My format at all, well done guys, they can do this, its cool. Ayyy, where are you from, and im such a good body, well done, well done, bravo, thank you, they are leaving , shes coming back, now shes choosing, the moment of truth, triumph, triumph, wait, dont leave, wait, wait, gingerbread from wait, guys, guys, gingerbread, i had it, here, here you go red means love, yellow means joy for you, everyone else, heres one for you, thank you, and we sang, by the way, great, youre doing great, thank you very much, you re so cool, thank you, and this is cool, well done, girls , what do you say . Well, by the way, youre handsome, everything went very well, on top, come on, great, well done guys, it seems to me that for fae, hes probably too childish for now, because the background is already more accomplished, and hes like as if he was still playing, i whisper to you, dear, i dont know your name, 25. He will whisper so much more i love my dear, without knowing his name, hes so neat, well, its great that hes also so creative, so artistic, he sings very well, there are many more such artistic people, menenson, what do you say, well, i dont know, i would do what in the chinese market, i would still go and look, and then if i came back, mentally in front of me, of course, is an amazing russian man. Worried, thinking, im impressed, not expected, no matter who she chooses, the main thing is that she is happy in the end, yes, well done, girl, well, for some reason my heart suggests that there was no today, for a long time men, for a long time, exactly, ill tell you how with waha, but you can try with anyone, which means a man, a good man, never comes to a lonely woman, he comes in line, like no matter what it sounds like now and no matter what people say to me now, so i think that you can take isa for growth, if your love show doesnt work out there, then at least with work, with creativity, yes, and then you look, and the man will catch up, and if you dont choose anyone at all, thats even worse, piss, what are you doing, oh, im coming to you, i forgot to give you gingerbread cookies, forgive me, please, i wanted to say that if you choose me, we will have a very good trusting relationship. Its interesting that your Creative Career will develop brightly, and then if you want to become my wife, turn it on, if you want to become my wife, then we will have a happy family, i guarantee you this, you understand that the guarantee is good for him, you know, in fact, well, a lot of people guarantees, my ex also guaranteed me that we will get married, but we didnt get married, and i am in front of the whole country i guarantee, but this is different, judge, youll squeeze it, youll squeeze it, well done, well done, if you do something yourself, then youll intercept it, look, its rare among us . It happens that a man comes out, no, its very touching, in fact , look, you look gorgeous, but look, you already had an experience when you were liked, you no, was, no, look, love yourself or be loved , and those who choose to be, to be loved, out of ten, eight are married, and those who choose to love themselves, only two are married, my biggest fear is to marry an unloved person, but who. Look, she decided, she decided, but this one came right out, the gentle one who looked with such love. And handsome, and a director and an actor, i always listened to the mind, now i want to listen to the heart, thats it, come on, listen to your heart, it wont deceive you, go ahead, well, you liked her, you, if she comes for you, you youll go out with her, of course, ill go out, hello, i just didnt see in you that spark that i understand that i should have with the girl with whom id like to spend life, but you are a really really cool, bright person, and im very glad that we met on this on this, on this program, but unfortunately, im afraid that nothing will work out for us, i think youre right, i i invite everyone to come out and support the fairy, sai, quickly go to her, quickly, come on, come on, come on, kamon, kamon, kamon, today we have a couple, fairy and isa, if you are single or you liked one of the participants todays program, write to the website of the first channel, and i Larisa Guzeeva wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, lets. Heres advice and love, a neighbor has infiltrated our family and calls herself the eldest in the house, what exactly is she accusing you of, alcoholism, and you drink, well, like everyone else, the child is in danger, you were on the playground, drinking with your girlfriends, yes , what did my motherinlaw do to you . , im a drunkard, artyom not only has a grandmother, but and grandfather, on what line, according to me, lets invite him to the studio too. Good afternoon, our house manager is still a mans friend, but who does the house manager consider to be a person . This is already a big question, and we still have building managers, but amazingly , today in our studio nina kotova, she turned to our program for help, nina, hello, what happened to you, tell me, my neighbors are bullying me, i dont even i know what to do, because of this my grandson was taken away from me, it all started, how does the house manager, Nadezhda Vladimirovna, introduce himself, thats all this persecution. Yes, yeah, why . Yes, it started for us because of the radiators, like, well, yes, last year they installed radiators, everyones radiators are leaking, this year she decided to lay pipes all over the first floor, for this it was necessary to open up the floors, yeah, when i asked, i said, nadya, who will fix the floors later, the house is old, i say , they are already shaking, yeah, on their own, i say, i wont give permission, she says, but she knows what take me, she says, do you want a grandson . Why do you want a grandson . At there must be a grandsons mother, father, what happened to them . Well, you know, mom is undergoing treatment, mom, this is your daughter, what kind of treatment . Drugs, that is, you have a daughter who is a drug addict, yes, but what didnt you finish . Well, you know, i noticed that something wasnt right, something wasnt right, i told her, i said, yul, i said, if you say something, i said, here are my hands, lets say it. No, not at all, no, im not, you, what are you, youre the same thing, youre what i have there, you have one child, two, who is also the eldest daughter, and she, yes, too, yes, they are at the same time started yes, they gave birth to a child, they were waiting for children, it so happened that they are 12 days apart, the eldest daughter, so wait, the eldest is also a drug addict, they didnt take the child away from the eldest daughter, the child is with. Tell me, please, was there some kind of meeting regarding your guardianship, who made the decision . There was a commission, i wanted to get temporary custody, but the childs father, the father , well, like my daughter. Started using drugs, he started drinking, but now he doesnt drink at all, he was coded, everything is fine, but hes registered is written down by the childs father in the certificate, yes, but why then and not, well, somehow they dont want to give him, why, although he is not deprived of rights, he is not deprived, not limited, their courts go for deprivation, for restriction , so that the child would not remain in the orphanage during this time, you were offered to take the apek, and you took it, no, they didnt give the house manager. She set the neighbors on, as she told me, ill go after everyone, you wont get it, she then she started to find fault with her soninlaw, because her soninlaw is like a pawnbroker of drugs, i tell her, nadya, i say, hes not a drug addict, he says, hes an alcoholic, he can throw away a bottle or a can, i saw it myself, i say, prove it, i say, i saw everything, well, we have like an obscene brand with her, she collected my fathers signatures. Not from my entrance, from the neighboring entrance, from your entrance, and what kind of signatures . Against me, what exactly does she accuse you of in alcoholism, and you drink . Well, how is everyone, please tell me, here are your conditions, they allow you to take a grandson, the apartment is in good condition, lets see how you live, you showed us, i think that yes, a neighbor who. Herself got into our family the eldest in the house, a conflict arose about the pipe that we have here running along the entire first floor, in order to open up the floors in order to replace the pipe, when i asked, i said who will restore the floors, she did it all on her own, well, thats it with us her, she then began to insult me ​​that i was an alcoholic, you will never be given a grandson, he will not be with you, he will be in an orphanage, i will go to all heads. Tom tomovich. The baby from birth lived here, here is a photograph of him from birth, small, cute, here are his toys, boxes, too, here we have his toys everywhere, our boy is creative, so i saved all his drawings, his fakes, this is his first, this. We have a card here for his mother for march 8th, he sculpted the letter himself , because he knows the whole alphabet, from a to z, from z to a, here is his crib, where he sleeps, here are his things, here they are all folded, they are waiting for him, this is the puzzle we made with him together, for him i really like this picture, i generally just come here to water the flowers, he wasnt. Flying in a slump, hes standing right in front of my eyes me, i pray to god, i wish him good night, sweet dreams, well, of course the pillows, it was very quiet, very, i lost the dearest person for whom i lived, no, so it turns out he lived with you from birth, yes, and when were you his last i saw him once, on august 27, i went to the Rehabilitation Center and then through the fence i saw him, because as the guard said, as they said, you can only visit him with the permission of the guardianship, and the guardianship does not give you such permission, i then went for permission , let me say, statement write to visit a child, which child, i say, well, artyom, hes not there, how come hes not there, and he says hes in a foster family, so i went on sunday, where hes in a foster family, they told you they didnt give you coordinates and the daughter didnt deprived yet no neither father nor daughter are not deprived not limited and dad applied to the guardianship authorities and that they didnt give him either no they said wait for the trial listen Nadezhda Vladimirovna karachina is the same one who wanted to lay a pipe for you , she came to tell us that things are not okay pipes, in something else, lets ask her to come into the studio. Mina fedorovna, what kind of pipes, we are talking about the fact that the child is in danger, so i went to the commission, and no later than the day before yesterday you were drinking on the site near the eighteenth house with your girlfriends, yes, yes , the day before yesterday, what the day before yesterday, you is there any evidence that i cant go for a walk, i cant breathe, have you already put me under surveillance . I dont drink, check, i can pass tests, that means, yes, stop yelling like at the market, that means, about nina fedorovnas apartment, apartment, fedorovna, shes not privatized and decides whether to do repairs or not to do repairs, but these batteries, you mean, the one you were talking about, decides, this is decided by the meeting of owners, which was, which voted for the repairs to take place, and this protocol was transferred to the administration of the city of shchyolkovo, that is, you want to say that battery had nothing to do with it, okay, yes, yul, battery is here, why then did you come to this commission, and were categorically against artyom living with nina fedorovna, why . And because my father does drugs, spreads, before our eyes he made a bookmark near my entrance, he put something under the door, the entrance door was open, here. A taxi arrives, the driver gets out, and we take it away, you saw it directly, i personally not only saw it, the next day i saw nina fedorovna and told her ning, tell your brotherinlaw to stop distributing drugs near the house. do you know what she told me . She told me why is it possible to distribute drugs near house number twentyfour, but not near our house . why are you lying, you understand, i she said, why are there a bunch of drug addicts standing there, you are silent, in the apartment, there are constant scandals, that someone is making a row, the daughter, breaking windows, knocking out doors and there is a child there , who is making a row, the daughter is making a row with whom, with her, and that is, the mother she fights with her daughter, she cut her three times last year, who . Who did he cut . The daughter cut her mother, yes, she went to the hospital with a knife, she cut, yes, with a knife, its true, but what happened between them, an altercation was found , i started to push them away, it turned out that yulia jumped out with a knife, i head turned and she did this, she cut you three times, this was once, the second time, what and why, well, thats how she has quirks, and the third time, there wasnt a third time, well, lets say they give you custody, you will live with the child, mom then , well, someone like this will come back with seizures like this and will live with the child, she wont live with us, i will discharge her, she herself agrees to be discharged, hey no see for a long time, the dragon missed you, how are you, take the finished one to zhik, zhik, some to the new one, some to the new one, livi, livi, amore, amore. I want this to be a dream, but in my opinion im not sleeping, im sick of you, god, what a man, i want a son from you, i want a daughter from you, fantasy, next level, time after the program, gin сnop, product stellar group. Russian grand prix, live broadcast, tomorrow on the first. Lets see, it will be very interesting, love figure skating, adore figure skating, appreciate it. The proletariat must not only call for revolution, but first of all go to it itself; revolution cannot be scheduled for a certain day or hour, due to inevitably growing catastrophe, it is necessary now to determine the most successful positions, to arm, inspire the masses with a revolutionary slogan, to train them in martial arts, to keep. Under arms, there is a revolutionary proletarian mass, it is necessary to be able to simultaneously bring this mass to the streets throughout the entire space of russia and unite with a common cry, trotsky, trotsky, full stop trotsky, from november 1st to the first, any religion mixed with blood is a monster that sooner or later devours its own children. You think feed us to him, and he will calm down, i understand correctly, after all, the main thing is your concern , just the child, that is, you understand how this family lives, when there is especially the childs mother, well, mother, okay, mother is in rehabilitation, any fedorn drinks, we havent figured it out yet, when she doesnt drink, she has golden hands, for the child. The apartment is clean, perfect order, everything is beautiful, yule, she has golden hands, as long as she doesnt drink, i dont drink , well, youre going to lie to me, no need around the eighteenth house, who did you see me with, tell me specifically, that means no need should i tell you how much you drink, you have friends, who are julia opposite my apartment with dima, when i arrive you. In a brothel, well , if a person is in a brothel, what are your girlfriends who, tell me who your friends are, sixes yours, Nadezhda Vladimirovna, here nina fedorna has another complaint against you, that you have turned all your neighbors against her, it s true, but why should i turn them on when her friends, and why did you just collect signatures at your entrance, which is a ribbon yours signed for ten there, we are all your girlfriends. Couldnt invite you to the studio, but there simply wouldnt be enough space for us, but we asked our neighbors, and here i must say that you have two camps, that is, there is a lifeordeath war, lets see, constant screams, scandals, constant yelling, constant yelling in the entrances, there were constant screams at the child, the child asked for help, when the child was already screaming pitifully and tearfully, it is also unclear how the child will be raised, given that there is no supervision over him, well, return him. To this family, definitely not worth it, i dont know who it is chose, i personally didnt sign, now she doesnt let the whole house live in peace, she controls destinies, who is she anyway, no one is afraid of her, the main thing is theyre afraid to say the wrong thing, she periodically goes on a binge, the disease is already many years old, she was still living with her husband, for them it was a family affair, it was coded periodically, the code ends, this begins again, marriages there very often break the glass all the time. So her son inlaw comes, he also seems to be a hooligan, its great, its better in the family, lets say, but in this case it seems to me that the child is just scared to give, its probably better for him to stay where he is now, well, we have divided opinions, Nadezhda Vladimirovna, please tell me why you are so concerned about the history of this family, its something personal, right . Yul, you see, i can say how, i, again from myself , so, first of all, i was brought up in a dysfunctional family, yul, my father drank, my mother, no, how did he start drinking, yul, i, my mother and i were looking for a place to spend the night, but he beat me, yes, he beat him, he drank, and he behaved like a hooligan, this and that, and then to his aunts. Then to the neighbors, where we are not spent the night, and if it werent for me, well, it wasnt established then, you know, they would have taken me away , given me to someone elses family, it would probably have been easier for me, yeah, when he comes, he starts yelling, and youre at 10 oclock, excuse me , with a child you go to spend the night at the station, this is normal, i had problems with my son, similar to hers, what kind of ones, did he use drugs . Used drugs and alcohol , he couldnt call from elektrostal to say mom, i was robbed, im in my underpants and socks, at the station, and im at 2, and im flying there at night its a beautiful day, he called a narcologist himself, he himself, theres a closet like this, with these briefcases, the doorbell rings, i open it, theres this and it says, they called a narcologist, i say, what . And he says, mom, this is for me, it was 17 years ago, since then, thats it, since then he hasnt taken drugs or alcohol into his mouth, and can dmitry be cured of this or not . Soninlaw, if he wanted to take care of the child and wanted to be cured, he would have done it, but let s ask him what he wants, in fact, dmitry, come to us, what are you talking about, this is it you say, redhead, what did my motherinlaw do to you, what did my son do to you, what did he do, but i forget, you dont let anyone, you ve been to a psychologist for a long time, go there, go to a sedologist, see a narcologist, see a psychologist, here , thats the most important thing, and you, as i understand it, are happy that you have such a good motherinlaw, right . Im incredibly glad that i have such a motherinlaw, such a motherinlaw, to be honest, for everyone, because i have an ideal relationship with her, she doesnt call him anything, because hes thin, so call him dritch, dmitry, serious question to to you, please explain to me, a fool, this means because of the redhaired beast, the child does not live with you, in a foster family, for you in this situation, yes, i think this is so, because everywhere they put in trouble. Do you use drugs . No, ive never tried, yes, i dont know why it all started, how it all started, well, gradually they began to guess that she was having a breakdown because of this, well, you know, how she hid it with alcohol, allegedly she is under the influence of alcohol, and the child is small, an infant, and we eventually moved to my mother, so that my mother would take care of my, well , upbringing, and who should take care of my wife, a narcologist, well, a narcologist, well, well, she, no, not at all, no these . It was hard, at first it was hard to force, i drink, why, if i officially have a good job, what kind, im an assembly driver, and why Nadezhda Vladimirovna told us how she saw several times that you made bookmarks, i even remembered this situation when she, and i when it turns out, broke my hip joint, when i started walking on the left side sticks, i left my mothers, my motherinlaws, entrance, and there was such a narrow yard that. If when the intercom door is open, it s summer, the door is open, then the car wont pass, there was a block of wood there, i turn out to be a club with a stick , yes, i just knocked this one out, i knocked out this piece of wood , because the driver opened the door, he tried, but here i am passing by, i knocked out this piece of wood so that the door would close, then this redhaired beast began to attack, and why still, explain to me what kind of trial there is, on what basis they want deprive you of parental rights, then what . As you said, who do you work with, i assemble furniture and driver, well, i disassemble and assemble the same , you drive drunk, well, if i were drunk at the wheel, i would probably be without a license, thats not the point, you said , that you were coded, a person who has no problems with drinking, yes, i can drink on friday , and i can drink on friday, but why were you coded then, if you can drink on friday, everyone else is for the fact that when there was a commission, this were their conditions, i understand, i thought that the expression for the heat of the pancakes was just an expression, no , you have such close contact, lets see, delicious, delicious, yes, with yourself even at home, of course, definitely, tastier, thank you, eat to your health, i have a very good, very good relationship, well, if i consider her my mother, since mine died, well , she also treats me well, every day i visit her, i get up in the morning, it turns out there 7 80 i go here, as if to my mother, from here i leave at 9, 10, 11 pm, i even have the belly has already appeared because she is already fattening me up to four kilograms , literally maybe in two weeks, well, since my mother feeds me, i wont be entering the door soon, she loves pilaf very much, always cook the pilaf yourself, well, naturally, we have cutlets, pasta, they love pasta very well, its pasta and the soul, then. Well, soups are naturally a variety this week im baking pancakes for the second time, such a motherinlaw, to be honest, everyone would like it, i kind of have friends there are a lot of married people, as far as i know, the atmosphere in the family, its like theyre not friends with their mothersinlaw and they try not to go on visits, i run here eagerly, she even kicks me out, she says go home, im tired of here already, thats what happens , we are celebrating our fiftieth stage anniversary, we are chosen, we are chosen, different happiness befalls us, look, he taught me how to tie a tie, look, my little bunny, and by the way, im jealous, but when i come somewhere, i dont have makeup on, i need to get something, i say, im hooked, says, okay, woman, where are you going, theres a filming, the administrator tells me, on the first day, i say, okay, when people. Come here, they get scared, such a sofa, maybe the artist is so poor, its just for the cat convenient, life hit me very hard, very much, the fact is that i had already returned from the other world , i had clinical death, and then they bring you back to life, here, guys, you are not afraid of anything, you understand that you alive, and this is the most important thing, life is different, tomorrow after the program time. Montechoca cognac, product of stellar group. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, im going out to look for you. Serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivation. One way or another , they kill because of love, you probably sent a request to him, they dont have such an employee, and you know igor well, you dont drink coffee, girls, no, youre scaring me, i love you. Me, it hurts me, dont come here anymore, what do i like about the doc, the territory, on the first, can it hang its tail . Lets wait, his head is full of other things right now. Khrushchov and kennedy found in themselves strength to show responsibility and wisdom. The deployment of american jupiter missiles in turkey radically changed the entire balance of power. This is what marked the beginning of the caribbean crisis, in contrast to the western one. Historiographies that try to present as the root of the problem of the deployment of our missiles in cuba. In cuba we were responding to what the United States had already done near the soviet union. The United States posed a military threat to the security of the ussr. Many were horrified, realizing how much the world was hanging in the balance. We understood that before the war is not even one step, but half a step. Now we are talking about creating immediate threats to our security right on our borders , the world is on the brink, the lessons of the caribbean crisis are on the first day tomorrow. Nina fedorovna, Nadezhda Vladimirovna, you yourself said that your exgirlfriend, but were you friends before . We used to be friends, well, as i understand it, you have several exes. Another friend , whose name is elena krutova, also decided to come to our studio, thats why, let s find out from her, dont you drink, on the day of the trial 3 weeks binge drinking, on the day of the trial, the beginning of 3 weeks, without stopping, what court, what court, when was the decision made, whether to leave the child or not, it was documented somewhere, in general they call you and yulia blue demons , the whole neighborhood is already laughing, saying, lets go again . I can say anything, of course, i saw the whole yard, my husband just arrived on a business trip that day, show your certificate from the White Pillars that you are a psycho, sorry, im not registered, dont make things up, they saw you drunk all the time, youre sober for a month at most again binge. Excuse me please, but what did you quarrel about . We didnt quarrel at all, that is, everything that she says about you, that you are also an algoricist, what you say about her, that she is an alcoholic, is true, well, how can i live. Two people communicate, one is an alcoholic, the other is not, that doesnt happen, but if shes a hard drinker, that means you are the same, im a hard drinker, i dont hide it, but i drink once every six months, not every month, well see the story, like nina fedrovna does not lose hope of finding a grandson, when i went to the shelter, we brought a lot there toys, but he also asked for his favorite donkey, because he always slept with him, so i never brought him this donkey. I havent seen him for several weeks, i want to find him, but no one tells me anything where he is, ive already made a desperate decision, printed out an advertisement to find my secret golden child, my little angel, little one, little one, where are you , my dear, excuse me, you havent seen this boy, have you . No, no, no, no, ive already reached the point that in every child i see my grandson, i walk, i look around on the sides, it seems, here he is, here he is, next to me, i come up, yesterday i was even walking, i saw a baby that looked just like artyom, i came up, its not him, i hope that he will come back to me, he will be found, people, please help him find. The last time i saw artyom was behind this fence, we couldnt communicate with him, we werent able to, if they said that even he would see the Slightest Movement there from our side, then they would forbid us to communicate with him at all, before i could see tyoma here, at least behind the fence , i was watching from behind the bushes, but now he was taken somewhere. At the moment, your child is under preliminary guardianship, you want to take the child to the same apartment, what do you think, i drink there as an alcoholic or what i dont think anything, the child is recognized as in need of state protection, so he is concerned with the fate of the child, as i understand it, that the eldest daughter there, there is no family either, yes, no no, this is your ex soninlaw, thats right, he is also against the child living with you, now we will find out why, the family is dysfunctional, the children drive the grandmother into hysterics, they start drinking, and yulia, just to drink im afraid she even took a knife to her mother rushed, older, in the end she started using drugs, that year we separated, my daughter received psychological treatment. Yes, we still go to the psychologist, he didnt let me sleep at night, he said it was like all sorts of nightmares, nothing will change, these people are incorrigible, he will be better off where he is now and not in this family, artyom not only has a grandmother, but also a grandfather and a grandfather this is on which line according to mine, that is, Igor Nikolaevich this is your dad, lets call him in the studio, i also understand why there are two chickens they are sitting, discussing my grandson, and what is your relationship to my grandson in general, who you really are, and who you are, your neighbor is sitting here, and where were you when she was running, i was running, i was running, i know where i was running, i was there, you were walking, i didnt raise my children, they take me away, they are still continuing, i will raise my hand. Go ahead, i have nothing to shout about, the administration will help you here, my grandson will stay at my house, and not at your place somewhere, and you officially told the guardianship authorities that you want to be there too, they officially responded, that this is a state child, that day we came with our father to the guardianship so that they would give him a list of documents and so that he would write a statement that he would like to become a guardian, and what did they say . To which they replied that our main thing is not there, go to the mfc, they will give you a list of documents there, we go together to the mfc, to the fact that an mfc employee is calling the guardianship, right in front of us, well, should i give them documents or not, in the end they still think that in the end we, my dear children, have to run after them so as not to give, lets see in what conditions you and the child are going to be taken away, and most importantly, are you strong . Man, i probably see this image, a healthy lifestyle, so i gave boxing to help with sports at kmsk, i am full of strength and my health allows me to work more. No, thats it, hes already become old. I have plans to go fishing with him, to sit here, because there is nature nearby, clean air, i want to bring sports for him, sports, so that his parents will not be an example for him, so that he can go into the army as a healthy, normal person. I went, and, of course, behaved with dignity in this life. I moved to my mothers house here, well, this is where i live now, this house is a house , it has all the amenities, theres heating here , please, all the amenities, hot water, a washbasin, i like things here, i like to play, run around, heres a big room , over there, even if i am now 1 year old, this does not mean that i have no health at all, there i am some kind of decrepit, no, i can raise and raise and well, do Everything Possible for the child. Nadezhda vladimirovna, tell me, please, is it true that after grandpa contacted the guardianship authorities, they called you . Yes, that means they called me and said that we cant, that means, take the child away, we dont have enough incriminating evidence, so with yes, im talking, and from me, what do you want, but you cant go take a picture of them on a smartphone, i say who i am, i say, raise your butts, go, look and take pictures, you get money for this, that is, they wanted to make you a sexot, yes, i have a lot of questions accumulated for these guardianship authorities, which you they just said, the first main one, that while the trial is going on, we still have the presumption of innocence, no one has canceled it, the child was not seized under article 40, as i understand it, there are no threats to life and health, no matter how proven it was, now it turns out, if you believe your words, that they dont have any case, and that it most likely will fall apart in court, but they gave you an answer, based on an assessment of all the available information about you, as applicants , comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to appoint you as a guardian in the family of nina fedorovna kotova , there are systematically scandals on domestic grounds related to alcohol abuse. Kotova has negative experience in raising children and is the mother of two daughters, who shirks parental responsibilities. Indeed, a lot of questions arise for the guardianship authorities, how could this even have happened and how the process of removing this child took place, and therefore , of course, for our part, we will pass on the information to the regional. Branch of the popular front, we will take this situation into account control, still an ambiguous situation, why did you even get involved in this family, took my grandson, and he had urine in his head for a long time, and think about it with dogs, but im thinking, what to do, im thinking, thinking, thinking, so now if my grandson is taken away from me, if my grandson, what should i do next , i dont have a wife, my grandmother was also old, and what do i tell you, it means i dont need to wave my hands around, around me . A majestic figure, shrouded in myths and legends, has unlimited power. Queen, fantasy, next level, after the program time. Give him a brief description , professional qualities, smart, so , good reaction, brilliant skills, i was born in a ural village, i am from a peasant family, arrogant, i killed a colonel and a mayor. Now every day i will kill a colonel, he has a weak character, it seems to me, and is very eager to add. Eliminating kokh is of great political importance, is it worth risking such a valuable agent to eliminate kokh . Based on real events. A true Intelligence Officer must be ready for anything. By the razors edge, the premiere of the serial film, will soon be on the first. He is an enemy, like a cat, you get pleasure from him. There is something other than faith, only faith. The famous soothsayer, blind, but who saw the future of wang, passed away in 1996, she has been gone for almost 30 years, but now, when the planet is so turbulent, the aggravation in the middle east seriously makes us think about the threat of a global conflict, more and more new ones appear predictions. I say, i see what wars are going on, what grief is happening. Removal of support, people are trying to comprehend these prophecies to find the answer to the question will the world be able to escape . Russia will not fall, will not fall, are there still unknown prophecies left in vanga herself, or is someone skillfully passing off their own words as hers, and the whole world is speaking the language of ge, i have already encountered this, our exclusive, living witnesses and friends of vanga, why only now they decided to tell everything, we havent shown a number of materials at all, now, when. E predictions need to be voiced, its very difficult for us, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first, my russia will say yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water, all together, the most russian soul, for those whom i do not ask, for me, to breathe and believe, with a wounded heart, give me, this is mine fight, for the last fat of my pain, even if my pain is bad, until the fire stays, my heart beats and live, then strongly. Shaman, im russian, premiere on november 4, at the first, i want a little something, Nadezhda Vladimirovna. Well, yes, to justify, to protect, she really is, Adult Children of alcoholics, dad killed, such a misfortune happened to his son, this is for her trigger story is when she sees a child in a drinking problem family, these protective instincts are triggered for her , she doesnt control herself, she falls into despair to protect the child, she sees your story, how you behave antisocially and takes all measures to ensure that stop, shes great, a real house manager. Heres a straight bow to the ground, if you need this child, yes, you now have to prove, not to drink, certificates, no certificates, first of all to yourself, whether you can give this child a future without drugs, without alcohol, the future, you all should think only about the child, what our help may consist of, we can force government authorities to work according to the law, but i want to remind you that this law does not protect you in this context. About the child, i hope a fair trial will proceed from the interests of the child, whom he is obliged to protect. And the prosecutors office, which is the legal representative of the child, must intervene in this case, and the guardianship authorities must give a report, including the investigative authorities and the prosecutors office, on what basis they created such a situation, a small child is now in someone elses family, if there are a number of blood relatives, they are criminals, 100 thats all, it looks like that, and now there is a project to help the children of russia, which we are doing together with the popular front. My name is seryozha, boys at my age dream there, about cars, about girls, but i always think about how i can survive and so that the next day comes, i came from voronezh, the wave back, because here my mother was left alone with my paralyzed grandfather , im very scared for them, because here heavy shelling, for a week he travels more than 800 km from voronezh here to his family, who really need his help , hello, seryozha, im polina, its very nice, i can see you like that from the road, yes, i just arrived from voronezh, i just arrived, great , lets just go, at the same time youll introduce me to my mother and grandfather, oh, whos there, seryozhka, oh, hello, hello, ipolina, its very nice. This is our little room , i didnt believe it until recently, well, i think we re just such simple people, they found us here, dont worry, oh, what about irin, how long has it been in your seryozha appeared in the family, in 2007 i had three kids, well, 5 years old, 6 years old, and seryozha was a year old, all three. These are your foster children all the time, yes, we wanted to take seryozha alone, but seryozha turned out to be a brother, we had to take him as a table, and there was a good girl lying with them, she was like that, well, somehow they took anechka, and you and your husband received them together yes, we made a decision on the seventh, we got divorced on the ninth, seryozha was 3 years old, ohohoh, that is, you already did this whole journey yourself, well done, you went through it all, withstood it. This house, you lived in it before, we are here we live for 4 months, we lived in vladimirovka, there is the front line, well, friends found this , we live here for 4 months, in vladimirovka, when you lived on the first line of the front, how did you even survive there, constant shelling, constantly there. Here they shoot, we are constantly in the basements, and you have flights here, yes, yesterday we were at this center , they often get shot down, often, we have a grandfather, we wont be able to move anywhere, he has a stroke, grandfather, dont worry, everything is fine, everything is fine, grandpa, it was really hard for him thats all, because we are under shelling, we cant get it down into the basement, we put it where the loadbearing walls are, in order to somehow secure it. Grandpa, where do you want a drink, he gets it himself, this, if he needs it, hell take it himself, drink it, thats it, thats it, dezhi, there was a moment when grandpa started to say, leave me, leave me here, uh, you will be better off without me, he could no longer tolerate all this, yesterday there was a very strong arrival, no one was hurt, they say that he was wounded the wounded was wounded from our village, to his mother, what words do you find, what do you say, i tell my mother that now is just the hardest time, we need to wait it out and get through it, i m afraid of not seeing my loved ones anymore, its better not to think such thoughts, i immediately let them pass like clouds, i think everything is fine , everything will be fine, clear skies

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