, bravo, can you imagine how much this. The miracle cost the executions, i can only guess, petersburg could have been fed and soldered for a day, count 2 minutes was enough, it was an amazing 2 minutes, i must admit, it was like a dream, you dont find it, your majesty, i didnt believe my eyes, but in dreams we always believe and are not surprised by anything, if it were possible so easily, not with such pleasure, to survive tragedies in real life, the theater was created for this reason, that its so easy to play jokes. Touch horror, beauty, during the eruption of luck, thousands of people fell asleep alive, and we are enjoying ourselves, perhaps we could have chosen another topic, but for you to choose, i would like to suddenly see christmas or paris, its surprising, because each of those present individually is, in general, a smart person , everyone generally feels dissatisfaction, because you cant get rid of all the dissatisfied, uhhuh, amilada one more, thats fine, come in, stand here, theyll call you. Appeared, i wanted to talk to you, private ram, i have reliable information that you are planning to escape from service, i am inciting the others, in robbers are going, they say, yours seems high, thats the talk, well, yes, why shouldnt you love your service . Who were you before you were born, why, now its a different matter, private, where, what s best, just like that, maybe, sergei alekseevich, theres no need to run anywhere. Go away. On knees swear that you will be faithful and will not betray. I swear, we can get up, now the doomran is ours. God will forgive your majesty, as i forgive, and you will forgive my family, god will forgive, as i forgive, happy holiday, and you, alexandra fedorovna, forgive, god will forgive your majesty, what simple words, and how good you said, i really trust you both and i want you to know. i love you and your children , god bless, i am so glad that you have such a good, correct life, as if i wanted it, all the good that we have is thanks to your care, you take care of me, i want and i can help you not only as a brother, but also as a subject, i know that you will take volkonskys place in my inner circle. what do you say . This is a great honor, but am i just a commander . I need you, not your position. I swear to your majesty, i will do Everything Possible so that you do not regret your decision. His own. Make peace with miloradov, you will soon see him more often. We are not at odds with the count. Come on, come on, he is afraid of you, it must be because i am your brother, konstantin is also my brother, and he loves him, miloradovich is a strong man, and can be a wonderful friend, but he can be an enemy, like everyone else, like everyone else, alexander. What is the author of the note now . Is it near death . At deaths door . No, i dont know, youre lying, alexey andrevich, you know, Mikhailo Mikhailovich is alive and well, yesterday he was definitely alive, yours, that he couldnt cope today, god forbid, but why . He is not with you, i thought everything was set out in his address to your person, in detail, his presence is not necessary, i dont need anyone, even you, to replace me and. Decide with whom not i have never dared to be in relations with anyone, your majesty, and i will not dare, you will order her to send an adjutant to the senate in a minute, or father, let me run away myself, you dont need to run, please, mikhail mikhailovich, drive, how are you . , your majesty is wonderful. Thank you for this important and timely document, but why was the whole note sent by you through alexei andreevich, do you think we cant do without it, the count accepted me, your majesty approved my appeal, and as i see, he has now expedited the matter, i am very grateful, i still ask you to contact me in the future. Not through the office, directly in person, your personalities, allow me, ill take the document and give you the move, order, how did he finish me off . And brought me closer, thats why, i cant understand, what i expected, well, this is not good, youre going to die here , not the sovereign, but i wanted to invite you to visit, Sergei Ivanovich, well, i such a friendly meeting. When soon, sergei wants to announce the start date of the case, but Sergei Ivanovich does not want to consult first . Well, it seems not, our mutual friend from st. Petersburg wrote a letter, they plan to start in april next year, when navigation opens, we should support them from here, as i understand it, i wrote to Sergei Ivanovich in tuba, right, wait until the second coming. He is mistaken about you, yes, my dear brother, artamanov, of the commanders regiment, acquaintance, hello, hello, staff captain, barom nightingales, good evening, parutchik kuzmin, paruchekov, hello, Sergei Baranov has been demoted from major, major baranov . Oh, it seems, in a drunken state, he got rid of his commander, it was in another honor, and the other, just like that, uhhuh. There is one life, there is no other, i will have it, sergei alekseevich, a member of our society. He is equal to everyone present here, gentlemen, if you order to leave, mr. Colonel, stay, i will leave, gentlemen, stand, stay, i ask you. We need him, he persuades the soldier, they they will stand up for us, so no, the soldiers must go because they receive orders, then for whom is all this, for whom is our business, not for them, for them, you are a strong, kind person, its easier for you to think that everyone is like that, but those who live in skoda conditions cannot be the same as us, we will change their lives, yes, but only after many years these people will begin to change, but for now, for now, keep them in line, for their own good, goodbye , pavel, you, you will support us, a strange question, i was waiting for the words. Pestel is with us, yes, hurray, hurray, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen. Have you not seen Sergei Ivanovich for a long time . 2 years, why now, what happened . There used to be hope, now there is none. Give me at least one reason why alexander should change his mind, and i will go to him right now. Sergei is not guilty, thats the reason , you want me to invite the sovereign to admit that he punished the innocent, a bad idea, there are no others, how fast are the clouds moving today . Your majesty, you are ordered not to let anyone into your majesty, who is this . Second lieutenant klep of the grenauder regiment panov. Your majesty, doctor vilya ordered not to let anyone in until he allows it, ill still go in, i wont let him in, then at least kill me, now dont. What, the head of the palace guard is here, i ask, dont make noise, i drew her majestys blood, the fever has subsided, her majesty wants you to come to her, your majesty, her majesty had a stroke, she stopped breathing, the maid of honor sent for me, it was me, she told me not to let anyone in, forgive me, it was necessary, chief of the palace guard, major goltz, hush , i ask, from maruchik ponov, to reward for excellent service, i obey your majesty, go, your your majesty, please go, of course, your majesty. Well done, panov, glad to try your imperial majesty. Look at me, your majesty, perhaps we need to go to italy again, as doctor bilia advises, but if not. Do you want, as you please . Should i leave . At least i can do something for you. What do you think about resignation, Sergei Ivanovich . Nothing, im not even allowed to ask for leave, let alone resignation, but how was there such an opportunity, prince, maybe i would like to be a general, i. I cant imagine myself without service, just think, well think about yourself, do not put your pride in your life, write that the petition to the highest name, the sovereign said, will accept your. Resignation, but i do not want resignation, so write what you want, i assure you, the sovereign will read it, i understand, its difficult to talk about your true goals and desires, it would be good to know them first, i know for sure, write this, do you want ink, sorry, or paper . I should be there immediately, of course, of course, in europe they build a dam first, then everything else, but here the city is built on destruction, a boat is needed, there will be, there will be a boat, no worry, seryozha, my dear, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine. Everythings okay, everythings okay, lie down, lie down. Im allowed to burn fires for food, its cold, yes, theres less garbage to pick out. In order not to disturb you, prince, i will talk about the good, the water has returned to its previous state, but how much trouble and destruction it caused is impossible to understand, everyone lies, lies, lies, lies, and its so scary, but they still lie. And you . Before talking about my fears, let me ask, prince, whats wrong with you, was the doctor there, i had a fever, i had a high fever, delirium seems to have said a lot of unnecessary things, katya is very worried, and what scared you . Well , of course, water destroyed the shipyards, our frigate, which we had known plans for, the pain exists, but the flood greatly strengthened me, it cleared up my head, what are you saying, share, prince, share, sergei petrovich. There is no dam around the supreme power, just as there is none around st. Petersburg, we should not be cunning, we must come out openly against the sovereign, then it will become obvious to everyone what has become obvious to me, he is weak and insignificant, which means he is not needed, oh, how exactly said, prince. And you know what, prince, you need to get sick more often, how do you like the situation, tsuk zvank, your majesty, any move by white leads to the image, and what do you order to do, where to go . Nowhere, your majesty, but i wont lose, you know, i cant imagine, heres edek, going, but ill lose , your majesty, but its better than me losing. After all, i am the emperor of all russia. Mat, i thank you that you have decided, few people are ready to start, knowing that they are endowed, and if i suggested that you start preparing a law on the deprivation of peasants from fair possession, what would you do, your majesty would begin. So start, your term is no more than a year, and i will sign it and submit it to the synat approval, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made, the wall will begin to crack. This is your chernigorsy, to the people, to the people , Lieutenant Colonel muravyov, march, we must leave , i ask you, you leave, i ask you, i ask you, follow me, take the sovereign away, leave, leave back, Lieutenant Colonel, stop the soldiers, go back, in place, stop if the emperor remains alive, millions of nobles, soldiers, and mobs will want to protect him, then we will not win, the killer of the sovereign should be immediately destroyed. we will arrest the retinue for allowing an attempt on the emperors life, after which the units loyal to us will move to the capital, dragging the rest with them, but your plan has a flaw , what is it, if they are afraid of millions who want to free the sovereign, then dont start standing, but youre not afraid, but im afraid of being branded a coward in the face . Im afraid of this, we will take care of the sovereign, thereby indicating that our goal is good justice, let the fate of everyone in the densest family be decided by the new senate, what is now ordered to be done with the poles, the poles should be respected, Mikhail Pavlovich has been respecting them since yesterday. Well, our polish guests offered me polish nobility, and what did they ask in return . Grodno province, but then we decided to leave everything as it was, but you are a diplomat, and what did you gentlemen agree to . We are speaking at the next highest review of both armies. And i think we can do without our new polish friends, write to colonel pestal Pavel Ivanovich was presented with a receipt of payments from the Quartermaster Department of st. Petersburg, as well as acts of enrollment. Funds to the treasury of the second army in the period from january of the entire year to july. Please read here. Now, please, look for the indicated amount in the list of deposits. I couldnt find it. Therefore, there are no enrollments. So there is no property either. The vyadsky regiment is not listed, neither cloth, newly acquired, nor leggings, excuse me, winter linen, something must be available, either money or property, if there is neither one nor the other, its a waste, the regimental treasurer is on health leave, i didnt have time. Venho. sorry, mr. Colonel, i constantly deal with theft, excuse me, its not worth your behavior, i had to be openminded, your excellency, sit down, mr. Mayboroda, you have a captains duty, all your deadlines have expired. we left, so theres no way to make one, look for it, but in the meantime, write a receipt, please, what kind of receipt that you took 6,400 rubles from the officers treasury for your needs. Well, i didnt take it, i took it to cover up your waste, then ill describe to you what the money is, of course, government money, but i did a lot more good for our business, its kind of like. Payment for the risk, but to avoid trouble, we can come up with something, rest assured, well figure it out, Pavel Ivanovich, its not that kind of money to make us quarrel . Where are you quarreling with me . Adam paval ivanovich, im right, i swear, not at all now, write a receipt, captain, thats it. Adam, ill give it to you, ill give it to you, dont bother, its not business here, thank you. Everything has been listed. The conspirators serve in units of the first second army in molarussia, if you order cancel the highest review, or postpone it for the duration of the investigation, why the investigation is already clear, the truth was written by infantry captain mayboroda, the good of the fatherland is desired by the pestles, comrades. A constitution, an elected parliament , freedom for the farmers, i want it myself, and you, ivan ivanovich, they are going to kill you first, your majesty, this is because there are few of them, i gave my life so that there would be, well, at least 1000 of them, there are 19 of them human . We will establish everyone, we will establish your identity, and how many you establish, another 19, leave them without attention, it is not for me to judge them, if it is not for you to judge, your majesty, then there is no judgment at all, there is, forget it. Good morning, dear friends, in the Arina Sharapova studio on the calendar thursday, february 29th. Its a rare day of winter, it happens once every 4 years , and besides, its the last day of winter, you definitely cant sleep through such a day, especially since we only have the most interesting things ahead of us, we. Will continue our walks around st. Petersburg, today well look at the museum of Northern Capitals, we will learn a lot about the hero of the film union of salvation, we will find out what the phenomenon of leap years is, we will talk again about the dacha amnesty, lets cook something edok, and thats not all that awaits us this morning, right now everyone is going to the pool. The fitness trainer, Margarita Kuznetsova, is already waiting for us, so please take your children with you, because its more fun with them. Good morning, i like to combine business with pleasure and i teach my daughters this, we went down the slide and had fun, now well take care of our health and do gymnastics in the water, and you join in, the exercises can be done at home, on the mat, with your feet wider than. Shoulder width , arms to the sides, turn the body to the right and do swing with your left leg, work with your body, now swing with your right leg, help yourself with your hands , like this, the water creates resistance, in order to overcome it, we strain the muscles of the body more, but at the same time we move smoothly, like a fish in water. We perform the exercise without stopping, if possible, we speed up the pace, it may be difficult for children to maintain balance, in this case the swimming train will help out, hold on, emilia. Gymnastics in water doubles the load on the body, which means the muscles become stronger faster. Well, weve warmed up, now we can go back on the slide, have a good morning. Our good cheerful morning continues and its time to look on the internet to find out whats new the World Wide Web has caught from our columnist yegor uspensky and is just ready. Another selection of very fresh such wonderful videos. Well, what can you do . Cats continue to storm the internet olympus. Well, heres another hero, his name is bonopard, he learned to comb. To her owner, and she, judging by the video, doesnt mind at all; the video with the cat stylist has already been appreciated by 5 million users of the World Wide Web. Wild deer in canada entered the Recreation Center and swam in the pool. The footage was captured on a mobile phone by one of the visitors. It took employees about 15 minutes to rescue the uninvited guest from the water and take him outside. Well, reportedly neither the deer nor the visitors. Suffered. Mexican ricado santiago makes amazing crafts from old newspapers. He rolls them into tubes and turns them into baskets, jugs, lamps, and even these carts in no time. Those who see ricardos masterpieces for the first time do not immediately guess what they are made of. Done. And in conclusion, about one interesting and very strange achievement in india there is a column of 721 people in total. She walked 2 km on stilts in 10 minutes, and this is a new world record, which is applauded by 10 million users of the World Wide Web. The calendar says thursday, february 29th. I hope you all got enough sleep today and no one woke you up early in the morning with the gentle trills of a hammer drill behind the wall or the singing of a vacuum cleaner. Well, by the way, if you believe the surveys of a noisevacuum cleaner, creaking, foam plastic and, as the poet said, when iron hits glass, among the most annoying sounds for humanity. Who makes noise in our homes, what kind of noise can be considered safe, and is it true that all this is very individual . Typical day. And the usual sounds in the kustov family, a lot of sounds. The neighbors are not complaining, but there is a suspicion that. The main sources of noise are the daughters sophia and daria. My husband and i sometimes dont want to wake them up, because now there will be screaming and yelling , theres also a lot of household noise, a coffee machine, a kettle, water constantly, some kind of music, someone is always listening. Together with an engineer acoustician sergei kholodov will measure the main noises in the apartment, and at the same time we will figure out which sounds are more annoying, and why . Do you like this sound . Sound volume is measured in decibels, for example two. Human whisper, 50 calm conversation, 8090 street transport, 120 jackhammer, noise up to 55 decib is considered safe for hearing in an apartment, the limit is 85. For bushes , the values ​​​​are close to the limit, but still not off scale, the excess is by itself there is no noise here, this is household noise, the second indicator is the frequency of the sound wave, as a rule, people hear in the range from 20 to 2000 hz. With age, the upper threshold. Decrease , the most irritating noises are low ones, the frequency, lets say, is higher, it can be 50 hertz, of the highfrequency ones the highest is, we had a whistle, it would be 4. 600, the interval is from 2 to 500 hz, psychophysiologists assure, human hearing perceives especially acutely, in this range, for example, the creaking of styrofoam, scratching a fork on a plate or a childs cry, but there is a third indicator our individual perception, this is our called. How does this happen . The ear converts sounds into mechanical vibrations, the eardrum of the auditory ossicles, then vibrations of the fluid in the cochlea, then into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the temporal lobes of the brain, here they are recognized and processed. Our expectation, to hear some kind of sound, our knowledge of what this sound can mean, our cultural times. Spheres, those that are accepted at home, manicure and Pedicure Services are at the top among russians, there are almost 2000 such specialists, Natalia Medvedeva from sochi, one of them, simply decided to arrange this type of additional income for herself, in an apartment overlooking the sea, a workplace, everything is perfect here, in fact , you can receive visitors even in the kitchen, the law does not prohibit, when choosing such services, you know, ask masters, you can do everything, as in a regular salon, and a copper bag and. How the tools are processed, after the manicure is performed, all the tools go through all stages of sterilization by immersion in a solution of two percent stilades for 5 minutes, this also applies to haircuts and coloring, be careful with cosmetology, masks, light peelings, hair removal with wax or sugar, household cosmetology services, you can go to the selfemployed home for them, lasers , photorejuvenation, threads, only a doctor. Only in the clinic this includes hair removal using the necessary medical equipment , this includes injection procedures, for this you need to have either a medical or cosmetology license, all because there are contraindications, we know that the consequences can be serious, this also applies to therapeutic medical massage, only by appointment, a license and medical education from a doctor is required, so nin, what do you prefer to do in the spinal area or back, then what do they do at home spa massage or relaxing . Kadyrova has been practicing for more than 5 years and has a diploma. Mostly residents of this residential complex come to see me. Its very convenient for people here; they just walk from the next door. Often it is also cheaper. The master works himself, but it doesnt matter where you received the service at the home of a selfemployed person or in a salon, you can refuse it or return the money for poor quality. Law on protection of rights consumers applies to absolutely everyone, but you must understand exactly what this service is and what you can prove that this service is. You received it specifically from this selfemployed person, and for this you need to ask for a check for the selfemployed it is electronic in the application my tax. Rita larkina, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. A scientific fact in the human body there are 187 joints, when everything is in order with health, we dont even think about them, thats when the arteries begin there, we already remember, physical therapy doctor, Sports Medicine peter popov advises not to delay going to the doctor. Do special gymnastics, if you have arthritis, then gymnastics is a must, it helps reduce inflammation and stiffness of the joints, when it is from 0 to 5 outside and there is no wind, i recommend doing it in the fresh air. We remember that if you have arthritis , you cant freeze, so we put on another, waterproof ones over warm pants. Sweater, hat, scarf, mittens, everything as it should be, and a jacket, lets go, look how fluffy the snow is today, we re lucky, we put our hands in the snowdrift, one by one, then with the inner, then with the outer side of the palm , and clap your hands, an active warmup helps you become more active, and if the snow is clean and you know that there are no branches or debris under it, we lie down in the fluffiest snowdrift, ride like on a pier, to the left to the right, snow baths stimulate the production of joy hormones, help to throw out negative emotions and return to life for a moment. Just keep in mind, if we start to freeze or feel that our clothes are wet, we immediately go home and warm up with hot tea, good luck to you, here you go the First Channel continues the serial film union of salvation, the main film premiere of the year, a big, spectacular, exciting movie, and even. More than a movie, it is a complete immersion in the era, extreme accuracy in every detail, dont miss the next episode on the First Channel today, dont miss an opportunity to discover. The language of flowers could sometimes speak louder to love than a passionate letter. From the day of the angel. A bouquet, but a bouquet is a symbolic sign, which does not mean that there is a need to come to sinoval at that hour or something also, this is some kind of internal coding of the relationship of those who are looking for each other in our film, they understand, but the rest do not understand. Give these flowers to petrov, these are the ones right now. There are places where life and signs of the era are preserved exactly, city houses , landowners estates that have become museums, everything here is as it was then, from dishes to stoves that were used to heat houses, if the tile is white and stands in some room, for example, in which. Blue color prevailed, then it was also fashionable, then the tile reflected this color from the walls, it no longer became completely white, but with a slightly blue tint, when a person needed to hide something somewhere, a hiding place, it was difficult to find a better place than the stove, and even in a fire there, most likely it would not burn, because the ceramics would protect, if we talk about the decembrists, if i were them, im going to the Senate Square, just in case. I would have hidden something in a flash, im crazy, and you are too smart and calculating, prince, crazy people change the world, discover the 19th century, watch the continuation historical drama union of salvation today on channel one, one cut down the top to take power with a blow, ekaterina lepskaya, joseph kobrin, maria bronzova, anastasia soveleva, channel one message from the president. Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the federal assembly. Live stream. Today at 12 00 moscow time. Hello, the news is live in the studio sergey tgushev. All attention today is focused on one of the most important events of this year, the message of the russian president to the federal assembly. Vladimir putin announced. Him in the capitals gostiny dvor, now final preparations are being made there. The Upcoming Event is a Public Appeal to both houses of parliament, which assesses the state of affairs in the country and outlines the main directions of domestic foreign policy. The content and forms of the appeal are determined personally by Vladimir Putin, who, as the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said, has been working on the text for the last few days. As part of the preparation, the president held dozens of telephone conversations and meetings with ministers. Vicepremiers, heads of departments. In addition to deputies and senators, at the announcement heads of regions, government representatives, and leaders of major faiths present messages to the federal assembly. Among those invited, the kremlin reported that last year there would be participants in a special military operation. Channel one will broadcast the president s address to the federal Assembly Today starting at noon moscow time. To the news of the special operation, the Russian Military took up positions. Armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region. The assault was carried out by units of several military branches. At first powerful artillery preparation, then the tankers paved the way to the enemy object, the capture itself was carried out by the infantry. At the same time , drone crews were monitoring from the sky all the time. They helped aim the guns and track the movement of the militants. Thanks to such clear coordination of our fighters, the Ukrainian Armed forces stronghold was quickly taken under control without much resistance. The enemy didnt raise his head, ours just came and took the positions, i saw perfectly well what was happening there, the enemy offered no resistance at all, this is already making itself known know this. That both the morale and fighting spirit of the enemy drops very strongly, when a clash occurs on the battlefield, there are two options either they flee, or they surrender, but completely desperate, they die. A series of powerful attacks on militant strongholds and equipment were carried out by our pilots in the donetsk direction; su25 crews were working; fire was fired from extremely low altitudes, about 30 m above the ground, after a successful attack. Farmers continue to block checkpoints on highways and railways, do not let trucks through, and empty wagons with grain. Thus, farmers are trying to get the authorities to expand the embargo on ukrainian Agricultural Products and tighten transit rules, which, according to them, are regularly violated. Due to uncontrolled imports , local farmers suffer enormous losses. Secretary of the Russian SecurityCouncil Nikolai Patrushev met with nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega, reportedly, strengthening the multidisciplinary Strategic Partnership of the two countries was discussed. Special attention was paid to deepening cooperation between Law Enforcement agencies and ministry of economic bloc. In nicaragua , nikolai patrusha heads a delegation that includes representatives of the russian president ial administration, the ministry of foreign affairs, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of justice and other departments. At the beginning of the meeting, the secretary of the Russian Security council handed over to the president and Vice President of nicaragua herself. Warm words and wishes from Vladimir Putin, and noted the wide range of issues discussed during this visit, it is very important to note that indeed there were not only representatives of the security bloc, there were also representatives of the economic bloc, all the departments actively communicated with each other, taking this into account, i think that there is movement in terms of implementing those plans. Fires engulfed oklahoma, mississippi and texas. This is where the situation is most difficult. One of the achugs reached an area of ​​2000 hectares. In terms of scale , it has already become the second in the history of the state. The town of fritsch was completely burned out. The population managed to evacuate. I hastily leave my homes, residents and other Populated Areas. Rescuers are unable to stop the flames. It is spreading further and further, capturing new territories. Texas authorities declared an emergency situation in sixty districts. Work was temporarily suspended. Nuclear Weapons Assembly plants, all personnel were urgently evacuated, special protective structures were erected around them, but the elements bypassed the plant; according to the latest data, it is operating normally. Thats all for now, stay with us, the program good morning will continue to air on channel one. Good morning to everyone who joined us, please wake up, a new day has already begun and not just any, the very last day of winter. Its thursday. February 29, well, on channel one the serial film union of salvation continues, a big, spectacular, beautiful, honest movie about the decembrist uprising. One of the heroes of this film is undoubtedly the city of st. Petersburg. Our film crew has been working in the Northern Capital all this week. Elizaveta nikishova went to the addresses where the decembrists lived. Moika 72, Trading House of a russianamerican company. Kondratyev worked. Here the ruler of the chancellery and lived on the first floor, the apartment in which the last meeting of the decembrists took place on december 13, 1825 was located about here. It is unknown how she looked before, in the film union of salvation, releighs office, this huge hall of the derzhavin estate museum. He is difficult to recognize. Due to the camera light, due to the artistic furniture, we made it more of a coloir type, a room, maybe even an office, one way or another, where. Managed to recreate the feeling of the room, again the authenticity and historicity of the room. Several scenes were filmed at the derzhavin estate. The straw room in the cinema became the office of prince shcherbatov, where he met with. But the walls of the house really remember the decembrists. They visited the literary and musical salons of the playwrights widow. And today their descendants are here. Sergei dmitrievich conducts excursions. Ilya fedorovich lvov was involved in the investigation, spent several months in prison, but was eventually released from the investigation. Another legendary place is the field of mars , apothecary lane 4. I occupied an apartment on the second floor. Has already presented it to his comrades, including in order to implement it on december 14, the day of the reoath of the guards troops. Senate the square is literally around the corner, but prince trubetskoy did not appear on december 14, 1825. You have to understand that today the square itself looks different; the building of the senate and synod was built 10 years after the uprising. The bastions of the peter and paul fortress, where prisoners were kept, were also changed. And even kronverg looks different. At the site of the execution of the decembrists today there is a memorial stella. Elizaveta intishova, andrey ivanov, ilya saedzh, anna ryabova, Dmitry Krivtsov, channel one. Let me remind you that the serial film soyuz continues on channel one salvation, well, we continue to introduce you to the heroes of this picture. Count alexey andreevich rokcheev, statesman and military leader. One of the most important Close Associates of the emperor. In the film union of salvation, he is played by roman. In our country, as someone says, changes will deplete something, like change, so theft, maybe somehow without change at all, we have the honor to present count alexey orakcheev, head of the imperial chancellery, close to alexander i, if you wish, to his majesty, first to me, arrests, denunciations, and this is no longer your place, the longstanding the enemy, the reformer spiransky, who so dangerously thirsts for change. Im sorry that i asked you for a lot of blood, and so do i, at the end of practically my career, i say thank you to my greatest enemy, how much you need to be a truly integral person, excuse me, you need to have courage. Roman madyanov as count arakcheev in the historical drama union of salvation. Today on the First Channel, then we go on the calendar february 29, tomorrow is spring, and then the dacha season is just a stones throw away, so, dear summer residents, Important Information, dacha amnesty for common buildings extended until 2031, the topic will be continued by nadezhda pravdina. The druzhba gardening partnership decided to insure the gatehouse, this capital house, after an accident. We didnt have. Neither this pillar, nor this pillar, nor the barrier, nor the gate, everything was demolished, but since it was not insured, we had to restore everything at our own expense. Its easy to get insurance, but only for those buildings that are in the unified real estate register; now you can add them there without unnecessary delays, without notification of the start of construction, a water permit in operation, the dacha amnesty for the common structure was extended until 2031, this partnership has already managed to formalize the board building. Finds errors, in the Friendship Partnership it took 5 years to register public lands. Until january 1, 2019 , public land plots were registered in snt as the property of a legal entity. From january 1 , 1919, it is registered only in the common shared ownership of all owners of land plots. The land is decorated. The next step is the construction technical plan, for this they call the cadastral engineer again, then the documents are again submitted to the rosreestr, in general, this is not quick, and there are a lot of expenses, both for the services of experts, and then for taxes, land property. We pay about 350,000 rubles a year for public lands. And for a building no more than a thousand rubles. But this is for it. Protection against squatting, the chairman can always call cadastral engineering to indicate to one of the tenants that he has climbed onto public land, because of this the neighbors cannot normally use the road. There are other advantages compensation in case unforeseen situations, such as the seizure of a land plot for state needs , it will be much easier to communicate with the state, since the rights will be registered. The same arguments are in favor of registering personal buildings. The dacha amnesty is also valid for them until 2031. Ivan ivanovich is finishing the construction. And temporary buildings cannot be registered; only capital ones with a foundation are allowed. Nadezhda pravdina, konstantin leonov, channel one. Fragrant, crispy, crispy on the outside, juicy spicy meat filling on the inside and definitely in the broth. This is the right cheburek. Can you buy these in a store . Heres a question, especially when it comes to frozen pasties. Anastasia novokhatnyaya tried to find out, and at the same time found out why appearance is so important for frozen pasties. Chebureks seem to be considered fast food , nothing complicated, dough and meat, but in fact they have the status of a main dish, there are dozens of recipes, and there are frozen semifinished products, just quick and convenient, but whether its tasty depends on many things, for example, on the dough, this, for example, the main idea is the dough in which the filling is located, its like a bag from the store, this is a thing that should bring the filling to your mouth, but here it turns out to be as thick as. You wrapped it in a fur coat and carried the food. The dough should be thin and dense; flour with a high protein content of a higher grade will work for it. We look for this indication on the label. Now about the filling the composition should not contain soy, animal proteins, moistureretaining substances, or flavor enhancers. Ideally flour, meat, onions, herbs, spices and only the last one on the list water. Look, it contains meat, and then in small text pork, beef, fuck, a, b, c, all these Little Things go on and on. Soy flour, which holds it all together, and you see, it is not written from what, what percentage of pork, what percentage of beef and what percentage of chicken, there may be one gram of this, it is better if the composition directly indicates finely chopped meat, it retains juiciness, gives that same rich taste, but the manufacturer can cheat with such a filling it wont work out, whats next, appearance , the main thing is no sticky or broken pasties, and also that there are no dark spots, this is the main sign that. Put you on the line, yes, on speakerphone, for a more convenient conversation, now you will need to go to our banks Technical Support application to distinguish scammers, oh, ah. Agree, the elderly woman at first evokes sympathy, but then during the conversation it turns out that she is simply trolling the scammer. To the main menu of the phone, exit, where to exit . To the main menu, where you have all the applications, messages, cameras , what menu, im already out, im standing over there on the balcony, whats the menu, click on the circle, at the bottom of the screen theres a gray circle in the center, in which center, i live on the edge, in the center, which well, theres a safirist here. All the masks have fallen off, can you hear me, hello, i hear , yes, adequately, you are sick, you are suffering from something, yes, its not often that you hear how criminals lose their nerve at the moment of communicating with the victim, im just proud of this woman, how beautifully she handled the swindler, friends, dont rush to believe everything they tell you on the phone, remember, there are a lot of scammers now, dont lose your cool and sense of humor when talking to them, and if. You dont want to get involved in the conversation, just hang up, and let no one ever be able to deceive you, they invite me to the ski section, never dare to cry in front of your opponent , i understand, now ive moved forward, i promise you, lina, wheres the smile, shell become an olympic champion, and whats so special about lenka, skin, bones, history is better. Skiers of the century, it will be hard, im ready, elena garbe flies into the stadium, white snow in saturday on the first, on the calendar february 29 , tomorrow is the calendar spring, very soon the snow and ice will begin to actively melt, and in some places large water has already arrived, the regions have begun to fight the flood, it is too early to make forecasts, but in opinion. They live in the open air, our barbara will soon give birth, and there is absolutely no place to give birth to her. Its still warm outside for barbara and her relatives, but rain is ahead. A flood happened in one of the districts of the irkutsk region, the angara river overflowed its banks, only here the cold is to blame, its 40 outside, the river is frozen and the water went on top of the ice, overnight it rose 75 cm, i was standing on the other side, now i was filming, it directly moves towards my feet at the speed of sound. In the zone. Heating 12 houses, now we are trying to start the cars, get something out of here as much as possible, and protect the house from the flood. The water level in the rivers of the voronezh, bryansk, and kursk regions is rising, but spring has not yet begun, what should we prepare for . The roshydromedcenter says that the flood period will not be easy, but it is too early to make specific forecasts; the scale of river flooding depends on the weather, the amount of moisture in soil, from its depth. Floods await in april. A list of activities has been planned in terms of blackening the ice, sawing it, and , of course, carrying out blasting operations in the event of jams on rivers. Residents are also preparing. The village of yagan is at the mouth of two rivers, they are often flooded. Now they have already begun to drain the water from the pond, the water is already covering the ice, that is, our ice is already beginning to open up. Here on the right is the postolka river. You see now, everything is flooding here, they are already starting to dig ditches so that water went towards the river, on every street there are these platforms, when the village begins to flood, they make a pedestrian zone out of them, these are the trestles, boards are installed on them, these ones are a little higher, somewhere like this, it is already placed there closer to the road, this is being done already from the house from the very place of flooding, preparations are in full swing at the yumoguzin reservoir. In bashkiria they clean the ridge of the platinum, check the serviceability of the drainage structures, prepare access roads, materials and tools; accidents and floods are expected here meet with all weapons. Nazir nugumanov, anna gazhala, channel one. Well, now a small free adaptation of the theme you cant catch a fish out of a pond without effort. replenishment of the absolute champion of russia in fishing sports, evgeny shcherbakov. He went. In search of a fishing spot. Experienced fishermen are looking for a fishing spot along the channel edge; this is a depth difference. There. The current washes up river food, fish, both peaceful and predatory, gather on it, to find a channel depression in an unfamiliar body of water, first of all i study the shore, it is steep, most likely the edge runs under the bank, in our case the bank is flat, which means the channel ditch runs in the middle of the river, or even on the opposite side, lets go look, drill a hole, lower it down to. The drop is quite sharp, it looks like this is the edge, i walk along the ditch parallel to the shore, drilling holes every 1015 m. This is a small fish, a predator is grazing somewhere nearby, you can throw bait. And here is the first catch. This year, the tenkov cup of the First Channel in figure skating 2024 is being hosted by san petersburg. The best skaters countries will delight the audience of the anniversary. Watch the broadcasts. Only on the first one, but my colleague maria bas has the details. Spring is already close, and our figure skating stars will be responsible for the sunny mood in the first days of march. Ahead is the tenkov cup of channel one, the most heartwarming and Exciting Team tournament. All the strongest figure skaters in russia will compete in st. Petersburg, this is a real holiday for the spectators. Numerous fans. Again a triumphant performance by the national champion, but how could it be otherwise, since she performed the most difficult jumps combines with genuine grace and artistry, in full accordance with the slogan of the fans. Adela art in motion. Sofia muravyova is always supported with colorful posters in the stands. The figure skater, who became the silver medalist of the russian championship, invariably delights the audience with her light aerial skating. Shine, create, win, this is the wish of the fans. At the beginning of the season they turned to evgeniy semenenko. The student of Alexei Mishin acts exactly according to the behests of his fans. Semenenko wins one tournament after another, skating brightly, confidently, with inspiration. Cool bears, as devoted fans affectionately call the sports couple Anastasia Mishina and alexander galyamov. Each performance of the world champions is a sea of ​​emotions, an amazing execution of the most complex programs. In the Northern Capital, the warmest possible welcome, of course, is guaranteed to one more person. Aesthetics of pair skating. The captains, olympic champions Alina Zagitova and anna shcherpakova, as well as world and european champion elizaveta tuktomysheva, are responsible for the winning spirit of the teams that will compete for the coveted cup. Such we have never seen an exciting confrontation before. Watch the broadcast of the brightest tournament of the season. On air on channel one, as well as on our website 1tv. Ru. Let me remind you that the calendar says february 29th. The second hand flies in a circle, the last winter day flows between the fingers. Lets say thank you to winter and goodbye. And tomorrow its already calendar spring. There has been a smell of it in the air for a long time. Many people and animals are already in a spring mood. It seems like this winter. Were all tired of the snow and even the skates arent that exciting, but not yakutov, they got their first ones a couple of weeks ago skating rinks, its 26 outside, its warm, the ice is good , we decided to go to the skating rink, once again 26 is warm, in winter even the ice cracks from the cold, so in yakutia the skating rink is really a symbol of spring, 10 already in altai, warm hats and down jackets have not been canceled, but spring is felt; on the icefree section of the biya river, the mating season of the boll swans has begun. Shakespearean passions, young romeos woo juliet, as parents are often against. A father will never give his daughter, a male, a boyfriend, yes, if he does not understand that she herself is beginning to show signs towards him to attract attention, accordingly, he will fight with him to the last. And as soon as juliets swan has decided, a pair is created. On a deer farm, zavyalovsky district. Murthy began to change into spring morals, this is what his neck was like in winter, winter skin, thats all, spring has come, look how it is, spotted alina also feels the warmth. The boys already have bare necks, as if their necks had already faded, so that they would no longer be so hot, the wild animals were already hot at 8, in Nizhny Novgorod there were drops on the bleacher artists gather, its difficult to paint spring. Spring shadows, they are distinguished by the fact that they are more saturated, brighter, relative to all other states, and the state of nature is so mobile enough, so it comes. Catching the first flowers is already in vladikavkaz, snowdrops, you also need to catch them, but only for the sake of a photo, you cant pick them, but you can pick wild garlic, theres a lot of it now, its fresh, its very healthy for spring, even pies with it are considered a sign of spring. In the kaliningrad region 6, the entire coast is crowded with fishermen the whole baltic spit is in the baltic, the herring fishery has started to catch well, which is not a sign of spring, if there were more of them, it would be great. In fact, today im lucky, at least theres somewhere to stand , last year i came three times, there wasnt even a place to stand, theres kambola ahead, thats where its not just spring, its some kind of summer in gelendzhuk up to 11, envy is not the right word, geocinths have bloomed, pansy eyes, roses are budding in abundance , locals are planting homemade rose gardens, city guests are having fun on the beaches, by the sea, of course, without a sweatshirt you can freeze, but you understand, getting 11 is not so scary. Maria guseinova, pavel kulygin, anastasia zavidova, nazir nagumanov, channel one. Message from the president of the russian federation, Vladimir Putin, to the federal assembly. Live stream. Today at 12 00 moscow time. Hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. One of the most important events of this year, which, without exaggeration, will attract everyones attention. Vladimir putin will announce his annual message to the federal Assembly Today. This is a public address to both houses parliament, which assesses the state of affairs in the country, outlines the main directions of domestic foreign policy. The content and forms of the address are determined personally by the head of state. The main topics are traditionally not announced. Putin said that the upcoming message, taking into account the domestic political calendar, will set tasks for the next 6 years. According to president ial press secretary Dmitry Peskov, the russian leader devoted the previous days to preparing for the address, personally worked on the text, and held dozens of telephone conversations, meetings with ministers, deputy Prime Ministers, heads of departments. The First Channel will broadcast the president s address to the federal Assembly Starting at noon moscow time. Now about the progress of the special operation in the southern donetsk direction, our motorized riflemen destroyed several units of enemy equipment using lanset loitering ammunition. It is usually used in tandem with a reconnaissance drone. While he is looking for targets , a lanset with three kilograms of explosives is installed on the catapults. Its enough, to penetrate any armor up to 30 cm thick. And during the time our crew worked in this direction, the field was destroyed. Ten types of enemy weapons and military equipment, including nato models, for example, hit the saucrab, polish made, the stormer antiaircraft missile complex, britishmade and ac90, also a selfpropelled artillery unit, also of foreign manufacture. In the avdiivka direction, Russian Artillery destroyed a platoon stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed forces. Precision strikes were carried out by crews of selfpropelled gunships. As the military themselves say, this is one of the most effective weapons for counterbattery warfare. No less successfully, enemy positions are destroyed by the crews of the towed msta gun in the donetsk direction. Its targets are armored vehicles, artillery and mortar batteries, air defense systems, control posts and firing points of ukrainian units. Secretary of the Russian SecurityCouncil Nikolai Patrushev met with nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega in monago. Strengthening a multidisciplinary Strategic Partnership was reportedly discussed two countries. We paid special attention. It was true that there were not only representatives of the security bloc, there were also representatives of the economic bloc, all departments actively communicated with each other. Taking this into account , i think that there will be movement in terms of the implementation of the plans that have been outlined and are being implemented now. Earlier, Nikolai Patrushev visited the Training Center of the Russian Ministry of internal affairs located in monago. There , the secretary of the Security Council inspected the classrooms where classes are held, the rooms for cadets to live, the museum and the walk of fame, and got acquainted with Training Programs for Law Enforcement specialists. Early voting for the president ial elections has started in remote areas of the sakhalin region. Employees of precinct election commissions arrived by helicopter to maneron island, a few kilometers from sakhalin. There is a natural park and a tourist base there. There are only two staff. A fullfledged voting point was opened for them. The same one was organized at cape krilion, where it is located. To make your choice, you need to go through the standard procedure, present identification documents, fill out the ballot and place it in the mobile ballot box. Then its all sealed, the box is portable, put away in a safe, and waits for its day. When the elections are over, first of all , the portable boxes are opened, the counting takes place, and then the ballot box, the total number. Channels of the Digital Television family became laureates of the big number award, they received prizes in eight categories. House of cinema became the best film channel. Baber, dedicated to the transformation and arrangement of a house or apartment or dacha, became the voting leader in the hobby category. In the category of documentary and Educational Program , the winner was the path to victory, pobeda tv channel. The jury recognized channel o as the best Childrens Television channel. Thats all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of the First Channel will continue with the program good morning, good morning to everyone who has just joined us, wake up, a new day has already begun, this is thursday, february 29, on channel one continues the historical multipart blockbuster union of salvation, a film about the decembrist uprising in st. Petersburg, where the main events of this turning point in our history took place, our filming has been going on all this week. The group is rediscovering this city, and this city is special, you can admire it endlessly, learn something new all the time, its not for nothing that there are more than 200 museums in the Northern Capital. Every morning in the russian museum, climatologists walk through all the halls; they are like general practitioners, collecting anamnesis, temperature, humidity, noise, illumination; they also prescribe ventilation modes and recommendations for caretakers. For example up to 3 hours ventilation mode free, after 3 hours ventilation is limited to, say, up to 20 minutes per hour, because it will be very dry outside, all the moisture will be transferred to the higher layers of the atmosphere. Now restorers, almost like surgeons, are preparing the last day of pompeii for cosmetic surgery, diagnostics in the infrared spectrum, they need to restore the main masterpiece for bryullovs anniversary. In 1977 , we raised the archival protocols, it was already accepted. The decision that the varnish has turned very yellow lies in streaks, these streaks are obvious interfere with the color perception of karl borilovs paintings. Meanwhile, in the laboratory , pigments are studied under microscopes so that restorers accurately match the shades, and the analyzes for paintings are safe. Our samples are tiny, that is, specks of dust on the table; they are often larger than these samples. And there are no days off at the museum, like doctors have. The state Hermitage Museum is closed to visitors on mondays, but the halls are thoroughly cleaned. As a preventive measure, if we do not remove dust from the walls of the entire jordan staircase, dust and the dirt that penetrates from the street, it will have time to be absorbed, and it will no longer be washed or cleaned without damage, everything is careful, the main thing is not to harm it, this is the rule for everyone. Lyudmila glebovna has been sewing curtains for the hermitage from natural silk for many years. They must transmit light, but block ultraviolet rays, so that. The exhibits deteriorate, not even the decorations, its all about preserving the exhibit. Even the famous hermitage cats serve in the museum precisely for this purpose. They save our masterpieces. These are rodents. Lyudmila tashchikova is a museum caretaker, but she looks, yes, exclusively for cats. Ilya kulikov is actually a former locomotive engineer, but he also works at the railway museum. The position is a researcher, but the duties are essentially the same as in a depot. This locomotive demonstrates its movement. It has mounted wheelsets, and it is necessary to lubricate these rubbing units and bearings. Which is exactly what i do. Marketing departments also dont sleep on weekends, replenishing Museum Stores supplies, not just notepads and magnets. For example, tshirts, yes, now it is important for us to make tshirts that can be worn in everyday life. Life, in it you can meet friends, go to work, that is, this is the specificity now. This is so that we retain the best exhibits in memory. Varvara fedorova, sergei molin, sergei namudko, Dmitry Krivtsov and oleg soshin. Channel one st. Petersburg. If you like your job, you will overcome even the small difficulties that arise with pleasure. We ourselves are responsible for our lives, and we ourselves must decide what our life will be like. What wonderful people we have, not only women, but all people, what our wonderful country, together we. Right now everyone is in the pool, fitness trainer Margarita Kuznetsova has already been waiting for us, so please take your children with you, because its more fun with them, good morning, i like to combine business with pleasure, and yours i teach this to my daughters, we went down the slide and had some fun. And at home, on the mat , legs wider than shoulders, arms to the sides, turn the body to the right and swing with the left leg, work with the whole body, now poppy with the right leg, help ourselves with our hands, like this, the water creates resistance to overcome it, we we strain more. Body, but at the same time we move smoothly, like a fish in water. We perform the exercise without stopping. If possible, we speed up the pace. Children may have difficulty maintaining balance. In this case , the swimming train will help out, here you go, emilia, gymnastics in the water doubles the load on the body, which means the muscles become stronger faster. Well, weve warmed up, now we can go back on the slide, have a good morning. Well, we continue our good morning on the calendar on february 29, thursday, with an astrological forecast for today on air. February 29, the twentieth lunar day occurs on the twentyfirst, sixteenth day of the sun , an enthusiastic hard worker, he puts everything into everything he does with all his passion, however, he does not always calculate his strength, he can quickly burn out, he is also not very stupid, he knows what is called deeply dig, if you need something, yes. To the essence, to get to the bottom of the truth, or to understand yourself, he will help, the other side of the same coin, he sometimes begins to engage in soulsearching, go through his past mistakes and failures, otherwise suddenly a kind of melancholy attacks him. We are in days like these we often follow our mood, women like to command men, but men, lets say, are not ready for this. Aries men, hear this and dont heat up the situation, its better to turn on your sense of humor more often, and advice from the luminaries for all aries. Without exception, handle money very carefully , damages, losses and banal theft are possible , expect guests in the evening, a small audit of personal and Family Finances will not harm taurus, especially. And since you are facing some expenses, apparently related to the house. After lunch get ready to help your family or friends and be careful with fire. Gemini will be able to improve relationships with colleagues or partners, and some will find that he or she is valued and respected more than they thought. Your authority is really on the rise now, but this does not mean that you can boss everyone around, and dont get carried away with alcohol. Not a bad day for crayfish. In the first half, however, there may be some kind of chiharda and some confusion, but by lunch everything will be. There will be an opportunity to turn some situation in your favor, the evening will be simply nice. Leos plans may violate chetoly or incompetence, but this is not fatal, just be patient, everything will be solved somehow. After lunch a small profit is possible. Feel free to make a date for the evening. The stars promise success with the opposite sex to virgins. They generally have a wonderful day, when everything goes according to plan and even gets a little lucky. There may indeed be something inappropriate to load homemade ones, but youll quickly deal with this sections. Libra is having a good day, they are very charming, at the same time convincing, they dont go into their pockets for words, they will argue with anyone, the ladies of this signs will completely outshine all rivals with their charm, just count the money well, scorpios are the last thing that is important for you, there is a risk of overpaying for something and in general be more careful with purchases, you can run into marriage, single scorpios this evening you have a chance, sagittarius may have a day turn out to be troublesome, but profitable, advice from. keep under control the affairs in which someone else is involved besides you, the evening, it seems, is going to invite you to some event. The luminary promises something romantic for capricorns, however, they are very everyone is busy with business, you will also have to deal with money, but something in the stars tells you that you will have time here and there. Capricorn lady, dont get carried away with aggressive cosmetics today. A little caution is in order for aquarius; this applies, firstly, to transport, and secondly, to new acquaintances. More. This day may throw some surprise at you, but it will entertain you rather than unsettle you. Expect good news in the evening. Pisces have a good day, shopping and commerce will go well, there will be a chance to climb the career ladder, only less sport, especially with the boss, especially if the boss is a lady, well, good luck to you. And right now, business affairs, oh, those wires, well, they always tend to get tangled. To the activities that can be done endlessly , we add untangling wires, but everyone has done this, it turns out that they themselves , physicists, proved the theory of knots, they put wires in a box one at a time, shook them, half of the cases they got a knot, the reason is in the free ends of the wires. Finding themselves on top of each other, they will definitely get tangled, most often those that are thinner and longer than 15 cm. And besides unruly appearance, this is fraught with something, lets look at the example of the family of yuri martemyanov. Well, we have six children, so there are also six laptops, and phones, and therefore the corresponding charging wires, drip and i just dont know, extension ones, we just get confused in all this, safety is the first thing that can be achieved by removing the wires, says cable manager vasily prozarovsky, for example, with a tie for. On the desktop, it is better to pass the wires through such a plug, this is also not just for the sake of order, there is less risk that the wire will sandwiched between the wall and the table, the insulation will not fray. By the way, it is also better to organize the bundle itself. You can cram quite a lot of wires in, moreover, they are quite easy to bring out at any point where you need them, change places, that is, i need it here, i need it here, i need it. I pulled it further here , that is, a good thing, for those who have a lot of wires going along approximately one route, its a pity, a table, there are selfadhesive clips, and two more tips if you need an extension cord, take a closer look at an extension cord with grounding, metal ears, without them the Household Technology can start tingle with current, and to protect electronics from voltage surges , a stabilizer, even a small one, will take the shock and protect your favorite gadget from burning out. Nikolay lesnikov, elnurov. This is the queue for the operation, talk to someone in the queue, suddenly he gives in, a chance to save jobs, im putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours, you take your wolf to battle, and i ll pay for your ritas punishment, you wont do that capable, i love her more than life itself, but if the doomed pieces are flogged, ritanna will never forgive me for this, we we accept the battle, doomed, the premiere of the serial film on sunday on. Friends, do not miss the continuation of the film union of salvation today on channel one, and my colleagues svetlana zennalova and sergei babaev met in st. Petersburg with the Costume Designer of this film, with ekaterina shapkaits. Good morning, ekaterina, good morning, good morning, good, the palette of costumes is very diverse, how long did it take you to prepare . Well, it was a long, very preparatory period, as it should be, about eight months, probably, because it was very there was multidisciplinary production, since the crosssection of social russia is simply from beggars to tsars, there its just that each group has its own characteristics, so it was necessary to study each one as. It was like that a long time ago, there are still authentic, yes, authentic costumes, we had in Tsarskoye Selo in the storerooms, where we have a wonderful patron of ours, in general a friend yuri mikhailovich, Deputy Director of Tsarskoye Selo, he gave us a tour, and we took real measurements there. Already when the production of this began, as it were series, then there is another production and a wonderful artist Dmitry Andreev worked with me, who, well, when a new topic appeared, he and i divided on topics, he is an absolutely amazing artist, he did the secular part, he has a lot of nuances in womens costumes, some details, its a very wonderful job in general, but i was engaged in the military. They learned to fight with swords there, but is it necessary to learn to wear a suit, yes, of course, what does it involve, well, because it is inconvenient for them, in the beginning many of them complained that it is necessary hold it like this. Where did the inspiration come from to create all this in such a way that it would be truly believable, because the film council of salvation is enough for honesty, including taking information about the costumes of that era, and when you start any historical topic, you begin to immerse yourself more and more into it and you already live there, and its like , just like that, with a cold nose, its impossible to do anything at all. Costume designer who worked on the film union of salvation, ekaterina shapkaets. This is a cake in a chocolate cup. Such you can prepare an unusual dessert at home yourself. Ill share the recipe. I melt the White Chocolate and pour some into a paper cup. I spread it over the walls from the inside, cool it in the refrigerator, apply a second layer of chocolate to make the shape strong, put the workpiece in the refrigerator again, for the cream i beat the cream cheese with butter and cocoa powder, i also grind the sponge cake into crumbs, fill the glass in layers, put a little on the bottom cream, sprinkle with biscuit crumbs, i will also have a layer of berry jam, yours will also suit your favorite jam or preserves, the next layer is cream, i put the remains of the sponge cake on top, put it in the refrigerator , when the dessert has hardened, i carefully remove the paper cup , plant a carrot from confectionery mastic in the pot, insert a tail of fresh mint, this dessert is usually served in restaurant, and we made it ourselves, and by the way, it turned out great, help yourself, we continue our program, 5 years ago the first selfemployed appeared in our country, today their number exceeds 9 million people, and this is great, you need a haircut or a manicure, you go online , there are offers, you make an appointment and go to the master, or you invite, for example, him to your home, but the question really arises, is this master really a master, otherwise he will come and ruin your hair, nails, and how is his hygiene, well, of course, you can ask to see documents or a diploma, well, its somehow awkward, but why is it awkward, there are more than 9 million selfemployed people in the country, half a million of them are beauty professionals, those who accept at home. Among russians, manicure services and pedicure, there are almost 200,000 such specialists, Natalya Medvedeva from sochi, one of them, simply decided to arrange an additional income for herself with this type of income. In an apartment overlooking the sea there is a workplace, everything is perfect here, in fact, you can receive visitors even in the kitchen, the law does not prohibit it. When choosing such services, you know, you can ask the master everything, as in a regular salon, and imitate a book, and how the instruments are processed. After you. Manicure is performed, all instruments undergo all stages of immersion sterilization method in a 2 solution for 5 minutes, also applies to haircuts and coloring, be careful with cosmetology, masks, light peelings, hair removal with wax or sugar, household cosmetology services, you can go to the selfemployed home for them, lasers photorejuvenation threads only doctor only in the clinic, there hair removal included. Necessary equipment, medical, this includes injection procedures, for this you need to have either a medical or cosmetology license, all because there are contraindications, we know the consequences can be serious, the same this also applies to therapeutic medical massage , only for its intended purpose, a license and medical training from a doctor is required, so nin, what do you want to do more about the shanovnik zone or back, what is done at home spa massage or relaxing, faina kadyrova has been practicing for more than 5 years, she has a diploma. Mostly residents of this residential complex come to me, its very convenient for people here, they just walk from the next door, often its also cheaper, the technician works himself, but it doesnt matter where you received the service at home. But you must understand exactly what this is, that you can prove that this you received the service from this particular selfemployed person, and for this you need to ask for a check, for the selfemployed it is electronic, my tax attachment, rita larkina, konstantin struchkov, evgenia smirnov, ksenia maklyak, channel one, message from the president. By moscow time. Hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. All attention today is to one of the most important events of this year, the message of the president of russia to the federal assembly. Its public. An appeal to both houses of parliament in which an assessment of the situation is given affairs in the country indicate the main directions of domestic foreign policy. The content and form of the appeal is determined personally by Vladimir Putin, who, as the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said, has been working on the text for the last few days. As part of the preparation, the president held dozens of telephone conversations and meetings with ministers, deputy Prime Ministers, and heads of departments. In addition to deputies and senators, heads are present at the announcement of the message to the federal assembly. The president s address to the federal assembly will be broadcast live today channel one, starts at noon moscow time. In addition to the news of the special operation, the Russian Military took up positions in the Ukrainian Armed forces near the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region. The storm was carried out by units of several military branches. First. The enemy did not offer any resistance at all, this already makes itself felt that both the morale and fighting spirit of the enemy drops and very strongly, when a clash occurs on the battlefield, there are two options either they dont run, or they surrender, but completely desperate, they die. Series of powerful our pilots carried out strikes on the militants strong point and equipment in the donetsk direction, and su25 crews worked. The fire was fired at medium low altitudes, about 30 m above the ground. After a successful attack, the pilots returned safely to base. And also about the high professionalism of our fighters. Guard private vladimir foteev discovered the enemy reconnaissance copter in time and shot down the drone with machine gun fire. Thanks to this, the military says, they managed to thwart the enemy attack. Private sergei bugrimov identified a sabotage group of the Ukrainian Armed forces, which intended to launch to the side. Poland may completely close its border with ukraine, stopping bilateral trade. This statement was made by polish Prime Minister donald tusk. He noted that this measure could only be temporary, and relevant negotiations with kiev are already underway. However, everything is denied there. For ukraine, a stable border is a matter of survival, the authorities emphasize. Meanwhile, the protesters are polish. Farmers continue to block highway checkpoints and railway lines. They dont let trucks through the wagons with grain are being emptied. Thus, farmers are trying to get the authorities to expand the embargo on the import of ukrainian Agricultural Products and tighten transit rules, which, according to them, are regularly violated. Due to uncontrolled imports , local farmers suffer enormous losses. The ilinois court in the United States contributed to the attempt. Prevent former head of state donald trump from participating in the president ial election. He was dropped from the list of contenders in the states republican primary on march 19. Local media reports. Previously, similar decisions were made in colorado and meni. They were appealed to the supreme court. Appeals are still being considered. At the same time , there is less than a week left before the elections in colorado. Previously, trump won several stages of the primary, which is why most of his fellow Party Members dropped out of the race. His only competition now is the former us permanent representative to the un, nicky haley. Meanwhile, trumps political opponent , the current president , underwent regular medical examinations amid growing doubts. Russia, this is reported by local media, which we learned about this motivation from Republican House representative matt gaetz, he attended the hearings and was quite present. Im surprised by this statement. Several american states are choking in the smoke of forest fires. The fire engulfed oklahoma, mississippi and texas. This is where the situation is most difficult. One of the outbreaks reached an area of ​​200,000 hectares. In terms of scale, it has already become the second in the history of the state. The town of fritsch was completely burned out. The population managed to evacuate. Residents of other Populated Areas are hastily leaving their homes. Rescuers are unable to stop the flames. It is spreading further and further. Covering new territories. Texas authorities have declared a state of emergency in sixty counties. The work of the nuclear Weapons Assembly plant was temporarily suspended. All personnel were urgently evacuated. Special protective structures were erected around, but the elements bypassed the plant. According to the latest data, it is operating normally. Thats all for now, stay with us. The program will continue to air on channel one. Good morning. Good morning dear friends. Today in the studio. Good morning, s you Arina Sharapova. Let me remind you that today is february 29th, this is not a day, but a gift, as many as 24 extra hours for those who always dont have enough time for anything. 86. 400 fullfledged , fast, almost spring seconds, which must be spent wisely, cheerfully, variedly, with pleasure. After all, a leap year doesnt happen often, dear friends, i wonder why it happens . At 4 years old, who, when he decided that the weightbearing year was unlucky, and what does mathematics have to do with it, now lets sort everything out. Once every 4 years an additional day appears on the calendar 29 february. Why are we adding it . Any questions about the movement of the planet . The ancient romans lived according to a calendar that had 365 days divided into 12 Months Associated with lunar cycles, but due to the error of this calendar, they simply. The calendar began to lag behind seasonal changes, then Julius Caesar called for help from astronomers, in particular from asigen of alexandria, who adjusted this calendar and said that you and i will have 365 days and 6 hours a year, that is, this is exactly the time the earth needs, to make one revolution around sun. But then caesars changes were not entirely accurate, astronomers began to notice that deviations arose again, the point of the vernal equinox began to deviate on march 21. Then they calculated that one tropical year, that is, the interval between two equinoxes, is 365 days, 5 hours and approximately 48 minutes, not 6 hours, it would seem, only 11 minutes, but in 128 years they will give one extra day, we once in 4 years we add an extra day, except for the beginning of centuries, that is, those years that are divisible by 100, but at the same time, so that the error did not arise again, we are forced to leave it high. They simply did not care when it was winter or summer, they still had a sacred day that did not depend on the season. Where did the belief come from that a leap year is considered unlucky . Kasyanov day appeared in russia, a saint whose name day falls on february 29, there were even legends about him. The peasant got into some unfortunate story, well , in one of the versions there, his teleleg got stuck, and he turned to saint kasyan, which means he refused to help him, so that means beautiful clothes dont. Dont spoil, then he turned to st. Nicholas the pleasant, yes, to saint nicholas, he helped, so they say people dont like kasyan, which means they love st. Nicholas the pleasant, but all these are popular beliefs, like no matter how anyone thinks about it, for the planet this is just banal mathematics. Anastasia novokhatnyaya, vladimir selantyev, channel one. Our good cheerful morning continues and its time to look on the internet to find out whats new on the World Wide Web from our columnist yegor uspensky, the next one is ready. A selection of very fresh such wonderful videos, but what can you do, cats continue to storm the internet olympus, but heres another hero, his name is bonopard, he learned to comb his hair. Housewives, and judging by the video, she doesnt mind at all; the video with the cat stylist has already been appreciated by 5 million users of the World Wide Web. In canada , a wild deer entered a Recreation Center and swam in the pool; the footage was captured on a mobile phone by one of the visitors. It took officers about 15 minutes to rescue remove the uninvited guest from the water and take him outside. Well, neither the deer nor the visitors were reportedly harmed. Mexican ricado santiago makes amazing crafts from old newspapers. He rolls them into tubes and turns them into baskets, jugs, lamps, and even these carts in no time. Those who see rikados masterpieces for the first time do not immediately guess what they are made of. And finally, about one interesting and very strange achievement. In india, a column of 721 people took just 10 minutes. Going to the doctor to do special gymnastics, if you have arthritis, then gymnastics is a must, it helps reduce inflammation and stiffness of the joints, when it is from 0 to 5 outside and there is no wind, i recommend exercising in the fresh air. We remember that if you have arthritis, you cant be cold, so over warm pants we put on another, waterproof sweater, hat, scarf, mittens, everything as it should be, and a jacket, lets go, look how fluffy the snow is today, were lucky, we put our hands in the snowdrift, one by one, then inside. Active warmup helps relieve tension and stretch joints, and soft snow absorbs impacts, and now we go into the snow and trample it, it is important for us to stretch our feet, and if you feel good, then you can run straight through the snowdrift. Lets trample a path around, thanks to the resistance of the snow, muscles, ligaments, joints work more actively, and if the snow is clean and you know that there are no branches or debris under it , we lie down in the fluffiest snowdrift, ride like on a feather bed, left to right, snow baths. Stimulate the production of joy hormones, help throw out negative emotions and a moment to return to childhood. Just keep in mind that if we start to freeze or feel that our clothes are wet, we immediately go home and warm up with hot tea. Good health to you. Thursday on the calendar. February 29. I hope you all got enough sleep today and no one woke you up early in the morning with the gentle trills of a hammer drill behind the wall or the singing of a vacuum cleaner. Well, by the way, if you believe the surveys of a vacuum cleaner, the creaking of foam plastic and, as the poet said, when iron hits glass, are among the most irritating sounds for the human ear. Now using one example separately after renting an apartment, we will figure out who is making noise in our houses, what kind of noise can be considered safe and true. Noise, inesa assures daughters sophia and daria , my husband and i sometimes dont want to wake them up, because now screams, yelling, household noises will begin. Human whispers, 50 calm conversation, 8090 street transport, 120 jackhammer, safe for hearing, in an apartment they consider noise to be up to 55 decibs, the limit is 85, in clusters the values ​​are close to the limit, but still not off the charts, there is no excess in terms of noise itself, this is household noise, the second indicator frequency. As a rule, people hear a sound wave in the range from 20 to 20,000 hz; with age, the upper threshold may decrease. The most irritating noises are low ones. The frequency, lets say, is different, it can be 50 hz. Of the highfrequency ones, the highest indicator was our whistle. Another 4,600. The interval from 2 to 5,000 hz psychophysiologists assure that human hearing perceives it especially acutely. In this range, for example, foam creaking and scratching. A fork on a plate or a childs cry. But there is a third indicator our individual perception. This is our socalled highlevel mental processing of this very sound information and the direct formation of a sound image. How does this happen . The ear converts sounds into mechanical vibrations, the eardrum of the auditory ossicles, then into vibrations of the fluid in the cochlea, then into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the temporal lobes of the brain, here they are recognized and processed. Our expectations. When a mother swears, it means that there is definitely an option to come to an agreement in this family. Natalia kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. So, friends, its world immunity day, here it is, the immune cell, its toothy and protects us from cancer and infections. On world immunity day, we have 10 commandments for immunity. All the most important things about immunity, about yours. In our program, tomorrow on the first, with each butterfly i have a military episode associated, either a political character, or a collision, which moscow now remembers, when i look at my collection, the scouts on the boat were on the heels of this aircraft carrier, they they scooped out from the sea all the rubbish that fell from the aircraft carrier. Sodden paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped to find precious information among this rubbish, on a dim cloudy day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i walked along red square alone in the drizzling rain, premiere alexander prokhanov, confession on monday on the first, then we go on the calendar february 29, tomorrow. Sleep and then fall by the hand until the summer season. So, dear summer residents, Important Information the summer house amnesty for common buildings has been extended until 2031 of the year. Nadezhda pravdina will continue the topic. The druzhba gardening partnership decided to insure the gatehouse, this capital house, after an accident. We had neither this pillar, nor this stalb, nor the shwakbaum, nor the gate, everything was demolished, but because it was not insured. We had to restore everything at our own expense. It is easy to obtain insurance, but only for those buildings that are in the unified real estate register. And now you can add them there without unnecessary failures. Without notification of the start of construction, water permits in operation, the dacha amnesty for the general structure was extended until 2031. This partnership has already managed to formalize the board building, but first they had to carry out Land Surveying and register the land with the cadastral register. This is the evidence. After this , a boundary plan is drawn up, this is done by a cadastral engineer, and the chairman pays the state fee from snt, after which the document is sent to rosreestr, most often the rosreestr finds errors, in the Friendship Partnership it took 5 years to register public lands. Nineteenth years, public land plots were registered in the snt as the property of a legal entity; from january 1 , 1919, they were registered only as the common ownership of all owners of land plots. The land is decorated. The next step is the technical plan of the structure. To do this, they call the cadastral engineer again, then the documents are sent back to the russian register. In general, this is not quick, and there are a lot of expenses, both for the services of experts and then for taxes and land property. We pay about 350,000 rubles a year for public lands. But for the building more than a thousand rubles. But this is protection against squatting. The chairman can always call a cadastral engineer to point out to one of the summer residents that he has entered public lands. Because of this, neighbors cannot use the road properly. There are other advantages compensation in the event of unforeseen situations, such as the seizure of a land plot for state needs , it will be much easier to communicate with the state, since the rights will be registered. The same arguments are in favor of registering personal buildings. Dacha amnesty for them too valid until 2031. Ivan ivanovich is finishing the bathhouse; as soon as he finishes it, he plans to register it. Anything can happen, its impossible to sell kines, something is not legalized. If you rush to make a deed of gift, something is not legalized, this means additional headaches. But we remember that the dacha amnesty is not the legalization of selfconstruction. If the building does not comply with the Town Planning code, for example, it is higher than three floors, it is located closer than 3 m from the border of the neighboring plot or closer than a meter for a utility block and a bathhouse, then it is impossible to register such a building. And temporary buildings are not only capital ones with a foundation are allowed. Nadezhda pravdina, konstantin leonov, first fragrant, crispy, crispy on the outside, juicy spicy meat filling on the inside and always in the broth, this is the right cheburek, can you buy these in the store . Heres a question, especially when it comes to frozen pasties. Anastasia novokhatnyaya tried to find out, and at the same time found out why appearance is so important for frozen pasties. Chebureks seem to be considered fast food, nothing complicated, dough and meat, but in fact their status is basic. Dishes, there are dozens of recipes, and there are frozen semifinished products, simple, quick , convenient, but whether its tasty depends on many things, for example, on the dough, this one, for example, is unsuccessful, the main idea is the dough in which the filling is located, its like a bag from the store , this is a thing that should bring the filling to your mouth, but here it turns out to be so thick, as if you wrapped it in a fur coat and carried the food, the dough should be thin and dense, flour with a high white content will do for it. The highest grade, we are looking for this indication on the label. Now about the filling it does not contain must contain soy, animal proteins, moistureretaining substances, flavor enhancers and flavorings. Ideally, flour, meat, onions, herbs, spices and only the last on the list water. Look, they contain meat, and then in small text there is pork, beef, af, a, b, all these Little Things come, there is its own flour, which holds it all together, and you see, it is not written what percentage of pork, what percentage. Beef and what percentage of chicken, there may be one gram of this each. It is better if the composition explicitly states finely chopped meat. It saves juiciness, gives that same rich taste, but the manufacturer will not be able to cheat with such a filling. Whats next . Appearance . The main thing is that there are no sticky or broken pasties, and also that there are no dark spots. This is the main sign that recycled oil was used. Lets cook. Frozen pasties must be thawed before frying, so they will be evenly fried from the inside. Outside, remember, it is better to cook a frozen semifinished product in a deep fryer, about 34 minutes until golden brown, in principle they look pretty good , to be honest, it seems to me that i should still try them, but i cant do it with my eyes, sometimes you know how, on the contrary, it looks beautiful, rarely wins, but here maybe on the contrary, it looks terrible, kind inside, not everything is so bad, the chebureks turned out to have a lot of filling in the correct ratio of meat and dough, everyone liked them juicy and tasted, and what an alternative to freshly prepared ones, anastasia novakhat. Vladimir selantyev, channel one. By the way, its easier to deceive and defraud a frightened person, thats great scammers know that they can do both masterfully. Therefore, if you receive a call allegedly from the bank, be on alert, under no circumstances perform any actions with your card, please use a sense of humor. I found an amazing statistic last year, 90 of russians encountered attempts at telephone fraud, that is. Almost everything, its just some kind of epidemic, in this regard, i suggest learning how to talk with scammers. So i found a funny dialogue, almost a manual. Watch how the scammer presses on. My name is dmitry, i im calling igobank, Financial Monitoring service. The woman whom the swindler is trying to manipulate, at first seems very confused and naive, put you in touch. Yes, for a more convenient conversation, you will now need to go on speakerphone. Our banks Technical Support application to distinguish scammers, oh, where am i, where am i, you see, an elderly woman at first evokes sympathy, but then. Yes, you dont often hear how criminals lose their nerve at the moment of communicating with the victim. Im just proud of this woman, how beautiful she is processed the swindler. Friends, do not rush to believe everything you are told on the phone. Remember, there are a lot of scammers now. When talking with them, do not lose your cool and sense of humor. And if you dont want to get involved in the conversation, just hang up. And may no one ever be able to deceive you. And on channel one, the serial film union of salvation continues, the main film premiere of the year, a big, spectacular, exciting movie, and even more than a movie, it is a complete immersion in the era, extreme accuracy in every detail, not miss the next episode today on the first, do not miss the opportunity to discover the 19th century. Wait a minute film union of salvation, immersion in a wonderful era. Balls, duels, epaulettes, accelerators, these words sound like music. 1625, beauty, epaulettes, what is it and why do epaulettes replace epaulettes, in addition to the fact that it is beautiful, it is a certain protection, unlike epaulettes, from a chopping blow from a saber from above. Gentle. A bouquet was not just a sign of attention; the language of flowers could sometimes speak of love more powerfully than a passionate letter. Happy angels day, bouquet, but the bouquet is a symbolic sign, which does not mean that the sinologist will arrive at that hour or something else, it is some kind of encoding of the internal relations of those who are looking for each other in our film, they understand, but the rest do not understand. Give these to peter, this is the most important thing now. Hurray, konstantin Senate Square was different from what we see today. It seems to everyone that st. Isaacs cathedral has always stood, which at that moment was under construction. We even sinned a little against the truth; at the time of the events, st. Isaacs cathedral was lower than the one that we showed, but we just couldnt resist, and the outline of st. Isaacs cathedral was exaggerated in order to simply enjoy its beauty. There were no scaffoldings, these scaffoldings for installing crowns, they had not yet been erected by the year twentyfifth, so we see that there are a lot of. Workshops, yes, workers, yes, that is, this is what the space looked like at that time, there are places where life and signs of the era are preserved exactly, city houses, Manor Estates that have become museums, here everything is as it was then, from dishes to stoves that were used to heat houses, if the tile is white, it stands in some room, for example, in which the color blue predominates, then it was also fashionable, and so it was. Reflected this color from the walls, it already became not quite white, but a slightly blue tint, when a person needed to hide something somewhere, a hiding place, it was difficult to find a better place than the stove, and even in a fire, there most likely it wont burn, because the ceramics will protect, if we talk about the decembrists, if i were them, id be going to Senate Square, just in case, id hide something in the stove, im crazy. A you are too smart and calculating, prince, madmen change the world lets discover the 19th century, watch the continuation of the historical drama union of salvation, today on channel one. With one blow, cut down the top and take away power. Ekaterina lepskaya, joseph kobrin, maria bronzova, anastasia savelyeva, channel one. Message from the president of the russian federation, Vladimir Putin. the main topics are traditionally not announced, while Vladimir Putin previously said that the upcoming message, taking into account the internal political calendar, will set tasks for the next 6 years. How president ial press secretary Dmitry Peskov said russian leaders spent the previous days preparing for the address. I personally worked on the text, held dozens of telephone conversations and meetings with ministers, deputy Prime Ministers, and heads of departments. The live broadcast of the president s message to the federal assembly will be carried out by the first one. Beginning at noon moscow time. Now about special operations in the southern donetsk direction, our motorized rifles destroyed several units of enemy equipment with the help of lancet loitering ammunition. Usually it used in tandem with a reconnaissance drone. While he is looking for targets, a lancet with 3 kg of explosives is installed on the catapults. This is enough to penetrate any armor up to 30 cm thick. And during the time our crew worked in this direction. More than ten types of enemy weapons and military equipment were destroyed, including nato models, for example, they hit the polish made, britishmade stormer complex and the ac90, also a selfpropelled artillery unit, also of foreign manufacture. On avdeevsky direction, Russian Artillery destroyed a platoon stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed forces. Precision strikes were carried out by crews of selfpropelled howitzers. As the military themselves say, this is one of the most effective weapons for. Battery warfare; enemy positions are no less successfully destroyed by crews of a towed msta gun in the donetsk direction. Its targets are armored vehicles, artillery and mortar batteries, air defense systems, command posts and firing points of ukrainian units. Secretary of the Russian SecurityCouncil Nikolai Patrushev met with president of nicaragua, days Daniel Ortega. Strengthening multidisciplinary Strategic Partnerships was reportedly discussed. Two countries, special attention was paid to deepening interaction between Law Enforcement agencies and ministries of the economic bloc. In nikorago, nikolai patorusha heads a delegation that included representatives of the russian president ial administration, the foreign ministry, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of justice and other departments. At the beginning of the meeting, the secretary of the Russian Security council conveyed to the president and Vice President of nicaragua the warmest words and wishes from Vladimir Putin and noted the wide range of issues discussed during this visit. Uh, which is very important to note that indeed there were not only representatives of the security bloc, there were representatives of the economic bloc, all departments actively communicated with each other, taking this into account, i think that it is precisely the movement in terms of the implementation of those plans that have been outlined and that are being implemented now , will happen, and earlier nikolai. Patrushev visited the Training Center of the Russian Ministry of internal affairs located in monago. There the secretary of the Security Council examined classrooms where classes are held, rooms for cadets to live, a museum and a walk of fame. I got acquainted with the Training Programs for Law Enforcement agencies in latin american countries. Early voting for the president ial elections has started in remote areas of the sakhalin region. Employees of precinct election commissions arrived by helicopter to maneron island. This is a few kilometers from sakhalin, there is a natural park and a tourist center, there are only two staff , a fullfledged a voting point, the same one was organized on cape carillon, where the lighthouse of the same name is located and the military is on duty. To make your choice, you need to go through the standard procedure, present an identification document, fill out a ballot, put it in a mobile ballot box, then its all sealed, the box is portable, and. Put away in a safe, and waits for its day when the elections are over, in first of all , portable boxes are opened, counting takes place, and then the ballot box, the total number of ballots, digital tv channels a large number became Award Winners , they received prizes in eight categories, house of cinema became the best film channel, beaver, dedicated to the transformation and improvement of a house, apartment or cottage, became. They announced plans to launch, then they prepared for launch, then they launched, and now here at the big number award we receive an award as the best entertainment tv channel, and what does it matter . It would be valuable that this is the choice of the audience, thats all for now, stay with us, the program will continue to air on channel one, good morning, good morning to everyone who joined us, please wake up, a new day has already begun and not just any day, but the very last day of winter, this is thursday, february 29, well, on channel one, the serial film union of salvation continues, a great, spectacular, beautiful and honest movie about the decembrist uprising, one of them. The heroes of this film are undoubtedly the city of st. Petersburg. Our film crew has been working in the Northern Capital all this week. Elizaveta nikishova went to the addresses where the decembrists lived. Moika 72 Trading House of a russianamerican company. Kondrat erileev worked here as the head of the chancellery and lived on the first floor. The apartment in which the last meeting of the decembrists took place on december 13, 1825 was located approximately here. What she looked like is truly unknown, in the film union of salvation, releighs office, this huge hall of the derzhavin estate museum. He is difficult to recognize. Due to the camera light, due to the artistic furniture, we made it more of a coloir type, a room, maybe even an office, one way or another, where we managed to recreate the feeling rooms, again the authenticity, historicity of the room. Several scenes were filmed at the sovereigns estate. The thatched room in the cinema became the princes office. And today their descendants are here, Sergei Dmitrievich conducts excursions Ilya Fedorovich lvov, was involved in the investigation, spent several months, but was eventually released from the investigation. Another legendary place, field of mars apothecary lane4. Uprising, which he had already presented to his comrades, also in order to implement it on december 14th. In a day reoath of the guards troops. Senate square is literally around the corner, but prince trubetskoy did not appear on december 14, 1825. You have to understand that today the square itself looks different; the building of the senate and synod was built 10 years after the uprising. The bastions of the peter and paul fortress, where prisoners were kept, were also changed. And even kronverk looks different; today there is a memorial stella at the site of the execution of the decembrists. Elizaveta nikishova, andrey ivanov, ilya saedzh, anna ryabova, Dmitry Krivtsov, channel one. Let me remind you that february 29 is on the calendar. The second hand flies in a circle, flowing between the fingers on the last winter day. Lets say thank you to winter and goodbye. And tomorrow its already calendar spring. There has been a smell of it in the air for a long time. Many people are already in a spring mood. Once again 26 is warm, in winter even the ice here cracks due to the cold, so in yakutia the skating rink is really a symbol of spring, 10 is already in altai, no one has canceled warm hats and down jackets, but spring can be felt. At the reindeer farm of the zavyalovsky district in udmurtia, they began to change into spring clothes. This is what his neck looked like in winter, winter skin, thats all, spring has come, look how bald spots also feel the warmth. The boys already have bare necks, as if their necks had already faded so that they would no longer be so hot. It has already become too hot for wild animals in Nizhny Novgorod. Snowdrops, you also need to catch them, but only for the sake of a photo, you cant pick them, here you can have wild garlic , there is a lot of it now, its fresh, spring and very healthy, even pies in the dream are considered a sign of spring, in the kaliningrad region 6, the entire baltic coast is crowded with fishermen, the entire baltic spit, the herring has started to be caught well, what not a sign of spring . If only there were more of these, it would be absolutely gorgeous, im really lucky today, at least theres somewhere to stand, last year i came three times, there wasnt even a place to stand, theres flounder ahead, thats where its not just spring, its some kind of summer in gelendzhuk up to 11 , envy is not the right word , hyacinths have bloomed, onny eyes, roses are budding in abundance, locals are planting home gardens, a guest. The city is having fun on the beaches, by the sea, of course, without a sweatshirt you can freeze, but you know, plus 11 its not so scary to get drunk, maria guseinova, pavel kulygin, anastasia zavidova, nazir nagumanov, channel one, you can let the team down like that, we were counting on you, no one, believe me, no one regained their previous physical shape, stand your ground and never give up, come on, well done, history is the best skiers of the 20th century. White snow. On saturday on the first. Cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. Rom. Castro. Product of steller group. Vodka. Veta. Product of stellar group. Dont let that person be in your life. He disappears, even if he dies, in this the girl almost doesnt recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother. I dont think im without her. I have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. Yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and exhusband. I said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us. He knows what he experienced at that moment, that evening. Only he, its a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. How did you cope with this loss . Yulias only daughter, what path did she take after her mothers death . Im somehow very megastrong, somehow i had everything so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory about a famous mother. When you appeared, my life changed, i will always. Be by your side. Exclusive with dmitry borisov. Premiere on saturday on the first. This year tenkov, the First Channel figure skating cup 2024 is being hosted by st. Petersburg. The best skaters in the country will delight the audience of the anniversary. Watch broadcasts only on the first one. Well, my colleague maria bas has the details. Spring is already approaching, and the responsibility for. Our figure skating stars will be in a sunny mood in the first days of march. The tenkov cup of channel one, the most heartwarming and Exciting Team tournament, is ahead. All the strongest figure skaters in russia will take to the ice in st. Petersburg. This is a real holiday for the audience. Numerous fans of adele petrosyan are looking forward to the next triumphant performance of the national champion. How else, after all, she combines the most difficult jumps with true grace and artistry. According to the fans slogan, adele art is in motion. Sofia muravyova is always supported with colorful posters in the stands. The figure skater, who became the silver medalist of the russian championship, invariably delights the audience with her light aerial skating. Shine, create, win, fans turned to evgeniy semenenko with this wish at the beginning of the season. The student of Alexei Mishin acts exactly according to the behests of his fans