Well still have time to try to talk now with the guests of the event, participants in the special operation, lieutenant goncharov, lieutenant goncharov, one of the participants in the liberation of ovdeevka, commander of a tank company, how we managed to break through the defenses, the fields there are continuous, as in tank, as thanks to the courage, dedication, bravery of the fighters, assault units, tanks were used, so to speak, to support assault units. Well, lets say its all thanks to the decisions of the commanders and actions fighters, you have a lot of experience from the first days of the special operation, you take part, so what can i say, but our army has changed during this time, well, of course , of course, it has changed a lot, lets say, a lot of innovations, technologies, so to speak, are being studied, well , its already in use at the moment, thank you very much, thank you, id like to introduce you to it. With another officer, this is the hero of russia, the pilot, alexander karamyshev, who saved many crews, his task is at the evacuation center, alexander vasilyevich, you can come to us, the task is at an evacuation helicopter to fly into the gray zone, if, unfortunately, our connection with the correspondent is still interrupted, we hope to hear from Anton Vernitsky now , by the way, he works at such ceremonies. Since 1994, if im not mistaken, i listened to the message even in the marble hall of the kremlin, which has already become history, anton, today gostiny dvor, how do you like the atmosphere, who else did you manage to talk to, you know, the atmosphere is already waiting for the president , thats it is that he should appear any minute, you know, i can only say that here there are technical capabilities for demonstrating figures, statements of the president , that is, about what he will say, such screens behind me, videos about the countrys achievements have already appeared on them, and as was the case, for example, in 2018 , when the president spoke and the capabilities of our new weapons were shown, remember, then putin first spoke about hypersonic weapons, which are already being tested, including in the zone of a special military operation since the first year , the message was actually first voiced in the 1994 document there was Something Like a name or motto, for example about strengthening the state or like in ninetynine. Russia at the turn of the era, later, when Vladimir Putin began to give messages, he did not title them, but he carried out the practice of not only planning for the next year, but for a longer period, which, especially in these times of global world changes , is logical, according to putin himself, this years message will include the development of the country for a sixyear period, that is, until 2030, well, every message is not just statements of facts about guidelines for action for authorities for the whole country, the main directions of development are drawn up in the form of pre. With the latest news from gostiny dvor. Konstantin, we are listening to you. Alain, still the same room, but a completely different environment than the last time we talked to you. Now you look back at. Take a photo, because it has already sounded from the loudspeakers, please take your seats, the announcement of the message will begin soon and we are actually looking at the clock its time, here you can see a huge pavement on which journalists are now working, we are also here at the end of the hall, and accordingly we have a view of what is now approximately by old standards. These same names of all these weapons of promising modern russian weapons were recently heard at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shaigu, in the context of a conversation about what it means that the americans remember reporting that russia is allegedly sending Nuclear Weapons into space, at the same time at the meeting putin and shaigu were told that no , of course, this is not true, and that this is false, informational stuffing, and why this was done in order, accordingly, as the minister and the president believe, to push russia into negotiations. On strategic stability between russia and the United States, here again Sergei Shaigu recalled that he said why talk about what russia doesnt have, when you need to talk and be afraid of what russia has, so he named all the same types of weapons , which in 2018 were submitted to the address to the federal assembly, this is an interesting phrase sergei shag said then at a meeting with putin on february 20. You can add a few more options to this, that is, well, in general, we read this as a journalist, like some other types of weapons that are not mentioned out loud on camera. Very soon on these huge screens, what kind of infographics will be there and maybe there really is something that is still in store and Something Else that can be shown today, because well, really , Dmitry Peskov probably knows the content part of the president s message, but of course he doesnt have the right to tell us it in its entirety, because well , because thats how it is, and of course, in this regard , we still have the field to talk about what. Will be speaking today Vladimir Putin, we really have to rely on what was said before, and the message, say, 21, 20, nineteen, eighteen, they in general were really primarily addressed within the russian audience, well, lets say, twentyfirst , well then there was a pandemic, so the emphasis was completely obvious, but at the same time several remarks were addressed to the west, the phrase they will regret it as they have not regretted anything for a long time, it was a speech about what if they rush accordingly to move to direction of russia, well , we actually see the fruits of these remarks today after 2 years of the special operation. There was no message in 2022, but there was a message in 2023, and journalists traditionally assessed it from a mathematical point of view, from a mathematical point of view vision too, well, we always say, there were the shortest messages and the longest, but if the shortest was 48 minutes in 2004, 20 years ago, by the way, yes, then the longest was exactly 2018, when it was everything on. Russian weapons was presented for 1 hour and 55 minutes, but i must say in 2023, after a break in the twentysecond year, the message was also colossal, well , in size, in fact one of the longest, an hour 45, then the journalists calculated a lot, then calculated, accordingly, on what topic, how much he devoted Vladimir Putins attention, like this, the topic of svoo was then given, say, 35 minutes, and even you know, calculations are being made of how many times the audience applauded, then they said 53 times, well, lets trust the numbers of our colleagues, 53 times the audience applauded and four of them the same every time , you know, some very bright , very catchy remarks by Vladimir Putin, and probably the most important of them last year was a phrase that has been repeated since then by many and a phrase that Vladimir Putin himself has uttered more than once since the message 2023, they started the war, and we use force to stop it, this simple thought, which somehow appeared before, was pronounced Crystal Clear right here at the message last year, well, it really was a huge number of remarks related to the west. Whom we have just observed, our colleagues, here are representatives of the intelligentsia, the cultural community, science, medicine, the whole of russia in such a crosssection, yes, and of course, here is the locomotive russian business, captain of russian business, head of the business community, rsp, business russia, representatives of small mediumsized businesses, actually addressing the business community, what is interesting is that when Vladimir Putin said that you are investing in russia, that people are probably your losses in the west , their people were not upset when putin said that people probably remembered the privatization of the nineties, when enterprises left without a scene, they showed prosecutor general krasny in the broadcast, well, maybe, of course, its probably a coincidence, the directors of the broadcast had no way of knowing that it would develop further over the course of the year, but it really just so happened that the Prosecutor Generals Office in. Throughout 2023 repeatedly raised questions about the illegality of the privatization of the early nineties in a number of respects a number of the most important enterprises for the country, some of which supply components for the defense industry, there is also a big discussion on this issue here on our site, because this is an opportunity for government officials to meet and representatives of business, for example, alexander shokhin, the head of the rsp, is here now, again, respectively, prosecutor general krasnov, and uh. Accordingly , they have the opportunity to talk and maybe try to come to some kind of decision regarding what should be the fate of the shareholders of those companies that, accordingly, are now in the field of view of the Prosecutor Generals Office, and there is such an opportunity, at least they will take advantage of it, this is , of course, a different question, but today we talked to a lot of people, and representatives today we saw a large number of new regions, everyone, of course, was asked the same question, but here is the perspective of 6 years, which i spoke about with the clergy and after the wellknown events of this year and last year, or rather, we asked berlazar, and the chief rabbi russia, in fact, what does he think about what is happening in russia and whether he considers it necessary to further strengthen interethnic harmony in russia in the next 6 years, and you know, berlazar told us that in his personal opinion, he does not see anything like russia anywhere , yes, of course, you can always strengthen Something Else, add, strengthen , improve, but russia now can not only boast, but simply. Thank you, i ask you, good, good afternoon, dear senators, deputies of the state duma, dear citizens of russia, every message to the federal meeting, this is, first of all, a look into the future, and today we will talk not only about our immediate plans, but about strategic tasks, about those issues whose solutions. I consider fundamentally important for the confident, longterm development of the country. Such a program of action, specific world, was largely formed during trips to the regions, direct conversations with workers , engineers of Civil Defense plants, with doctors, teachers, scientists, volunteers, entrepreneurs, with large families, with our heroes, frontline soldiers, soldiers and officers of the Russian Armed forces, of course, we understand that such events are being prepared, but nevertheless, the real needs of people certainly break through in these. That we are capable of solving the most complex problems, responding to any of the most difficult challenges, we, for example, repelled the aggression of the International Terrorism, preserved the unity of the country , did not allow it to be torn apart in due time, we supported our brothers and sisters, their will to be with russia, this year marks 10 years of the Legendary Russian spring, but now the energy, sincerity, courage of its crimean heroes. The residents of sevastopol, residents of the rebellious donbass, their love for their homeland, which they carried through a generation, certainly causes pride. All this, all this inspires, strengthens the confidence that we will overcome everything, together we can do anything. Thats right, with the whole world, we not only forced them to retreat. Epidemics are quite recent, but have shown that values such as mercy, mutual support, and solidarity prevail in our society. And today, when our homeland defends its sovereignty and security, protects the lives of compatriots in the donbass in novorussia, the decisive role in this righteous struggle belongs to our citizens, our unity and devotion. Native country of responsibility for its fate. These qualities clearly and unambiguously manifested themselves at the very beginning of the special military operation, when it supported by the absolute majority of the russian people. Despite all the trials and the bitterness of losses, people are adamant in this choice and constantly confirm it with the desire to do as much as possible for the country and for the common good. In production, in. Production, they work in three shifts, as long as the front needs, the entire economy, and this is the industrial technological basis of our victory, which has shown flexibility and stability. I would like to thank now the entrepreneurs, engineers, workers, rural workers for their responsible hard work in the interests of russia. Millions of People United the action we are together and the project of the allrussian popular front everything for victory. Russian business. Over the course of 2 years, i have channeled billions of rubles to volunteer organizations and charitable foundations that support our soldiers and their families. People send letters, parcels, warm clothes, camouflage nets to the front, and transfer funds from their, sometimes quite modest , savings. I repeat, such help is priceless, it is everyones contribution to the overall victory. Our. Our heroes are on the front line in the trenches, where it is more difficult all they know is that the whole country is with them. I want, i want to note the work of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, the efforts of the committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland, other public associations, i ask all authorities and. To do everything to support the families of our heroes, parents, wives, children who worry about their closest and dearest people are waiting for them to come home, i am grateful to the parliamentary parties for consolidating around National Interests, the political system of russia is one of the pillars of the countrys sovereignty, we will continue to develop the institutions of democracy, we will not allow anyone interfere in our. Internal affairs, the socalled west with its colonial habits, the habit of inciting National Conflicts around the world, seeks not only to restrain our development, instead of russia they need a dependent, fading, dying space where they can do whatever they want, anything, in fact, they would like to do with russia the same thing that. They did in many other regions of the world, including ukraine, to bring discord into our home and weaken us from the inside, but they miscalculated, this is today. Absolutely obvious thing faced the Firm Position and determination of our multinational people. Our soldiers, officers, christians and muslims , buddhists and followers of judaism, representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, regions, put on more than a thousand words, proving that the centuriesold cohesion and unity of the people of russia is a colossal, allconquering force, together. All together, shoulder to shoulder, they fight for one common homeland. We are all citizens of russia, we will together defend our freedom, the right to a peaceful and dignified life, only determine our own path, protect the connection of generations, which means the continuity of historical development, to solve the problems that the country faces, based on our worldview, our. Traditions, beliefs that we will pass on to our children. Dear friends, protection and strengthening of sovereignty is taking place today in all directions, and above all, of course, at the front, where our soldiers fight steadfastly and selflessly. I thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who are going through the crucible of military trials, who risk their lives every day, the entire people. Bows before your feat, mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes. A minute of silence is announced. Thank you, our armed forces have gained enormous combat experience, this applies to the interaction of all types and branches of the military, modern tactics and operational art, a whole galaxy of talented commanders has grown and been trained, who take care of people and perform competently. Their tasks, use new equipment, successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say that this is in all levels, from platoon and operational level to the highest level of management, we see where and what problems we have, of course they exist, we understand at the same time what needs to be done, and such work is carried out continuously, at the front, in the rear, it is aimed at increasing striking power army navy. Their manufacturability and efficiency. The combat capabilities of the armed forces have increased many times over. Our units firmly hold the initiative. They are confidently advancing in a number of operational directions and liberating more and more territories. We didnt start this war in the donbass, but as i have said more than once, we will do everything to finish it, eradicate nazism, solve all special problems. Protect the sovereignty and security of our citizens. Strategic Nuclear Forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use. What we planned in the field of armaments, which i spoke about in my 2018 message, has all been done or this work is being completed. Yes, hypersonic. Tion complex dagger is not only put into service, but is used with high efficiency to destroy particularly important targets during a special military operation, the zircon seabased hypersonic strike complex was also already used in battle , which was not even mentioned in the message of 1918, but this system is already in service, hypersonic units are on combat duty. Avangard intercontinental range and peresvet laser complexes, tests of the unlimited range Cruise Missile burevestnik of the poseidon unmanned underwater vehicle are being completed. These systems have confirmed their high, one can say without exaggeration, unique characteristics. Troops the first serial sarmat heavy Ballistic Missiles were also delivered. We ll show them off soon. Work on a number of other promising weapons systems. Continues, we will still learn about the new achievements of our scientists and weapons specialists. Russia is ready for dialogue with the United States of america on issues of strategic stability. But here is what i would like to emphasize, dear colleagues, so that everyone understands me correctly. In this case, we are dealing with a state whose ruling circles are taking open hostile actions against us. So what . They they are seriously going to discuss issues with us. Strategic stability at the same time trying to inflict on russia, as they themselves say, a strategic defeat on the battlefield, this can be a clear example of such hypocrisy; recently , unfounded accusations have been increasingly heard, for example, against russia, that we are allegedly going to place Nuclear Weapons in space , such stuffing, and this is nothing more than stuffing, this is a trick only in order. To draw us into negotiations on their own terms, which are beneficial exclusively to the United States, while they are blocking our proposal, which has been on their table for more than 15 years, i mean the draft treaty on preventing the placement of weapons in outer space, which we prepared back in 2008, there is no reaction whatsoever, about which they speak incomprehensibly at all, so we have every reason to believe that the words of todays american authorities, and supposedly. Responsible issues of security and stability that are important for the entire planet, then it is necessary to do this only in a single complex, naturally, including all those aspects that affect our National Interests and directly affect the security of our country, the security of russia. We also understand that the west is trying to drag us into an arms race, thereby exhausting us, repeating the trick that they succeeded in the eighties with the soviet union. Let me remind you that in the years eightyone and eightyeight, military expenditures of the ussr amounted to 13 of the Gross National product. Therefore, our task is to develop the defenseindustrial complex in such a way as to increase scientific, technological. Industrial potential of the country, we need to allocate resources as rationally as possible and build an effective economy of the armed forces, achieve the maximum for every ruble of defense spending, it is important for us to increase the pace in solving social, demographic , infrastructural and other problems, and at the same time reach a qualitatively new level of Army Equipment and fleet, first of all , this concerns generalpurpose forces, the principles of their organization, supplies to the troops of unmanned strike systems, air defense and Electronic Warfare systems, communications intelligence, highprecision, highprecision and other weapons, it is seriously necessary to strengthen the groupings in the western Strategic Direction in order to neutralize the Threats Associated with the next expansion of nato to the east, the involvement of sweden and finland in the alliance. The west provoked conflict in ukraine, the middle east, and continues to lie in other regions of the world. Now , without any embarrassment, they declare that russia allegedly intends to attack europe, but you and i simply understand that they are just talking nonsense, but at the same time they themselves choose targets for striking our territory are chosen. The most effective means of destruction, as they think, have started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate, the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic , they. They must ultimately understand that we also have weapons, but they know about it, just now i said, there are also weapons that can be used. Hit targets on their territories, and what they are coming up with now , how they are scaring the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of Nuclear Weapons, which means the destruction of civilization , why dont they understand this, or something, these are people, you know, these are people who did not go through through difficult trials. Have you forgotten what war is . We, even our current generation, went through such difficult trials during the fight against International Terrorism in the caucasus, now in the context of the conflict in ukraine the same thing is happening, they think that for them these are all some kind of cartoons, what can i say, indeed, russophobia, like other ideology of racism, national superiority of exclusivity, it blinds, deprives of reason. The actions of the United States and its satellites actually led to the dismantling of the European Security system. This creates risks for everyone. It is obvious that it is necessary to work to form a new contour of equal and indivisible security in eurasia in the foreseeable future. We are ready for a substantive conversation on this topic with all interested countries and associations. At the same time, i will emphasize again. I think this is important for everyone today. Without a sovereign, strong russia, no lasting world order is possible. We strive to unite the efforts of the world majority to respond to global challenges, including the Rapid Transformation of the world economy, trade, finance, and Technology Markets when they collapse. Many former monopolies and stereotypes associated with them, so already in 2028 the brix country, taking into account the states that recently became members of this association, will create about 37 global gdp, while the g7 figure will fall below 28 . Well, this figure is very convincing, because 1015 years ago the situation was completely different. I have already spoken about this publicly. Well, these are the trends , you know, Global Trends , theres no getting away from it, they are objective in nature, look, the share of global gdp at purchasing power parity of the g7 in 1992 was 45. 7 , and brix, without even taking into account expansion in 1992, well, brix, there was no organization then, but strangely brix, only 16, in the ninety second year, already in the twentysecond. We interact with partners on the principles of equality and respect for each others interests, which is why more and more states are actively joining the work of the eu, sco, others, brix and other associations with the participation of russia. We see great prospects in building a Large Eurasian Partnership in conjunction with integration processes within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and the china initiative. Russiaafrica. The african continent is increasingly declaring its interests, the right to genuine sovereignty. We wholeheartedly support all these aspirations. Russia has longstanding good relations with arab states. They represent a distinctive civilization from north africa to the middle east, which is developing dynamically today. And we consider it important to look for new points of contact with our arab friends, to deepen the entire range of partnerships, and we will do the same in the latin american direction. And separately. We see what is happening in some countries, where moral norms and family institutions are deliberately destroyed, entire nations are pushed towards extinction and degeneration, and we choose life. Russia remains a stronghold of traditional values on which human civilization is built. Our choice is shared by the majority of people in the world, including millions of citizens of western countries. Yes, today russia and many other states. With a decline in fertility. Demographers argue that this challenge is related to global social, economic, technological, cultural and value changes. Young people get an education, build a career, improve their lives, and postpone the birth of children until later. It is obvious that not only the economy and the quality of the social sphere influence demographics and birth rates, but to a huge extent those life guidelines that are laid down in the family. Formed by culture, education, enlightenment. The work of all levels of government, civil society, and pastors of our traditional religions is important here. Supporting families with children is our fundamental moral choice. A large large family should become a norm, a philosophy of social life, a guideline for the entire state strategy. In the next 6 years. I join your applause. In the next 6 years, we must achieve a sustainable increase in the birth rate. To achieve this, we will make additional decisions in the system of upbringing and education, regional and economic development. Almost every section will talk about support and improving the quality of life of the family. Message, be patient, its just beginning, ill start, so everything that came before is important, but now the most important thing begins, ill start with one of the most pressing problems, this is, to put it mildly, the low incomes faced, including families with many children, in 2000 there were more than 42 Million People below the poverty line in russia, since then the situation has really has changed, changed dramatically. At the end of last year, the number of people below the poverty line dropped to 13. 5 Million People, but of course, this is still a lot, but we are keeping the solution to this problem constant, in the area of constant attention. A number of measures have been taken regarding recently, from january 1, 2023 , a single monthly benefit for the family was introduced. High incomes, and from the womans pregnancy until the child reaches 17 years of age. Last year, more than 11 Million People received this benefit. We have seriously simplified the procedure for concluding a social contract. Large families also have priority here. Now an application for a special contract, a social contract, excuse me, can be submitted through the Public Services portal with a minimum set of documents. We will expand the availability of this measure. This will require additional money somewhere in around 100 billion rubles, but they are provided for, in general i will name these additional expenses, they have all been worked out, i want to repeat, the problem of poverty is still acute, now it directly affects more than 9 of the countrys population, among large families, according to estimates, according to experts, the Poverty Level is about 30 . We need to deliver tangible, real results for people, for our families, we need constant work aimed at improving the quality of life of families with children, supporting fertility, and for this we will launch a new national project, which is called the family, in a number of specific, and in a number of specific initiatives, right now i will say, first, the russian regions, in addition to federal. Programs, are implementing their own measures to support families with children, i want first i would like to thank my colleagues for this work and propose to further help the subjects of the federation, where the birth rate is below the russian average, this is especially important for central russia and the northwest; in 2022, in 39 regions the total coefficient the birth rate was below the russian average. This year we will allocate at least 75 billion rubles to such regions so that they can increase their Family Support programs. Funds will begin to arrive next year. Second, last year over 110 million square meters of housing were built in russia, which is one and a half times more than the highest soviet figure. Which was achieved in 1987, then 72. 8 million km were built, now 110. Even more important is that over the past 6 years, millions of russian families have improved their housing conditions, including more than 900,000 using a family mortgage. And this program started in 2018, let me remind you. We have constantly improved its availability. At first, it could be used by families with two people growing up. How the state repays part of the Mortgage Loan for a family 450,000 rubles i also propose to extend this norm until 2030, this year it will take almost 50 billion rubles for this, then there will be more and more on an increasing basis, but there is money for this, in general the task is. I propose to double it to 2,800 rubles per monthly Tax Deduction for the second child and up to 6,000 rubles per month for the third of each subsequent child. What does it mean . For example, a family with three children will save 1,300 rubles in their budget every month. At the same time , i also propose to increase the amount of annual income to which the deduction applies from 350 to 450,000 rubles. And such support measure should be provided automatically without filing. Statement and separately about the Maternity Capital Program. Now, at the birth of their first child, a family receives the right to a payment in the amount of 630,000 rubles, and at the birth of a second child by another 202,000 rubles. The size of maternity capital is regularly indexed. Our Maternity Capital Program is valid until the beginning of the twenty sixth year, i also propose to extend it. At least until 2030. Dear colleagues, i would like to express my gratitude to charitable foundations, social, nonprofit organizations that help elderly and sick people, disabled children, they have done a lot to raise the state level of issues regarding longterm progress, because that they are all these questions have been raised for a while. I think it is necessary to increase funding for this system from the federal budget, to bring it to a single High Standard to ensure maximum accessibility for those who most need such help, and this is about half a million of our citizens, now, well, by 2030 it is definitely necessary to do this, so that longterm Care Services are used and there is. We need to encourage people who take responsibility for their health. Starting next year we will provide Tax Deductions for everyone who regularly undergoes medical examination on a scheduled basis, and also successfully passes the gto standards. Remember the popular slogan . Everyone remembers this joke stop drinking, go skiing, this is the very occasion, the moment. This has come , by the way, with regard to drinking, here we have a noticeable good result, in fact, without any extremism, we have significantly reduced the consumption of alcohol and, above all, strong alcohol, and this certainly affects the health of the nation, i propose at the expense of federal resources. I propose at federal expense resources to build annually in the regions, primarily in small towns and rural areas, an additional at least 350 sports facilities, these are universal complexes, and prefabricated sites where children, adults and entire families can exercise, we will additionally allocate about 6 years for these purposes six. Schools and preschool institutions. By the way, many of our kindergartens were opened during soviet times and need updating. Next year we will begin a program of their overhaul. Well, people talk about it all the time. Concerning schools, then about 18,500 buildings require major repairs. Until 2030. We will help the regions completely solve this accumulated problem, in the future we will carry out school repairs as planned, what has been done so far shows that we are on the right track, in general we will allocate an additional more than 400 billion rubles for the overhaul of kindergartens and schools. In addition, i propose. We have medical offices in only 65 of schools, there is something to work on and another very important topic today. Many large cities, at the same time the burden on the social sphere becomes greater , the number of schoolchildren who study in the second shift increases, in some schools even a third shift is introduced, of course, this is a problem that also needs to be solved in those cities where the issue of overcrowding of educational institutions is most acute , but we will have to decide again at the expense of the federal budget, at the expense of federal resources. Task we will build an additional total of at least 150 schools and more than 100 kindergartens. Dear colleagues, dreams the accomplishments of our ancestors and older generations have become achievable, and we are proud of these achievements. And the future of the country will be determined by the aspirations of the current young generation. Its formation, its successes , life guidelines that will pass. Any test of strength this is the most important guarantee and guarantee of russias sovereignty, the continuation of our history, i propose to consolidate the positive experience in the field of youth policy and launch a new national project, the youth of russia, this year , this must be, this there must be a project about the future and for the future of our country and. This is how our School Teachers understand their calling, their high mission and responsibility for the younger generations. Thank you so much for your selfless work, the role of mentors is great in making sure that the guys feel like a single team and find support in life. From september 1, 2024, i propose to introduce a federal payment of 5,000 rubles per month for all advisers to directors of education in schools. And colleges and what didnt exist before, and i propose a separate solution for School Class Teachers and group curators in colleges and Technical Schools who work in those settlements that need to be given special attention, precisely those settlements where less than 100,000 people live, and this is essentially all of our small towns , regional centers, towns, villages, and so, from march 1, 2024, i propose doubling the federal payment to such specialists for classroom management and Group Supervision to 10,000 rubles. What else i would like to add in 2018, may decrees established requirements for the remuneration of teachers and other Public Sector workers, based on the average. To work out a new model of remuneration for Public Sector employees within the framework of pilot projects of the subject of the federation, in the twentysixth year to make a final decision for the entire countries. A separate issue is the creation of additional motivation for young specialists so that they come to work at school and see here a prospect for professional and career growth, with for this purpose, we will allocate more than. 9 billion rubles from the federal budget to update the infrastructure of pedagogical universities. Our School Education has always been famous for innovators, innovators, unique and original methods, and it is precisely such teaching teams that will take part in the creation of promising schools. Construction of the first educational school. Leadership level, we will start this year in the ryazan, pskov, belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod and novgorod regions. In the future they will appear in all federal districts, in the far east, in siberia, in the donbass, in total, by 2030 we will open 12 such schools. Now about the content of education the educational load for children should be reasonably balanced. Of course, its clearly not beneficial when youre in class. They teach one thing, they ask for Something Else in exams, there is such a discrepancy, to put it mildly, between School Programs with exam questions, and this happens, unfortunately, but this forces parents to hire tutors, and not everyone can afford this, i ask my colleagues from the government to Work Together with pedagogical and the Parent Community to deal with this problem, it is obvious in this regard. In this regard, about the unified state exam, it still causes wide public discussion and controversy, we know everything about it well, indeed, the unified state exam mechanism should be improved, which is what i propose at this stage, i propose to take another step in this direction, to give graduates what is called a second chance, precisely at the choice of the student himself, to provide him with the opportunity. Retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects create this is to do this before the end of the admission process to universities, in order to have time to submit documents taking into account the retake, such everyday things, but they are important for people. Dear colleagues, last year the russian economy grew at a rate higher than that of the world. Therefore, we were ahead of the indicator not only. Leading countries of the european union, but all states of the socalled big seven