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Eh, amazing things, tova. The minister of defense of germany once loved tver rugs , he was even the mayor of the city that became a sister city of our tver, and then at some point he changed his shoes and fell in love with american hamburgers, how this happened and why, lets figure it out. I studied russian, was in moscow, st. Petersburg, tver and other cities, those residents of russia with whom i met seemed cordial and hospitable to me. Boris pistorius has good russian, although he was born in western germany in the sixties year in lower saxony, claims that he chose this language because there was such an opportunity, and even took it at the final exams, although it is generally known that in the west no one simply chooses the russian language, and one fact is that in his native osnabruck there is clearly a sister city of tver, there are clearly 11 sister cities there, you could learn chinese, korean, turkish, dutch at worst, but each action has. I have a question that is forbidden to ask in germany, here you can ask any questions. On september 25, 2001, Vladimir Putin gave a speech in the bundestag. Everyone stood up and applauded. Why didnt our chancellor olaf scholz sit down at the negotiating table with Vladimir Putin the day before the start of the war . He did not dare to do this for such a long time. This war would never have happened if everything had been decided through diplomatic channels. Vladimir putin has proposed negotiations several times, but the media does not show this. Weve gone crazy. Now we import energy to germany from eight countries, before this everything was fine. Please ask your question. Now its my turn, excuse me, the fundamental point is this, if i have the right to express my opinion, this does not mean that i should be applauded for it, i need to clearly understand this, yes, there is no right to this, excuse me, freedom of expression means freedom of expression, but not the right to applause, period, the mother of ursula pistorius, deputy chairman of the social democrats in lantag, lower saxony, enrolled her son in the party red for another 16 years. After that, boris wiped his pants for decades in various lower saxon departments , he rose only to the rank of assistant assistant. Years later, as if taking revenge on the reticent boss, he openly began an affair with doris kopf, at that time still the legal wife of schroeder. When the matter was revealed, pistorius retreated to the chair of saxonys police minister. His task was to turn a blind eye to the development of weapons commissioned by the usa at the friedrich lofler institute. The institute was held during the great patriotic war. Military demiologists removed 3,500 blood serum samples citizens living in 25 regions of ukraine were promoted to the federal level for their compliance. In 2019, pistorius competed with scholz for the post of head of the social democrats, so the latter had to put aside previous differences. Before the next ramstein, the states demanded a conspiratorial minister. He is not just a friend and an excellent politician. But also someone who has extensive experience in the security field, he has worked closely and openly with the bundeswehr, including in his previous position, he is endowed with strength and calmness, which necessary for such a big task in view of the current times of change. Having little to do with the appointment of his own minister of defense, scholz immediately handed pesturius into the hands of overseas bosses. Pentagon chief lloyd osin reminded boris that her predecessor , christina lambrecht, was dismissed due to the disruption of arms supplies to ukraine. Pistorius hesitated for a week after the meeting with stolteng and the call from washington. The first leopards moved towards zishov. After many years of savings in the bundeswehr. There was a lack of equipment. Weapons supplies breaches are being made in ukraine where there is already a shortage. We, of course, can hardly tell ukraine that we are suspending aid. The rusty, crumbling bundeswehr pistorius intends to make the best army in europe, at the expense of american weapons and at the cost of losing military sovereignty. Germany will purchase emrem helicopters and missiles for 11 billion euros. And pyatriots, irises and cheetahs, cities called winter, have already gone to ukraine. Package worth a billion euros. We will do Everything Possible to help ukraine in the field of security has not collapsed since the conflict in the middle east. When i watch such a story, i immediately get the feeling that there is very serious dirt on estorius in the United States, because he needs to change his shoes very quickly and very competently. And although sometimes he still loses his temper, and here i immediately draw the attention of our respected profilers, because here is his recent conversation, well, i wouldnt even say conversation, but such a conversation in a raised voice happened with the mayor of kiev vitali klitschko, in general , see for yourself, us we need a little more, we need a longrange taurus, thanks to which we can destroy the command posts of the russian army. Its amazing to me why we keep emphasizing this little aspect on which we dont have 100 consensus. Why is there no emphasis on the help we provide . Yes, we were hesitant about leopard tanks because we were waiting for america to make a move. But now we have become the most important supplier of tanks, the most important supplier of ammunition. We have increased the production of ammunition for selfpropelled guns cheetah. And im surprised that this little issue is constantly being emphasized without acknowledging the incredible support weve already provided. Oh, look, hes all flushed, there are rumors about him that hes a fairly selfpossessed person, he s clearly losing his temper, what happened here, in general, hes such a comrade, a little wellmannered, lets say, that is, accustomed to be under a certain control, kept within certain limits, you can compare it just in different interviews, which here it is gave it to a journalist there, he was so more measured, calmer, but here his question clearly seemed to boil, we can see right there the knitted eyebrows, increased gesticulation there, she becomes more tense in herself, and more choppy, that just in principle indicates this boiling, this anger, anger is usually an emotion of obstacles, that is , when a person feels that he is not able to cope with some. Opinion, but he still has resource to resistance, then there is some kind of alternative point of view, and he tried , lets say, to put things in their place a little, to remind some factors here in general, to put them in place absolutely, but there is a moment, after the end of this angry speech, his redness goes away from his face and he smiles very sweetly at his interlocutor, on the left hand, and right away at that , but i think that here this is some kind of manipulation, he is trying to bully mr. Klyuchko, because mr. Now ill say, maybe not very beautiful, but theres no other way to say it knows where to lick and where to bite, for him a nickname is an easy victim, and he just took this opportunity and decided to tell him to attack him, then, you know, he has one interesting manner, at the moment when he is asked about something in other interviews, even when talking about neutral things, he finds some external enemy, some external interlocutor , who may not even exist, he tries , you know, to bully Something Like that, now i ll just give an example very quickly, it means that they are asking , what grains are acceptable in germany, conditionally, he says, grains, grains, great, ill tell you, they will be even larger, and after that he begins to speak very softly and evenly, this is such a model of behavior, he is a manipulator, then it gets more interesting, a few days after this situation another one happens, ramstein goes through, is discussed Contact Group for ukraine, and pistorius suddenly doesnt come to it, but he refers to the coronavirus, but the day before he gives an interview, here is an excerpt from his interview. Actually the day before. We supply additional ammunition explosive ammunition, mortar, mine missiles, because ammunition is what ukraine most urgently needs in its defensive struggle. In addition, we will help with protected equipment and mine clearance systems, but we do not forget about the approaching winter. We will send not only clothes, but also electric and heat generators. In total, the cost of the military aid package. Will amount to 400 million euros. And not a word about taurus. And following the results of this meeting, lloyd osin, secretary of defense of the United States, speaks. And lists what actual weapons will be supplied to ukraine, and taurus is not among them. M1 abrams tanks, which the United States promised to transfer to ukraine, will soon arrive in ukraine. Since we last met, the United States has provided additional Security Assistance packages totaling more than 2 billion. These packages include the necessary air defense equipment, ammunition and we saw this situation already with tanks, when germany took the principled position that we would not supply any leopards until the United States took the first step. Is history repeating itself, what is the game here . When the situation with leopards happened in january 23, firstly, pistorius had just taken office, he did not yet have all the necessary political weight to make such decisions, he was still bargaining a little with the United States so that this these colossal reputational risks, especially the involvement of nato in direct confrontation with russia, were borne not by germany, but by the United States of america, which is why he you said it first, and we said it after you, its about leopards. As for the taurus missiles, this product is very interesting, it has a destruction radius of about 500 km, these are the longestrange missiles that hypothetically. Could be delivered to ukraine, again we remember the reputational risks, pistorius does not want germany to be that country, which is responsible for the very likely strike of such a missile deep into russian territory. Well, that is, it turns out that he is giving ultimatums to the United States for the second time, because let me remind you how has the leopard situation been resolved . At first he fights back, pestorius fights back, then he abruptly leaves for the United States, he. Meets there with lloyd austin and salivon and after that they instantly make a decision, but the americans deliver the first one tank, it seems there is Something Interesting there there was a game that now, does he really have any aces up his sleeve to blackmail someone , well, i think that of course he has no aces up his sleeve, but he needs to work for Public Opinion inside germany, yes, then yes, we are now seeing, firstly, an increase in fatigue in German Society from the war in ukraine and from germanys participation in this conflict, fatigue in society from the war and from the falling standard of living, and so on, here are the latest surveys that, for example, the british conducted in germany , show that the majority of germans, they are already in favor of a complete renunciation of military support for kiev for a truce with russia, and Boris Pistorius at the moment, in my opinion, he even surpasses scholz in ratings, he is the most popular politician with the selfdemocratic parties, and if, for example, elections were held in the near future, i think that it was borisarius, they would lead the leader of their party and the candidate for chancellor like this, that is, he needs, on the one hand, to work for. Public opinion within germany itself, to explain to them , what you see, the americans were the first to supply their otax missiles, albeit in small quantities, and we got involved after them, the americans certainly will not supply them in large quantities. They will not supply attacks, there are not many of them in the pentagon warehouses, about 2,500, but now we are hearing about that a couple they will supply dozens, well, the europeans will continue to force them to take off their shoes in this conflict, yes, the british are already depleting their reserves of shadow curtains, the french are saying that they also dont have many scalps left, so they can. Time to reduce supplies to ukraine, but germany remains. Germany doesnt have that many taurus, but they also dont have that much political weight in this intranato confrontation, so i think that, unfortunately, for us, let them make a decision and install the taurus. Another thing is that, since there are not so many of them, if im not mistaken, the german militaryindustrial complex does not produce them at the moment, well, this will be such a problem, but a temporary one, but unfortunately a problem. Sergey, when we now consider the personality of pistorius, we understand perfectly well that germany, today, is perfect. As it was and is, remains an occupied country, it does not have its own will , it has no sovereignty, for everyone to make any decisions, you need to go to washington, consult in washington, then act further, but pistorius for today day, he is a very balanced figure for america, he will nod his head when necessary, when not necessary, he will simply remain silent, this is the person who is a very good compromise for them, for what . For the process of launching. New military industrialization and civilian deindustrialization , which they talk about all the time in washington, you are europeans , it is germany that should support ukraine more, produce more weapons, you have reduced military programs, and lets change, you are your factories, automobiles , factories, chemical production in america, and we will help you here and we will help you with money, develop the military industry, that is, such an exchange turns out, epistol. A person is a civilian at his core, he becomes an exponent not of american ideas, exclusively, but of certain transatlantic ideas, because in essence, when he is his own. In a certain market, including a base for the production of weapons, and these are such plans, he acts as a representative of atlanticism and as a representative of global governments. Is pistorius generally a man of the democrats and a man of biden, or is he playing his game, and maybe hes just trying to wait to see what will happen in washington, and this is why he has this position that they will say, and then well get there and then well say it. In my opinion, pistorius is a typical german technocrat of the postwar era, who has gone through the long path of a party functionary, he is absolutely ambivalent to this or that emotional and political beating, he does what he is told, he is told to dig, he will dig, he is told, dont dig, as they say, cook the pot, dont cook the pot, here he is really a representative, namely the transatlanticoriented Political Class of germany, coming from such nonprofit organizations as the atlantic bridge, the Foreign Policy council, the american one, so pistoriot here will simply voice the opinion embedded in him, its actually like such a talking head, therefore, whoever is in the white house, we all understand perfectly well, there are republicans and democrats, yes, now the republicans are pecking at biden for zelskys failures, for the fact that ukraine is actually becoming a black hole, but in this regime, in this regime financialmilitary drip, they can support ukraine for decades, this is not vietnam, from where hundreds, tens of thousands of coffins of american soldiers came and which consumed a huge amount of expenses, this is not even afghanistan, from where they fled, abandoning a huge amount of equipment, the militaryindustrial complex works, europe is gradually losing its subjectivity, losing its economic sovereignty, the coffins of american us soldiers are not coming from ukraine, everything is fine, one profit, the role of pistorius in this situation, just a technical person, who signs the relevant documents, as for taurus and hesitation, but this is similar to hesitation with tanks, discussions were held, at that moment preparations were already underway for storage bases of one or another military equipment, as for taurus, well , probably the carriers are waiting, because the 24 there are two or three left for ukraines arsenal, that is, this is some kind of attempt to play with Public Opinion, it turns out, yes , that is, its kind of like showing ours, according to pistorius, im interested in one more fact, so im not in vain the beginning of our program mentioned that he was once from one of the cities of lower saxony and this city was a sister city with tver, they spoke of him as a person and even a russophile, and he himself said that, generally speaking, he loves russians, he understands, lets lets see, by the way, i spoke russian quite well, because there was such an opportunity in my gymnasium, i even unofficially worked as a translator for a sports and cultural delegation, i have been to russia several times. I was in moscow, st. Petersburg, then still leningrad, in tver and other cities. I was there last once in 2008, when it was still the past. Larisa sherbakova is a person who worked at that time in the tver administration and hosted pistorius as a guest. And larisa, we welcome you. Tell us how it was. We even have photographs of him and him in our national costumes. This was just tver. The pictures were taken in 2007, because he was very proud of the fact that he had some slavic roots, he studied russian, and when it turned out that he became the wretched mayor of the city of twin city tver, naturally, being in this russian environment, he was very interested in everything, right down to what they eat, what traditions, what they wear, what clothes, and knowing this in advance, we prepared such a gift for him, this shirt, a linen shirt, made from flax, which is grown in the tver province and is embroidered with tver patterns, and they fed and fed with rugs, of course, the food was the most russian for them, as always, i can tell you, such a thing, when we found out that he became a minister defense, you even know, it seemed to us that now probably, the person came who would somehow change his attitude towards russia and the russian people, towards us, towards the russians, but nevertheless. When we then began to hear such remarks, some, this is konecksberg, lets do something else, some kind of aggression, of course, we, honestly , we calculated a little, well, we understand that it is the puppeteers who rule there, but this man, he is also controlled, he is being led to the political line that is today needed in europe in germany, in particular, but still hes was here, he saw us, well, there must be a conscience in the end, so that such things about it is completely normal that in such a war the attacked side also moves into Enemy Territory and commits sabotage and explosions there until they are attacked. You will have to come to terms with this, not with pleasure, but this part of the ukrainian operations must come to fruition, for example, in order to cut off supply routes, he calls for attacking our peaceful cities, he proposes to kill civilians, this is the person you received, they put our traditional clothes on him, like this, his basis, you know, that this is mimeccry, manipulativeness is the following, he strives for only one thing to maintain his status quo, so that he is comfortable, there , anything will be mimed, but here the main thing is that its not good, nice, yes, yes, yes, i can make another addition, because for us, we had relations not only there was culture, youth relations, they were of an economic nature, too, people with finances, sleepy pants , famous businessmen invested in in particular, in a number of objects, money, we still have two stages of the osnabruck hotel built, that is, the city only allocated the land for free, and they built practically paid for all the design and working aspects, of course, in such personal conversations you asked them questions, why here you are helping russia , but you yourself became the initiators of these relations in 1991, it has always been western germany, you know, asnobrok, why do you seem to come to us and want to help us, after all, we are connected. Such a story, quite a bloody story, great losses, they answered, you know, we feel a complex of guilt before the russian people, before russia, which suffered such victims of the great patriotic war, so we are of course ready to help in any way we can and seemed sincere at the same time, yes, sincerely, and we really are they saw it all , they didnt just talk, they did it, at that moment, and then at one moment the love passed, yes, thank you very much, laris, thank you. All the best all the best you know, honestly, the more i get to know this world, the more i love people in a case, because you know, at least there it is predictable, but here he sings songs to you today, and tomorrow he does such things, here, here, i would like to note the current trend in general in the European Union , people take positions that are not in accordance with their skills, competencies and previous work experience, they dont even have to be a man in order to. In just a few minutes we will continue to find out the details of pistoriuss biography, there is a lot of interesting stuff there, stay with us. Sooner or later , a moment comes in every persons life when he begins to think more about russian rock as a cultural phenomenon, about the spiritual search of russian musicians. We sometimes had to go down to hell to understand that there is such a bottom, gogol rock, i somehow understand all this, gogol is punk, in general, in my opinion, we now have a film coming out about balabanov, how do you remember it, now, firstly, alexey and i knew each other for a long time, starting from college times, then he moved to petersburg, then i ended up there, yes, i gathered extras. One day in a cafe just because slav will play a song there, am i not an artist, but a person who, well, is with me, but is celebrating here . No, no, slava, what are you talking about, i said the very top to the left, it was slavas anniversary, everyone gathered at my house, they gave interviews, and you agree that uskys hand is still ahead, well, im just on. Romca, a product of the stellar group, when i arrived in paris, i was not known, everyone told me that arent you afraid, because maybe, maybe ill wait completely, but i said that you only need to surprise me once. Almost no one in our country has any idea what haute couture truly is, haute couture is high handmade sewing, highclass sewing, which is placed on the level of painting, architecture, i think that he has all the qualities of a Young Fashion designer, i myself was when young, and what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion, and as if cordenos man he will tease you, it really is so, they always tell me what i spend. Number of ideas of what i shouldnt do, he says that you have a very long way to go, and so that you dont remain empty, how long does one collection live, practically it lives, until the next show you can, that is, 6 months. I really liked yudashkins show, i think its level corresponds to international fashion. Congratulations valentin. To the sixtieth anniversary of the birth of valentin yudashkin. Matador, tomorrow on the first. Damn it, yes you do. Once upon a time she literally made the fate of an unlucky artist wandering around train stations, and then he became famous from the widow of the actor alexei buldakov, beloved by millions of russians, has remained silent for 2 years about the misfortune that happened to her after the death of her husband. I cant tell you how much i loved him, loved him, love him, for me he is number one. Then she was accused of almost betraying the memory of the artist, they say she became entangled with a young suitor who only dreams of getting his hands on all her property; the worst was yet to come. At the moment , Lyudmila Andreevna has nothing at all, she has no. Apartment, no house and no land, here you are they took away the apartment, the real estate, it doesnt just start like that, our exclusive is the bitter confession of the widow of alexei boldakov, who, relying on her loved ones, lost everything, these are not relatives, if there were relatives, they would be completely different, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, in saturday on the first, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, im leaving for you. Serial killers are divided into four different types , according to their motivations, one way or another they kill because of love, you are probably a writer, i sent this request to him, they have such an employee not listed, but do you know igor well . You dont drink coffee, girls, no, youre scaring me, i love you, fuck me, it hurts, dont come here anymore, what do i like . The territory is soon on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him . Lets wait, his head is now full of others, Boris Pistorius is trying to seem like a brilliant politician, but he also has something to hide, we reveal the cards and take out all the skeletons from his many lockers. Well, literally one remark about the minister of defense, in german realities the minister of defense is, first of all, a manager is, first of all, a manager , a clerk, if you want, in the bundeswehr there is a group of inspectorgeneral of the ground forces, an inspectorgeneral of the air force, oh well, and a fashion model. For what its worth, she was photographed here in a white blouse with military equipment, and there too , a leopard, a puma, by the way, pistorius, despite the fact that he is a man, he is not far off, if you look, i was just looking at the photographs, he is looking with one tie, already with another, already with cucumbers, already red and here gray, maria, how he poses, well, hes enjoying himself this process, himself and so where does it come from, of course, and in some way he is distinguished by political narcissism , at the age of 16 he entered the youth section of the social democrats, then his confident party career began, he became an assistant to the then minister of the interior of lower saxony, and lower saxony is one of the most important lands of germany in terms of industrial potential and demographics, and those who win often. Win the general federal elections, but he is not a policeman, and at the same time, he is without a title, yes, he is a clerk, he is precisely a manager, he is a manager, and before that he managed teachers, and before that he managed teachers , then he was the minister of internal affairs and sports, a combination, then a secretary, and accordingly, he becomes the minister of internal affairs lower saxony and then on january 19 of the twentythird year he was sworn in as the countrys minister of defense, but taking into account the fact that the previous German Defense ministers also did not have great ties with the army and great knowledge of the army reality, then in principle this fits into the general trend. So, he is an assistant, an eternal assistant, an assistant for a long time, then a minister, and then one day, he immediately breaks out into big politics, but this is not by chance, and here we need to tell the shershels, look for a woman, because he had a rather interesting relationship with schroeder, well, of course, he first worked with him, and then he slept with his wife, like a man greedy for power, he joined a Political Party at the age of 16, yes, he is still greedy and, as i said, before the glory of this fanfare, and as a person who is greedy fanfare, he is also catastrophically narcissistic and touchy, here we can draw a parallel with his emerging russophobia, in which first russophilia, when he was together with schroeders now exbut then real wife, and then she left him because that fyodors wife is raising russian children adopted from st. Petersburg. And if she brought schroder to the position of chancellor, then she abandoned this comrade and he, as a person experiencing painful narcissism and, accordingly , painful resentment, he hated everything connected with the russians, with the shroeders, i believe that he is simply taking revenge on us for the fact that she created her exhusband and left him, but im actually talking about the personality. Pistorius, he is in many ways, apparently, he was raised by his mother, she raised him this way, here you need to smile, here, that means, say good words, here to be like this, he was taught why even his wife, his ex, and schroeder there, left him, yes, hes just kind of compared to him, hes not charismatic enough, not masculine enough, his choice in this regard, he is quite consistent in comparison with previous female ministers, he is also not so unassociated. A person with some kind of military unit, quite an absolutely ordinary official, capable of solving problems according to instructions, in fact, when you see such a picture that you start looking, you start looking for who is now instead of mom, well, someone should give orders and say where to go, well , what is our first intention, to say, yes, these are these in the United States , i would at the same time did not underestimate the ambition of our todays hero, because if you open. The official german press , you will see that he eagerly attends not only some protocol events, but also tv shows, on these tv shows he talks about his height 189 cm, and he absolutely sincerely explains that in order to look taller, he pulls up the waist of his trousers higher and thus creates the effect of long legs, and a person who says that he is big and wants to appear even more. Great and big, he is naturally ambitious, me too i would like to support my colleague, he is a narcissist, yes, and for him the most important thing is to maintain his status quo, that is, sleep well, eat deliciously, and for this he is ready to do anything at all, you know, he comes women, love me, i allow you take off my shoe, but when a woman spends some time with him, she will understand that hes nothing, maybe, so to speak, about nothing, its called like this, like this, well, absolutely, version one, fact, but there is also another version, but lets have a little plot lets see, and then well dig even deeper and see who pistorius got to work with first, oh, theres an interesting story, the nomination of ursula vonderleen to the post of minister of defense in december 2013 became a real sensation in germany, the first woman in the post, it turned out that called from the feet, she proposed to reengage the bundeswehr by 130 billion euros, she got scammed. And nepotism , the purchased equipment turned out to be broken, and the money did not reach the soldiers at all, during nato exercises they fought back not with machine guns, but with sticks, as a result, what was once the Strongest Army in europe turned into a pile of scrap metal. Anna gred, kramp, karen bauer had to apologize, although not according to the regulations, but the disgraceful and outrageous discrimination against homosexuals in the bundeswehr forced the generals to form feminities from the lieutenant colonels. Christina lambraht lasted only 13 months. After my appointment , i checked in with the troops for just a couple of hours and rushed off on vacation to the picturesque island of zutd in the north sea. Christina paraded through the desert in mali in stiletto heels, in contact with colleagues from nato i preferred going to beauty salons. She immediately refused to understand military ranks, and in response to requests for tanks, she sent 5,000 helmets to ukraine. Mondesverh greeted lambrachts resignation with collective cheers, but frau fulfilled one task perfectly, they followed the russophobic line. And ill remind you. Scholz promised that he would again become a woman as minister of defense, there was a whole competition for this post, suddenly, youre wearing pistorius, we have schmid on direct line, the alternative party for the onut bundestag, lets listen to his opinion, how did that happen . Evgeny, hello, please tell me why such a strange choice, that is, everyone was really waiting for a woman, the next minister of defense, that women categorically could not cope with this role, is it still a gender issue, or was there some other reason for the appointment of pistorius . Indeed, in the government there is, that is, according to scholzs statements , there must be a balance between men and women. That is , she was never able to become a normal minister of defense when she was in the past mini ministers of defense, that is, both vondelein and karnbau, the bundeswehr has become simply an incompetent body against the backdrop of a growing one. With russia, they needed a person who would specifically carry out his ministerial functions , because the ministry of defense had become key in the german government, so they were looking for a person who could not only be photographed there against the backdrop of military equipment and make some funny reports on social media networks, but would also have minimal knowledge about military affairs, that is, at least an idea from which side it is shooting machine. Evgeniy, i think you will agree with me that the choice is very strange, well, firstly , he was scholzs main competitor in the elections for the head of the party, why does scholz make a choice, well , put his former competitor next to him, well, to be honest, for its illogical to me, its just that the bench of social democrats is not so large, so choosing something really unsophisticated, appointing another woman who would absolutely not cope with this task was completely. Complete madness, again, pistorius, he is a party apparatchik, that is, he integrates into any party structures, does not have his own views, his own ideologies, therefore, if his name is the scholz ministry, then he carries out the directives that the party elite will descend on him, and this is kind of how logical, then why is the first visit he makes to the states, so i also looked at the reviews in the german press, in the russian press, in the american press, because the americans praised him to incredible heights, so when he was going to go there to the Washington Post , they write such a huge article, right here he is the best, the very best in the world, but why did he please so much . Pleased with the fact that he knows how to please, that is, he precisely aligned himself with the line that the United States was promoting, he was appointed at the moment when the issue of supplying leopards was being decided, that is, he naturally integrated himself completely into this. New party line that germany finally decided to supply leopards 2 to ukraine, which were supposed to pave, lets say, the road for the Ukrainian Army to crimea, but apparently something didnt work out, and again he promised 100 leopards, one, uh, that is, his first visit to kiev, we remember, he promised the first hundred leopards, of course, he did not mention that these were obsolete tanks that had been produced since sixty fifth to the mideighties and has been in longterm storage for more than 20 years, but just recently there was a message that kiev refused to accept a dozen leopards alone because they were simply in a deplorable technical condition, listen, for me, of course, this shocking information, because i look at the indicators of germany, from an economic point of view, we have five countries in terms of gdp with the ppp mark, there is one there. This is a special index by which the average Consumer Power is assessed, so lets see, now russia is in the top five of these countries, in fifth place, and accordingly japan, india, the usa are ahead of us, china, by the way, has taken first place, previously it was the United States, and germany there, in my opinion, is somewhere in sixth place, france has completely gone somewhere, not even in the top ten. Again, we look at the numbers, we see that there was a survey, how people react, well, if there is some kind of threat to germany, so be it, how many people are ready to volunteer, 5 , here you go, yes, 35 will go to another country, 54 , well, theyll hide somewhere with friends, 6 are ready to wait for mobilization and only 5 are ready to be volunteers, somehow something is difficult with patriotism, antiwar sentiments, that is, not that the germans dont fight, not only the germans dont fight want, but in general they would like this ukrainian crisis to end as soon as possible a conflict that. Is very painfully affecting the welfare of the germans, the german economy, in general there are problems with ukrainians, ukrainian refugees including, that is , a shortage of housing, that is, a lot, a lot of problems in the country, and people are gradually just on their own everyone feels these negative influences, you know, pistorius agrees that there are huge problems with the economy, but some people need it more, lets listen to what pistorius says, what should the germans do next. I would also like it if we could spend this money on schools and kindergartens, but improving the healthcare system, fighting Child Poverty or taking action to prevent Climate Change . I think this is what the vast majority of people in germany would like. I would like to live in a world in which defense ministers were not needed. At the same time, it is obvious that. Military support for ukraine now has no alternative. That is, i would of course like to give money for kindergartens, but in general, we understand that you need money, but excuse me, my dear, my beloved people, in ukraine we are needed more now. Sergey, question for to you, what is generally happening with the situation in germany with industry, because well , trouble is on the way, and we have just looked at the data that russia is in fifth place in terms of purchasing power parity. But here it should be noted that we have bypassed germany, being, please note, under 1500 sanctions , here is the german economy, it has been in stagnation more often than not in development in recent quarters, this is because of ukraine, their industry began to fall long before the beginning of the ukrainian crisis, that is, only after over the past 4 years, german industry has fallen by 7 . And accordingly, in a situation where the economy is stagnating, when Public Services and life for citizens becomes difficult. Its more expensive and simply the citizens of germany are losing in their standard of living, in such a situation it is very difficult to explain the need to spend additional money on ukraine, on sending weapons, so count on some kind of largescale program for germany to find resources and allocate them in such large volumes in order to massively actively help ukraine, i personally am very strongly in this i doubt it, but the german people, speaking generally socially. Have a feeling that the social problems that are now formed in germany have headaches worse than ukraine, because they wont have enough money to build kindergartens, and they wont need them soon, because what do they have for a second, from 14 years old is the age of Sexual Consent for any homosexual relations, from 16 years old is the age of Sexual Consent, if the older adult partner is the guardian, teacher or educator of the younger homosexual partner, and from this. It follows the catastrophic situation with drug use in germany, there are semilegal points of sale in berlin, where there are dealers who do not come, the police do not come, there are kiosks nearby for safe socalled consumption, the most important thing is there, there is lena berbak, she will be there now jump on a trampoline until you get to legalization and everything is everything, listen, well , neighboring countries have legalized it, here you go, but they have already legalized marijuana. Which came from the wonderful movie we children from the zoo station, when sixteenyearold children become hardened heroin addicts and this is their subculture, but at the same time they have pistorius, or rather, turn a blind eye to all this, its normal, normal, right after the advertisement well find out what it is, some. Organization atlantic bridge, who gathers there, what they talk about for what , the only person who dared to tell the truth about them was killed, after advertising, in general, besonov, you take on new cases, and ill hand over the case to the mannequin morchuk, that is, as a morchak, i feel bad. Christina, i just realized that you are the only person i can tell this to, but i didnt have anyone, i believe you, you brought the manuscript, such an interesting story happened with the manuscript, then nikonurova had ridiculous earnings, in valerys serial film todorovskys bison, the case of a fashion model. Watch the time after the program, if there is a trace here, the lid will be on us all. My name is polina vorobyova and i am an actress. Wow i. Decided to find out what companies we have in our country, what they produce, what they inspires what they strive for. Big premiere, our everything. See you at the channel one station on saturday, october 13 Mark Zakharov would have turned 90 years old, lets not be loud , lets talk to the artists in a low voice, because you have to treat them like a tamer when you enter the cage, dont turn your back, watch zakharov when hes watching the stage , this is a separate performance , when mark anatovich wrote a dog came and looked at him, he said, turn away, youre disturbing me, she turned around, looked in the mirror, by the way, looked through the mirror at her father, you want big, but pure love, but who doesnt want it, he never directly set the task of acting, so he could speak strangely, in his zakharov bird language, on two volgas twentyfirst, thats how we drove, me and andryusha and mark anatolyich from the back seat of my volga, on saturday in the first place. In peters times , they were looking for silver on this land, but they discovered gold. The truth is black, we are in the coal heart of russia in the city of gornikovkemerovo. How many times have you already gone down . And went up, what do you think, how many times did you go down, so many once, thank god, it was rising, how to give the gas, theres a pedal, press it, come on, please dont disgrace me throughout the country, buddy, this is normal, this is not normal, outwardly calm, inside im trembling, wow, what a class, maybe you could to teach me the words of telyu, mensen syuyan, but what about you, what do you think . Today the sun rose high , well, young man, its hard for you to understand, i said, i love you, the life of my own, the premiere, on sunday on the first, a heavy selfpropelled mortar, a tulip, special powers are capable of several accurate hits, destroy the enemys serious fortified opening, this is our job, we dont call it hard , intense, yes, its better not to relax, i ve been here as a volunteer for a year and a half, i dont want to change and leave, because my team cant live without me there was, here is a dugout, the ground, steps, wow, a washing machine, and this is a steam room, yes, yes, yes, oh, guys, you must be an example for the personnel so that they follow you and act just like you, shot, thats it, we hit, we hit, we work accurately, everyone will hit the target, everyone is already late, here he is fritzs praised leopard, we are ready to destroy the enemy as many as he comes here , premiere, special report, not a step back, on sunday on the first, German Defense minister Boris Pistorius, the first thing after his appointment, goes to washington. They achieve interesting sovereignty. Lets figure out who he really serves faithfully. There is also this is some kind of string, yes, which you need to pull in order to see where the puppet master, in fact, is located. What is that what we started doing . It was not in vain that i hinted who used to be the minister of defense . There was this thomas demeyer there, from 2011 to 2014, he was the minister of defense in germany, and the current minister of defense pistorius actually worked in his apparatus. Here is an interesting fact about tomos damier, that it was in the year when he was appointed minister of defense that Interesting Data was published, a certain organization, the atlantic bridge, suddenly publishes a list of its honorary graduates, and thomas damier is on this list, by the way, here are others henchmen atlantic bridge, what is the atlantic bridge . This is a kind of community where americans and germans should be friends, but. This organization was added completely, the german journalist, udo ulfkote, wrote a whole book on the organization of the atlantic bridge, here is his commentary on what kind of structure it is, where it comes from where did thomas demeyer come from, where did dalei pistorius come from . After the Second World War in europe, with the help of zeiru, various nongovernmental proamerican organizations such as the Marshall Fund or atlantic bridge. To make a career in the german media, you must cooperate with one of them, this is the us European Team , it is led by military experts who plan the next war, twice a year they meet behind closed doors with selected journalists, ordinary people do not know where it will be the next war, in iraq, afghanistan, and they are already aware, and if you look at how much millionaire george soros paid journalists for propaganda, its unthinkable. In other countries. Groups the same picture everywhere, in sweden and france and finland, britain. You know what should be said here, the kingdom of heaven, because udalfkote is no longer with us. After the publication of his book, he got ready to go to the United States to meet with trump, but never made it to the plane. He died suddenly at the age of 56 from a heart attack. By the way, the athletic bridge itself was in this organization. He told what he saw, literally one word about how the days of pleasure ended, it was actually elimination, because he had had heart failure, he walked with a pacemaker, in his car, in which he was driving just to the airport, a special device was installed that generates electromagnetic fields, approximately similar to the frames of metal detectors in the subway or at the airport, well, imagine a person with pacemakers 200 times 300 will pass through this frame, naturally he will most likely become ill and without temporary medical assistance he will simply die, which happened with olfotte, respectively, we see that any person who finds he has the strength to break out of this octopus, either he is subjected to the most severe ostracism, or, if he is too dangerous and knows too much , he is simply removed, what kind of organization is the atlantic bridge and it would seem, what does ukraine have to do with it, yes malik, well, the organization was created in fiftytwo year, we know many such organizations created by the americans after the Second World War in order to form new elites for the countries of western europe, so that, god forbid , the communists would not come to power there, this was one of such organizations, specifically oriented to germany, thats whats interesting, one of the leading roles there is still played, by the way, by henry kissinger, yes, he s such a demiurge, literally of american Foreign Policy, already a hundredyearold veteran, who advised everyone under all the administrations , well, in this organization he also showed up, and there they gather such a club, young leaders, the socalled, yes, if this is not a systemic politician, it is very difficult to break out, but right now, probably some interesting ones, if we look for many large concerns, german, they also went through school in the atlantic bridge, for example, the current head of the airbus corporation, yes , this is one of the main aviation corporations in the world, he is also from the atlantic bridge, so of course a huge number of people there went through this school, of course for them, this is to some extent networking, and the opportunity to later get into prominent positions, they all help each other, and of course, they are establishing connections with american apparatchiks, including in. The intelligence community, so, in principle, history certainly very profitable for america, they form controlled elites in germany in other countries, this one of ours, todays character, also went through this school, yes, there he said what was needed, what he would like to hear from him about the nato lobby, yes, came to russia, he said what we would like to hear, and so, as it were, he ordered, between all these, between two fires, at the moment when it became clear to him that it was now beneficial to be in conflict with russia and be friends with nato, but he basically made his choice, but you know, whats interesting is that they not only engage in connections, networking, as its fashionable to say now, but they also go to various events, olf pota describes how it works, well , people gathered there for some big, public, expensive event, young people a journalist, lets say, he writes about them, and then, firstly, they were paid for, the second thing happened, very interesting, well, lets say they behaved somehow obscenely, all this is recorded on a video camera and turns into a separate. Daddy, this is the price of independence and when at some point one of these journalists, these young chicks, still wants to express an independent opinion, then he gets a daddy and. They present him with this organization, it is really called upon, like an incubator , to form the political, economic and media elite of germany, so that god forbid germany did not escape the close control of the americans. Returning to ulfkoty, he, in his book, a corrupt journalist , wrote this yes, i was one of them, yes, i found the strength to break out of it, he gives the names of more than 200 of the largest journalists german, mainstream media, you look, war. Yugoslavia, the absolute devanization of serbia, an absolute onesided presentation , the surname is matyap, you open the book, whoops, please, more than twenty links to this character, and so on you look at all the important events, important conflicts, the last 3040 years there, it can be said to be a desktop encyclope. By the way, there is another interesting fact about the atlantic bridge, when we started looking for information about who is connected with whom there, because in 2008 a meeting about fonda is such a daughter of the atlantic bridge, well, as a result of which, a couple of years later, a very interesting art object was installed there in ukraine, i want you to see it, it s called a window to europe, this is what a window to europe looks like, especially the bird, i like it this bird is sad, obviously this nonexistent bird was still able to do something wrong, apparently, and the gas valve, but the essence remains. In 2008 , people came to kiev from the antitatic Bridge Organization to recruit new proteges, the meeting is kept in extreme secrecy, like all meetings before, but, but one day, a german journalist, by the way, still managed to catch up with a couple of people from the atlantic bridge, lets see what topic was discussed at the club today . We discussed security issues, Foreign Policy issues and european policy issues, but these are topics that you can study by reading a good newspaper or magazine, an interesting fact about this speaker konstantin mettenheimer, and he also works in the rothschild foundations, and of course in sports clubs everyone is discussing the future of europe, global politics, so there is absolutely, well, nothing more to talk about, just like that. It turns out, let me remind you that pistorius has been working as an assistant for a long, long time for an excellent student, a graduate of the atlantic Bridge Organization. Then, we are surprised that the very first thing he did, so to speak, appear, report, he does precisely in the United States, it turns out that today, very large obligations have been taken by this person, pistorius, they want to grow him into the next one. This its clear, yes, he has very big ambitions, this must be understood, he is good for the american atlanticists, and i will remind you that even if we take the atlantic bridge, as Margaret Thatcher spoke of it, as she said, what a good incubator, a brilliant idea, i think shes there even in the members of this, absolutely right, look, were growing our journalists, were growing our economists, were growing our bankers, were growing our politicians, party. Leaders and look, pistorius, hes absolutely artificially grown and he must, for him minister of defense is an intermediate position, i agree with my colleague here, perhaps, that this position for him is like a test run for him in the highest echelons of power in germany. I would also like to note one more point here pistorius can generally be considered, you know, as a living textbook on Political Science in the context of the theory of elites, but look who this man was, and almost. The russiangerman Friendship Society yes, he expressed sensible things, critics of antirussian sanctions, and what has he become now . This suggests that their degree prorussianism is inversely proportional to proximity to the highest echelons of power, up to a certain point they say one thing, but once there, they Say Something completely different and return to their previous rhetoric when resigning, as a rule, here i am highlighting in this case the most illustrative scientific example, if we talk about himself pistorius and about politics in general. Western, here it can be noted that it is not beneficial for us that they be prorussian, but it is beneficial for us that they be progerman, profrench, that is, that they act for our country, then we can build mutually beneficial longterm relationships with them, like with turkey, but when politicians come they take up an antirussian agenda, well, its obvious that they have some kind of portfolio, daddy, and in general they already there is nowhere to go, a step to the left, a step to the right, that is, they go somewhere. Somewhere, we see what the problem is, but we dont know how to be friends like that, our mentality, we are either a friend, or not a friend, we cant be friends like this, here, here, but here it seems like. Purely by calculation, this is the difference between civilization ours and the european one, and how they were formed, historical aspects, they simply leave these imprints, european civilization, it initially developed as a civilization of thieves, robbers, that is, these endless crusades, raids, yes, on our part, on the contrary, in order to survive in such harsh conditions we had to unite and trust people, and here it is hardwired into the cultural code itself, so we will never be europeans, thats why they dont understand us, so here we can expect that when we come to power, some politician will turn 180, well, i think its not worth it, only 360 happens , like analena berba, well, as for mr. Pistorius, i think that the immediate goals that are set for him are certainly an attempt to organize an anticrisis management within the german armed forces, that is, we see that they still managed to partially increase the production of weapons , that is, they increased it six times during just six months of pistoriuss tenure in office. Minister of defense, and of course, i think , the americans set a goal for him to after all, he was able to implement these big plans for the purchase of american weapons, yes, these are 35 f35 fighters , a huge number of helicopters and so on, they allocate 100 billion euros for this and the main part will go to america, so the goals are of course, he is like that, after all, to work as minister of defense in such a way that it would not be ashamed, lets say , at least partly of germany for its army, but it will work out, it wont work out this is a big question, and he will most likely become a candidate from the social democrats for the position of. Chancellor the next elections in 2025, i have no doubt about that, whether he will win or not is another matter, that is, at the moment we see that according to the ratings, the christian democrats are in first place, they have their own candidates, including merz or zedara, who are also quite proamerican, that is, you know, there is more than just pistorius, but they have a large selection, but approximately all of the same clearing and the same level, so i still would not predict that he will definitely become, but the fact that he will be a candidate for chancellor elections this is a fact, you know, i remembered here a story, a fairy tale with the details of uspensky, there is an absolutely wonderful phrase you say biasha, the smartest sheep in the stage, because everyone else is even dumber. In one of our films there was a wonderful phrase from nato, by the way, well, there is a man playing a nato military man, and who utters great words we, he says, we did not defeat russia in the cold war. we deceived the russians, and it seems they understood it, so we understood it, maria was with you butina, the doll of tutis heir, and now is the program time. Hello, the program is on air, in andreevs studio, the main event of the day. Security, investments, joint projects, Vladimir Putins visit to bishket, negotiations with the president of kyrgyzstan, meeting with the leader

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