted to help the sovereign transform russia, but they ended up. They were ready to kill him, kill him family and so on, it seems to me that this is very, this is one of the central themes of the picture, he was not pleasing to them, because he, alexander, did not accept their impulse, there we have semyonovs story, and that disbelief in as if in this movement from below in alexander and not one alexander, and this is. Chadayev changed his views quite a few times during his life, but still, what didnt suit alexander i . Were the decembrists really heroes . I think that the decembrists may have been heroes, but first of all they were traitors, all of them, without exception, including, by the way, those who no longer served like rayleigh, were officers either in the active army or. In the reserve. They all took the oath. The text of the oath, approved by Emperor Peter i, a threepart text of the oath, in the first part in the third part of this oath directly was violated by the plans that the decembrists, already decembrists since 1820, after the start of the military siege, which grew into a successful revolution in spain, began to set. In front of me, this is a significant difference compared to what was in the union of salvation in the union of welfare, i remind you, which was based on the charter of the tugenbund, that is , a society of benefactors, and this organization, unlike hyteria, unlike the italian carbanarii, did not was of a political nature. In the twentieth year this changed. Let me remind you, well, everyone who studied history russia. The 19th century army should, in theory, be familiar with the provisions of this oath i , soandso named, swear, to be faithful, to carry out all the decisions of his imperial majesty that have followed, and that will follow in the future, this is me in relation to, uh, whether they were right or wrong in making or not making a decision regarding the throneinheritance, like military men who took the oath. I remind you that in addition, there was a corporate oath of the nobility exactly the same, they were violators of this oath, which they took. The third part of the oath, there it is clearly stated that if any thoughts arise, in the interest of his imperial majesty, i will obey and report it and will resist with all my might, so they were traitors to the oath, if we follow the traditions of the law school, to put it bluntly. About what they actually wanted, about this after the advertisement. This is how a professional doctor shows exercises for lower back pain, how to treat lower back pain and much more important for your health in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, is it easy to be recognized genius during my lifetime, if i answer this question seriously, i will look like. So we decided to record the memories of zhvanetskys friends, we were with mikhail mikhailovich, we were tight, we were tight, yes, in the company i noticed this two or three times, if he wasnt in the spotlight, hes a pussy, the main testing ground for mishas humor was he himself, one mind is good, but two are not needed, maybe he dressed very well, i think, for women or in general in order to feel himself, he did most of his actions for the sake of a woman, i think for the sake of. The main characters of the uprising are discussed kryleev, pestel, murovyov apostol, trubetskoy. Lets remember how it was in the film. It will be like in france, but for me its generally better like in the american states. In france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if like in france, then everyone present here hanged. Well, well, prince. Therefore, in russia, the aristocrats need to make a short revolution without much bloodshed. But anyway. In general, briefly the program of decembrism, how do you appreciate it . They, in fact, in young ranks, walked through the battlefields and reached paris, what we saw in the first frames of the film , you know, for example, matvey ivanovich muravyov is an apostle, brother, yes, of the hero of this film sergei, he said, my god, how i warmed to our soldiers, who are the soldiers, they are serfs. Peasants dressed in gray soldiers chanels, they had to have service until the age of 25, so of course they wanted, seeing just the soul of a man from the people, they wanted, in general, prosperity for the whole country and these soldiers as well, and of course, when they arrived and remember also such a wonderful quote from yakushkin, when in in the summer of 1814, the army solemnly marched through the nara gates and of course alexander i led this army and yakushkin writes my god, how we admired him, suddenly some man ran across the square, and alexander, who was holding a saber in his hands, swung on him, and of course this guy was immediately taken. Romanticism, but you need to keep in mind that 55 people out of 121 convicted, they were born in the first shooting range of the sixth year, the same ippolit, who. He shot himself, yes, uh, the third younger brother, he was born in 1806, well, a boy , a nineteen yearold who had never smelled gunpowder suddenly found himself in such a serious situation, yes, well, this happens to boys, unfortunately, the revolution of the seventeenth year was also made by precisely such boys, by the way, it will soon be 210 years from the moment when Russian Troops entered paris, this was at the end of march 1814, the key issue was, again everyone agreed that serfdom should be abolished, why should we understand that this concerns only half of the peasants, because the second half are appanage state peasants, namely we were talking about the landowner peasants, this didnt seem to raise questions for everyone, then the debate began, because even the experience of the same yakushkin tried to let the peasants go on his smolensk estate, they say at the christening whose land will be boiled, well as he says, the land will be mine, and you . The question of land arose immediately and this, by the way, was always a stumbling block, because the attempt at liberation, which was realized in the baltic provinces, was also liberated there, yes, in the otsey provinces, they were liberated without land, immediately fell sharply the standard of living of the peasants, this was immediately obvious, because with medical freedom, the landowner lost all interest in saving the population, on the contrary, he imposed as many different taxes as possible. The leases of those peasants who until recently were, as it were, under his , well, his own supervision and therefore the question was very difficult, you need to understand that they were military men, well listen, they first encountered the reality of rural life when some were transferred after the semyonov story as ant apostle in rural Garrison Army regiments, best of all fryumen, well , heres a young man who undertook to judge the general fate of russia, he didnt know much russian, when he was sitting in the petropal fortress, he asked to be given evidence on. Family, that means something , what exactly, sweeping changes, thats what, all these people dont understand what happened here today. Of all times has proven that autocratic power is equally disastrous for rulers and for societies, that it does not agree with the rules of our holy faith, nor with the principles of common sense. Well, as for. Russian pestelis truth, it was much more radical. Muravyov, in any case , advocated a constitutional system , which pestel advocated, its actually very difficult for me to say, because at one time, having read russian truth, i never understood what he wanted, but something even more dictatorial , in my opinion, for a much tougher dictatorship than existed in the russian empire, well , in fact, his plan largely boiled down to what he said. During interrogation, this is what he said everyone said that a revolution could not begin during life Emperor Alexander pavlovich and that it is necessary either to wait for his death, or he will decide to speed up, as soon as the forces and circumstances of society demand it, everyone truly agreed with this, well, that is , in fact, regicide, thats pestels main program, thats how much these did the programs really meet the then interests of the development of russia as a state . And was it even possible to implement them . Well, its very difficult to talk about this, again, ill return to the fact that the issue of the abolition of serfdom rights, about the attitude towards serfdom, Emperor Alexander i himself clearly had a negative attitude towards serfdom. The order to develop the abolition of serfdom project was given, but if im not mistaken, it was not spiransky, but rakcheev, yes, yes, in principle. Arrakcheev had a pretty reasonable plan there, and just like in the plans of the decembrists , only one thing was missing well, this is how you can carry out reforms based on the inviolability of the principle of private property and compensation for the loss of land under the state budget, in which the internal debt is equal to 2. 31 of the income of the empire in 1815, the maximum that they could do in the eighteenth year was to withdraw a 38 million ruble banknote. The soldiers were to receive three times the salary of a regular army. The question, by the way, is also very correct, very good. I would like to remind you that the maximum number of gendarmes under Emperor Nicholas i was a little more than 5. And ermolov then said that now everyone either has a blue uniform or a blue lining or at least a blue patch. And here its 50,000. But the question is where to get it money for all these wonderful transformations. That is, all this could be written well, its all very beautiful on paper, and with all that, depriving the main taxpayer, i want to remind you that from 32 to 35 of the direct income of the empire came from the poll tax, if you deprive the peasant of land , how can he pay state taxes if you deprive the nobleman, the landowner. Of power, and the landowner was the guarantor of the payment of the poll tax, where will you get the funds for financing, including that very gendarmerie army, as for the plans of externally political pestilence, about the total eviction of jews, about the necessity, about the need to seize mongolia, access to the pacific ocean, here he, of course, foresaw. In general , the seer of the russianjapanese war, everything else, in fact these people who wrote, they were military men, but they. Didnt even think about such issues as the economy, statehood, well, or rather they saw yes, that this should be a government under my leadership and it would certainly be fair and should be a great power, that is, in general, some kind of fantastic tangle of this idea and how the director was really supposed to show this about every statement, im ready to argue there, but thats not the point, the whole point is that ill say, well. In relation to these people it is wrong, these people who won together, of course, with the people , with their own people, first of all, the people won, defeated napoleon, who made, albeit briefly, russia the first power in the world, including them, if if only alexander had enough courage, not decisiveness, namely the understanding that you can rely on these people , that you can not make barbs and jokes about , say, volkonsky, yes, what. Should you do, yes, and not run the empire, and if he , if there had been some kind of communication, a lot of things, im not saying everything, could have been different, and alexanders dreams of changing russia would have become a reality, but he didnt believe in them, he didnt see them, and they responded did not see and did not believe him, and our history is the story that with that on the other side there were people not. Your majesty, victoria,

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