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Important events of the day. Building a new world. Valdai club. Vladimir putin about the west having lost its sense of reality. We hear all the time, it sounds all the time you must, you must. We seriously warn you. Who are you anyway . What right do you have to warn someone . What is the essence of the just cause that is being defended in the special operations zone. The ukrainian crisis is not territorial conflict, i want to emphasize this. Russia is the largest, largest country in the world by territory , we have no interests in terms of conquering any additional territories, the question is much broader and fundamental, we are talking about the principles on which the new world order will be based. How the countrys shield is strengthened in a turbulent world. We have actually finished work on the sormat, a superheavy rocket, the question is that we move on to mass production of them and putting them on combat duty, and we will do this in the near future, we have almost completed the work on modern types of strategic weapons that i spoke about and which i announced for several more years. Ago, the last successful test of the burevestnik, a globalrange, Nuclear Powered Cruise Missile, was carried out. Why is talk about International Isolation meaningless . The world is changing, and climbing back and forth through the window all the time means tearing your pants, but its not the best thing to do, why climb through the window when there are other doors. But we are not going to impose ourselves on europe, if she doesnt want it. Karabakh, as agreed by the ip with armenia and without azerbaijan. But this was the inevitable consequence of what was done in prague in brussels. In essence, the main, absolutely key issue, which was the status of karabakh, was resolved. How else should you react to this . Armenia recognized, but what should we do, no, but we dont recognize, well, this is nonsense, thats right , some kind of nonsense, into what corner did the canadian speaker drive himself with nazi gunka in parliament, but if he doesnt know that during the war hitler and his minions, then he is an idiot, and if he knows, then he is a scoundrel, when in our common house the windows to the west, to the east are updated, i am a fourthclass carpenter, i know how to build windows, dont worry, we will expand it if necessary, if it suits ours national interests, security and development for all , the multipolarity that russia sees . So, the main source of news today is the Valdai International discussion club. Vladimir putin spoke to 140 politicians, diplomats and economists from 42 countries. Conversation like in previous years. Session valdai, now the twentieth, is a discussion about the very essence of world affairs, but right now there is a time of fundamental changes in them, in which russia plays a visible role, no matter how much the western countries, accustomed to their order, wanted otherwise, Anton Vernitsky listened to the president. The valdai club, as a discussion platform, was created in 2004. The discussion was initially intended to be about the future of russia. At that time, our country, which had been under the iron rule for many years, was just beginning to be recognized. Russia tried in every possible way to build new relations with the old peace. When we first met at a club meeting almost 20 years ago, our country was entering a new stage of its development. Russia has overcome the most difficult period of recovery after the collapse of the ussr; we, with all our energy and good will, have joined the processes of building a new, as it seemed to us, more equitable world order. Unfortunately, some misunderstood our readiness for constructive interaction, understood it as submission, as agreement that the new order will be built by those who declared themselves victors in the cold war. All these years, we have warned more than once that this approach not only leads to a dead end, it is fraught with an increasing threat of military conflict. But no one was going to listen to us. On the contrary, the west, as putin emphasized, has headed for confrontation, military, political , economic, and even cultural, trying all these years to build relations with our country as with a huge new colony that can be dictated to and robbed. As it was done for centuries, with all the other colonies, well, here are your colleagues, many are missing here, but they do not deny that the welfare of the west was largely achieved thanks to the robbery of colonies over the centuries, but this is a fact, western influence in the world is a huge militaryfinancial pyramid, it constantly needs new fuel to maintain itself the most natural ones, i have already spoken about this publicly to our allies, our partners, because there was a moment when your humble servant simply suggested that maybe we should join nato, but no, such a country is not needed in nato, no, so what . Something else, we they believed that we were already one of our own, excuse me, as our people say what else is there no more ideological confrontation, what is the problem . Apparently the problem is in geopolitical interests and an arrogant attitude towards others, thats the problem, selfconfidence. And for this, the United States, its satellite to the very collective west, which is now essentially waging war on our country at the hands of the fraternal people of ukraine, has always needed an enemy. In such a scheme, the very concept of any sovereignty is simply denied, thrown out, from. It is obvious that adherence to bloc approaches, the desire to drive the world into a situation of constant confrontation between us and them, the vicious legacy of the century, is a product of western political culture, at least its most aggressive manifestations. Russia has to respond to such aggression by the everincreasing militarypolitical pressure, as, according to the president , any sovereign state, a state that is not persecuted, should act. Some blocs like nato, created to threaten those who do not obey the hegemon, then the United States has a state that cannot be given an order and a decision cannot be imposed, for example, in the economy, but this is exactly what is happening now in relations between the United States and the European Union, which is literally forced into a war with russia by the hands of the ukrainians. I have said more than once that we did not start the socalled war in ukraine, on the contrary, we are trying to end it, we did not stage a coup in kiev. Unconstitutional, it was not we who intimidated the crimeans with the bloody coup detat, and the sevastopol residents with ethnic cleansing in nazi spirit, we werent the ones who tried to force the donbass into obedience with the help of shelling and bombings, we werent the ones who threatened to deal with those who want to speak their native language, listen, well, here are all informed, literate people, you can use your brains, excuse the bad manners, reality from the media, well, you know what happened, for 9 years they bombed, shot, tanks were used, war, a natural war against donbass was unleashed, and no one counted the dead children in donbass, no one in others countries, especially in the west, did not cry for the dead, the war started by the kiev regime with the active direct support of the west is already in its tenth year, and is a special military one. Lost, crossed all possible boundaries, in vain. Counterparties in the west a sense of reality the ukrainian crisis is not a territorial conflict, i want to emphasize this, russia is the largest, largest country in the world in terms of territory, we have no interests from the point of view of developing siberia, eastern siberia, and the far east, this is not a territorial conflict, and not even establishment. The question is much broader and more fundamental, we are talking about the principles on which the new world order will be based. Lasting peace will only be established when everyone begins to feel safe, understand that their opinions are respected, and that there is a balance in the world, when no one is able, at his own request, to force, force others to live and behave. The way the hegemon pleases. At the same time , the hegemon has more and more enemies; we, according to putin, are historically accustomed to the fact that russia is their enemy, but the United States is trying to mold the image of an enemy from everyone who is not ready to blindly follow their course, from anyone, from the peoples republic of china, in certain situations, at a certain moment, from india from the same sweat, now they are flirting, of course, we understand these perfectly well, we feel and we see the situation in asia, everything is clear, well, uh. I want to say that the indian leadership is independent , very nationally oriented, i think that these attempts do not make any sense, but nevertheless , they continue, they are trying to mold an enemy from the arab world, also selectively, well, they are trying act carefully, but nevertheless, in general, this is what it all comes down to, and they even try to mold muslims into. Some kind of hostile environment. Ultimately, all this cannot lead to anything positive. No blocs that are created solely to fight unwanted or disliked countries will help. There are plenty of examples, including libya and iran, attempts to overthrow the government in syria, and before that there were vietnam and externally organized coups in african countries. After all, this is precisely why the United States is always trying to replace International Law in some order. In what order . Based on certain rules, what rules . What kind of rules these are, who invented them, is completely incomprehensible, but this is just some kind of nonsense, but they are trying to instill into the consciousness of millions of people, we must live by the rules, what kind of rules, and in general, if we allow our western colleagues, especially from the usa, they not only establish such arbitrary rules, but also teach who should implement them and how. Who and how should behave in general is done and said, this is all, as a rule, openly boorish form, this is all, all the same manifestation of this colonial colonial thinking, we hear all the time, it sounds all the time, you must, you are obliged, we are seriously warning you, who are you anyway, what right do you have to warn someone . This is simply amazing, for those who say this, maybe its time for you yourself to get rid of arrogance and convey, stop behaving in relation to the world community, which thus perfectly understands its tasks, its interests, its time to get rid of this, from this thinking of the era of colonial rule, i would like to say, wipe your eyes, this era is long over and will never return, never. I will say more, over the centuries, such behavior led to the reproduction of the same thing, great wars, for the justification of which various ideological, or even pseudo moral justifications were invented. Today this is especially dangerous; humanity has means that, as we know, can easily destroy the entire planet. And manipulation of consciousness on an incredible scale leads to loss of feeling. Reality, russia a sense of reality, as Vladimir Putin put it, can never lose, due to the fact that we are a unique state, a civilization, this is exactly what is said in the concept of the Foreign Policy of our country, this is a fundamental difference from western civilization still built on colonial past based on enslavement. These times have passed, our understanding of civilization is completely different. Firstly, there are many civilizations. And not a single one. None of them is better or worse than the other, they are equal in rights as exponents of their aspirations cultures and traditions, our peoples, well, for each of us this is different, for me, for example, these are the aspirations of our people, of which i was lucky enough to become a part, and one more very important thing, ones civilization, of course, cannot be betrayed to anyone, this path. To general chaos, this is unnatural and disgusting, i would say, for our part we have always tried and are trying to offer solutions that would take into account the interests of everyone. Understanding. Then what to do in an era of dramatic changes that the west is trying not to notice, according to putin our country exists, russia knows where we are going and what we want to achieve, according to the president , we are talking about gigantic, incredibly complex processes throughout the world. First, we want to live in an open, interconnected world, in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to peoples communication, their creative realization and prosperity. Secondly, we want the diversity of the world not to be preserved, but to be the foundation of universal development, imposing on any country or people how to live, how to feel should be prohibited, third, we are for maximum representativeness, not one person decides for everyone, and not everyone even decides about everything, but those who are directly affected by this or that issue agree on what and how to do. Fourth we are for universal security and lasting peace, built on respect and interests of everyone, from great , large states to small countries, we just need to put aside pride, arrogance and stop looking at others as second class partners, or as outcasts or savages. Fifth, we are for justice for everyone, everyone owes access be provided. To the benefits of modern development, attempts to limit it for any country or people should be considered an act of aggression, exactly that. Sixth, we are for equality, for the difference in the potentials of different countries, this is an absolutely objective factor, but no less objective is the fact that no one is anymore ready to obey, to make their interests and needs dependent on whoever it is, and above all on more rich or. According to Vladimir Putin, these are the principles that we want to adhere to ourselves and to observance of which we invite everyone to join. Russia was, is, and will be one of the foundations of the world system, ready for constructive interaction with everyone who strives for peace and prosperity, ready for tough opposition to those who profess the principles of dictatorship of violence. We are confident that pragmatism and common sense will triumph, and a multipolar world will establish itself, because the future of president putins ambassadors is being created today not only before our eyes, but with our hands. Anton vernitsky, ekaterina yarovenko, yuri yarchenko, channel one. Vladim vladimirovich, thank you very much. The valdai club participants, listening to the president , undoubtedly received new material for questions, different experts, different countries, different topics, at 9 00 pm the communication was still ongoing. Konstantin panyushkin managed to collect the most significant and interesting things. This is what valdai looks like after more than a year and a half of a special operation, a full hall of the Plenary Session and 140 experts participating from fortytwo states. Another question is, what did this trip to russia cost them . Of course they are they require certain courage. Is there any doubt that you will gather the hall . No serious ones. Unlike the ministry of foreign affairs, deldai does not divide countries according to the principle of friendliness. Or not, so in the hall there are only friends from the west, east and global south, in the first row , bakri horses from indonesia, a year ago, when the risks of traveling to russia seemed even higher, she became a guest in aldai for the first time and immediately became famous by asking the president for photo. Oh my god, you know that in my homeland they call me madame putin, but heres what else you need know about the guests, she is an analyst in the field of defense, military and intelligence activities in indonesia, in this regard, a question for another participant in the valdai conference, retired colonel of the svr, andrey without hands. From a professional point of view, in an intelligence sense, are you evaluating the participants here . Well, look, they are all great professionals in science, and lets say, in the media space , i think that there are huge parallels between what intelligence does and what science does, there are so many intersections that i am here, so to speak, as a quasi scientist and scout, in general, deep down, i just feel great pleasure in my native atmosphere. In my native atmosphere, and the discussion began immediately with a topic well known to Intelligence Officers , you once said, a long time ago, in a very, very vivid phrase, that russias borders do not end anywhere, if russias borders do not end, then civilizations russian and russian apparently there is nothing to talk about here at all , thats how to understand it, where is it, you know, it was said. For the first time in a conversation with one of the former president s of the United States im home to the states, it was said jokingly, of course, when he looked at the map of the russian federation. Well, if we are serious, then of course, this, first of all, has a civilizational meaning , there are many of our compatriots living in the russian world, it has a global character, the russian language is one of the official languages ​​of the un, if we speak seriously, to repeat, then in the civilizational sense, of course , there are no borders, that is, civilization for you is not territory, but people, yes, of course, first of all these are people, but if you still talk about territory a year ago, journalist gabbar shtir, at a captive session in aldai, asked putin, in short, whose odessa is, then Vladimir Putin avoided answering, but has answered now. Last time i abstained, i can say that odessa is, of course, a russian city, well , a little bit jewish, as we are saying now, just a little bit. In general, the first topic of discussion is special operations. And in this case , you can characterize the special military operation as a civilizational conflict, did you say that this is not a territorial conflict . Well, this is first of all. I dont know what kind of civilization is being defended by those who are on that line, on that front line, on that side of the front line, but we are defending our traditions, our culture, our people. Since we are talking about ukraine, the issues of military support for kiev from the west, against the backdrop of problems with the allocation of funds, primarily in the United States. In europe, it seems to me, they felt that they would have to take on the financing themselves. Do you think they will cope and what do we expect from them . But we are waiting for the manifestation of at least some sprouts common sense, as for whether they will cope or not, they need to be asked , well, of course they will cope, i dont see what the problems are, the problem is to expand production in order to increase the amount of money that goes to the war and prolongs this conflict , now the american authorities are faced with a choice how to reduce spending . The Ukrainian Military or their own social system will probably eventually find the money and print more, they printed more than nine during the postwar period during the covid19 period trillions of dollars, so printing Something Else and scattering it all over the world , increasing food inflation , costs nothing for them, they will certainly do it, what about funding from europe, where there is already an economic recession almost everywhere . Europe can or cannot . Maybe due to what . Due to, due to the deterioration, further deterioration of their economy and the lives of citizens of european countries. Well, our budget is also not rubber, we can handle it, unlike them . We can cope as long as i have a foundation to believe that we will cope in the future, we had a surplus of over 660 miles in the Third Quarter of this year. Together with the svo , a structural restructuring of the russian economy began, some opponents will say that this is the militarization of the economy, they are right , which means, look, our defense spending has increased, but not just for defense, for defense and security, they have approximately doubled , before it was somewhere around 3 , now it is about six, for defense and security. But at the same time, i want to emphasize this, i have already said, i have to repeat, we have a surplus the budget in the Third Quarter is over 660 billion rubles, this year there will be a deficit for the year, but only 1 , this is a completely healthy budget and a healthy economy, so to say that we are spending excessively, a lot of money for guns, we forgot about butter, this not like that, i want it. That everything, namely all previously stated development plans, achievements, strategic goals , all social obligations assumed by the state to the population, are all being fully implemented. But as it became clear from Vladimir Putins answer, there is no reason to believe that the west will back down, right now west, are already open, some express the position that ukraines support is like this. Sorry, such active support for ukraine is due to the fact that russia somehow did not respond convincingly enough for the entire year and a half to the escalation on their part, i dont know, convincingly, not convincingly, but now only the first of the socalled counteroffensive, this is the latest data, only since june 4, and ukrainian units have already lost. Over 90,000 people, these are sanitary irretrievable losses, 557 tanks, 100, almost 1,900 Armored Vehicles of various types class. Convincing, unconvincing, thats why we have our own understanding of what is moving and how, we understand where and what we need to do, where and what we need to add, we calmly go towards achieving our goals, im sure we will achieve them, the implementation of these tasks that we set for ourselves is another aspect of the ukrainian theme. As you know, the Canadian Parliament made a laughing stock of itself when they applauded the ukrainian nazi veteran. God knows, you and i didnt agree that this would be a question, but i was waiting for it. And prepared to answer, in detail Vladimir Putin quotes an excerpt from the indictment of the nurenberg tribunal, announced the sss Galicia Division in which this ukrainian nazi served, criminal, responsible for the genocide of jews, poles and other civilians, what the speaker of the Canadian Parliament said, today there is a ukrainiancanadian veteran in this hall world war ii, who fought for the independence of ukraine against the russians. I am proud to say that he is a hero of ukraine and a hero of canada, and we are grateful for his service. But still order, the speaker of the Canadian Parliament called the ss veteran a fighter against the russians. If the speaker of the Canadian Parliament says that during the second world war, this canadian, canadianukrainian or ukrainiancanadian nazi. Fought against the russians during the second world war, he cannot help but understand that he fought for hitler, and not for his own homeland of canada, or was a fascist collaborator, in any case he fought for the nazi forces, lets say he doesnt knows. I dont want to hurt the feelings of the canadian people, we treat canada with respect no matter what, especially the people, but if he doesnt know that hitler and his minions fought against russia during the war, then hes an idiot, well that just means, he just means didnt go to school, doesnt have basic knowledge. And if he knows that this man fought on the side of hitler and calls him a hero of ukraine and a hero of canada, then he is a scoundrel, or one way or another, on the other hand, the speaker made a speech, and everyone applauded, including trudeau and zelyansky, absolutely it looks disgusting that everyone applauded, applauded this nazi, the president of ukraine , in whose veins, jewish blood flows, a jew by nationality, stands and applauds the nazi, not just the afterlife of the nazis, not just an ideological follower, precisely the man who destroyed with his own hands the jewish population, the president of ukraine applauds the man who personally exterminated the jews in ukraine with his own hands, he wants to say by this that the holocaust did not happen, but isnt this disgusting, all means are good, if only they fought against russia, such people, all means are good if used in the fight against russia, but i can imagine that there is simply an irresistible desire to defeat russia on the battlefield, to achieve its strategic defeat. Well, is it possible to do this at such a price . But in general, why be surprised . The west is ready to pay any price so that the kiev regime continues to fight with russia. Supplies will stop tomorrow, you will only have a week to live when the ammunition runs out, and they will also run out in the west. They themselves say, they said that we, we supplied all the Armored Vehicles, ammunition, we did everything. For ukraine, they themselves said, i didnt come up with this, they publicly stated, we did everything for this, now its up to ukraine, let them counteroffensive. And then in the kulaars they add at any cost, believe me, i know what im talking about, so they do it, they try to do it at any cost, so, but its worth it, this is the question of the demilitarization of ukraine, it is now trying to produce Something Else, but already not much works, even these unmanned vehicles and aircraft that move across the sea, everything happens with the help of. Advisers and intermediaries , they are ready, the European Union is ready to accept such an economy into its membership, the flag is in hand forward, on the other hand, in the same europe already the voices of those who oppose this approach in relation to both ukraine and russia have long been heard. I am sure that gradually everything will level out, and the same states, in my opinion , are making a colossal strategic mistake, simply colossal, as i said, Public Events of various kinds, so they put pressure on their allies, and then questions arise like from a colleague from germany, so the afd raises the city, an alternative for germany, and of course they will raise it, because no one from the ruling class is fighting for the interests of germany , thats why this happens, dont you understand it, or what . This is an obvious thing, here is the question about germany, the day before yesterday was just the day of german unity, i read in some. Gerhard schroder came, all the current politicians were solving the problem, how not be close to him because he is your friend. You still have friends in germany, by the way, you know , the point is not whether i still have friends in germany, although i have friends there, and their number is growing, it seems strange to me, at the expense of those about whom says stefan, no, it doesnt matter, those who pursue the interests of their own people and do not want to serve the interests of others , as for schroder, germany should be proud of people like him, he is a true son of his people, he thinks first of all about the interests of the german people, i assure you, with every decision, he is always in the corner, first of all, when discussing any issue that we discussed with her, the question was the interests of the German Economy and the german state, as for exchancellor schroder personally, all his life he acted in the interests of the people of germany, it was he who brought cheap russian gas to germany, and together with putin he began to build northern streams. These Infrastructure Systems were blown up. And where is the German Economy now, where is it . So, those who are trying to stay away from him would think so. On the topic of what he did for the interests of his people and what they are doing today, and what the result is. In this regard, it is appropriate to ask Vladimir Putin about the fate of the northern streams; a year has passed since the terrorist attack on gas pipelines. Long before these explosions, the president of the United States publicly said that, uh, the United States would do everything to ensure that Russian Energy supplies to europe through these pipeline systems were stopped. And he smiled so meaningfully now i wont say how it will be done, but we will do it, first, second, the destruction of these infrastructure facilities is certainly an act of international terrorism. Third we are not allowed to investigate, despite our proposals and repeated calls to do this; further , there are no results of the investigations, and apparently, there will be no, finally, in answer to the question of who is to blame, it is always necessary to answer the question whoever is interested in this is, of course, interested in the American Energy supplier to the european market, but for now the only. Wire to the west remains the turkish stream. We continue to supply gas to europe through turkish flows. And apparently, ukrainian terrorist groups are aimed at causing damage to him, too, our ships there guard these pipeline systems laid along the bottom of the black sea, but they are constantly trying to attack them, with the help of drones which are being prepared, among other things, the direct fate of englishspeaking specialists and advisers, we hear this in. This is where these Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are being trained halfladen boats, we hear english speech, well, in this case, how can russia build relations with the west in the future , or at least in particular with europe, with which we literally border, the world is changing and climbing back and forth through the window all the time means , tearing your pants, but not the best thing to do , and why climb through the window when there are other doors . Today window openings are popular , you noticed, oh well, im a fourth class carpenter, i know how to build windows, do nt worry, you know how to expand, well expand if necessary, if it suits ours national interests, we will work on this, however, it is noteworthy that moscow has reduced participation in Global International formats against the backdrop of its own. Vladimirovich, but you didnt go to brix , you didnt go either, dont you feel a little deprived, that theres no opportunity to go everywhere you want, well, why should i create any problems for our friends when holding these events . I and you and i are adults, we understand, yes, i came, there will be political attacks, that means the show is political, so, all this will happen aimed at disrupting events, but why . The point is that the brix goes through normally, consistent with the results, the g20 passes at the required level, all this happened, we are quite happy with it, and finally, the third thing is that there is enough to do at home, the question of the fate of our close friends, where is putin always welcome, the pressure on belgrade is growing stronger against the backdrop of loyalty to friendship with moscow, thats what the president thinks about it. You can destroy, but you cant subdue the serbs, they dont understand this either. But i hope its early or it will be late to come to understand this component, european politics and the world in general , it will bring understanding, it will bring understanding that it is still more constructive to negotiate, and not try to put pressure on, but for now the west is trying to put pressure on exactly what, against this background, a mutual increase in rates is proposed one of the founders of the valdai club, sergei koraganov, isnt it time for us to change the doctrine of the use of Nuclear Weapons towards lowering the Nuclear Threshold and go, uh, firmly, of course, but uh, quickly enough, and along the stairs, escalation, and containment, and the sobering up of our partners, they have become insolent, i know your position , i have read some documents, your articles, notes, and i. Understand your feeling, let me remind you that in the Russian Military doctrine there are two, two, two reasons for the possible use of Nuclear Weapons by russia. This is called a retaliatory strike. But in practice, what does this mean . The rocket launched, our antiaircraft Missile System detected it. Recorded, made it known that the target was the territory of the russian federation, everything this happens in seconds, so that everyone understands, already understanding, knowing the information that russia is being attacked, we, for our part , are responding to this aggression, and i want to assure everyone that today the response is absolutely unacceptable for any potential aggressor , because from the moment the launch of missiles is detected, no matter where it comes from, from any point of the world ocean or from any territory , in a retaliatory strike , so many, so many hundreds, hundreds of our missiles appear in the air that there is no chance of survival neither one opponent. Will not remain, and in several directions at once. The second reason why the president can use Nuclear Weapons is the threat to the existence of russia, even if the enemy uses nonnuclear, conventional types of weapons. Do we need to change this . What for . Everything can be changed, i just dont see the need for it. There is no situation in which, well, lets say, today something would threaten russian statehood and the existence of the russian state, no, other ideas, for example, return to testing Nuclear Weapons, as it turns out, there is a reason. We have almost completed work on the modern types of strategic weapons that i spoke about, and which i announced several years ago, the last successful test of the petrel, a global range Cruise Missile with a nuclear installation, a Nuclear Propulsion system, was carried out, we have actually completed work on format over a superheavy rocket, the question is that we just need to purely administratively and bureaucratically complete some procedures, move on to their mass production is being put on combat duty, and we will do this in the near future, as a rule, experts say , well, a new weapon, you need to make sure that there is a boyzar, a special boyzar will work without failures, but there is no need to conduct tests, russia and the United States is a signatory to the Nuclear Weapons test ban treaty, moscow has ratified it, washington is not, its not ready , we really dont need to carry out tests, but uh, well, behave in a mirror manner in relations with the United States, i repeat once again, when they signed but did not ratify, and we signed and ratified, in principle, it is possible to behave in a mirror manner with the same United States, but this is a question for the state duma department, theoretically it is possible to revoke this ratification. Another hot topic, karabakh, Charles Michel said in an interview not long ago russia betrayed the armenian people. who said . Charles michel, president of the european council. Yes. You know, our people say whose mare would moo, yours would be silent, cow, mare, it doesnt matter, animal, in short, well, seriously, pasha, after him, michelle makes claims against our peacekeepers and then we have to answer. Putin reminds us of the powers under the tripartite agreements. The entire status was based, i repeat, solely on the statement of november 2020. And the rights of the peacekeepers consisted of only one thing, monitoring compliance with the ceasefire. Thats all. We peacekeepers had no other rights there, so the armenians can only blame themselves for what happened, not to mention the fact that the prologue to the current bakus actions were a statement in which pashinyan signed the recognition of the territorial integrity of azerbaijan in prague last fall, and there they signed a statement, you know, a statement from which it follows that armenia recognized karabakh as part, that is, in essence, the main, absolutely key poll was decided , which was the status of karabakh, when karabakh declared its independence, no one recognized this independence, not even armenia, which, frankly speaking, is strange for me, but nevertheless, such a decision was made, they did not recognize independence of karabakh, but here they recognized that karabakh belongs to azerbaijan, and then at the beginning of 23 they repeated the same thing a second time at a similar meeting in brussels. By the way , neither side informed russia about this. I personally learned this from the press. And after some time , the next conversation between president s putin and aliyev took place. He says your military is on our territory. And lets now agree on their status. On a bilateral basis, but Prime Minister pashinyan confirmed that now you need to negotiate on a bilateral basis, that is, karabakh left, what was next was known, it was only a matter of time when and in what way azerbaijan would establish Constitutional Order there within the framework of the constitution of the azerbaijani state, but what can you say, and how to react to this more . Armenia recognized, but we dont recognize what we should do, but we dont recognize, well, this is nonsense, thats right, some kind of nonsense, in the current situation, russian peacekeepers are doing even more than is allowed. As you know, people died there, by the way, defending the karabakh armenians, our peacekeepers, we provided them with humanitarian assistance, provided medical assistance, ensured their exit, and if we were to return again to our european, socalled colleagues, yes, but at least they are now providing humanitarian assistance, let them. Exile there for the maintenance of those unfortunate people, i cant say otherwise, who left their native lands from nagornokarabakh. And a little more about the participants of the valdai discussion, the International Representation of the forum never ceases to amaze, one of the guests pierre degol, surname mismatch. It is a great honor for us to welcome the grandson of general degol to russia. I dont want to give any historical assessments, everything was very difficult , but for us in russia, despite the difference in military rank, the hero is not marshall, but general de gaulle, because he personified france and its desire for freedom, independence and dignity , in my opinion, after all , the awareness of the importance, the enduring significance of National Values ​​and traditions, it will gradually, gradually gain momentum, in european countries, and in the states, and in this sense, i think that the ideological confrontation will continue, but still the future belongs to nationally oriented forces in the world. Konstantin panyushkin, yuri sholmov. Sochi, the karabakh issue, by the way, was developed just after Vladimir Putin commented on it. Armenian Prime Minister nikol pushinyan signed a declaration with the European Union on recognition of the territory of azerbaijan, including karabakh. This happened in spain, in granada, on the sidelines of negotiations, in which, by the way , azerbaijani president ilham refused to participate aliyev, not wanting to discuss the problems of the region with countries. From him, the eu members invited him to meet with pashinyan in brussels at the end of the month, it is clear that for them a unilateral recognition belittles their role as a mediator, but as it turns out, it is easier for them to blame russia for the betrayal of the armenians. We will return to Vladimir Putins statement later, talking about other notable events of the day to get the enemy the direction of strikes from the ministry of defense report. The departments at the Training Ground checked the training of contract soldiers and volunteers. Inconvenient alternative in germany suddenly the leader of the party, which, according to forecasts, will bypass the ruling party in local elections, has been hospitalized. There will be light, nuclear fuel has been delivered to the First Nuclear power plant that russia is building in bangladesh, a president ial project that is significant for the whole of south asia. Plus 5 million tons. The Grain Harvest forecast has been updated. What other Important News about agriculture and the quality of life of those who feed the country. Teacher of the year, who won the competition and what idea was supported by the head of state. Today is a holiday for everyone whose calling is not just to teach. Dont follow traditions, but create them. 240 letsky theater a Global Heritage that cannot be abolished to please politicians. The new hunts are not a special military operation. Our armed forces hit the mirgorod air base in the poltava region, from where ukrainian su27s take off, as well as mik29s, adapted for nato Cruise Missiles. In the kirovograd region , an attack drone attack was carried out on an arsenal in the village of bogdanovka. The kiev regime stores western ammunition there. And in the kupinsky direction. Warehouses were destroyed using santsepek heavy flamethrower systems reported ministry of defense more from the report in the donetsk direction, russian fighters repelled two ukrainian attacks. The enemy lost 210 people there in one day. Details about the liquidation on the eve of a sabotage group off the western coast of crimea were not limited to the destruction of highspeed boats, our aircraft, and the captive of a fortysixyearold private of ukrainian intelligence. The body was discovered today. Another saboteur, said the head of crimea, sergei aksyomov. The situation is still developing, i mean in the sense that, so to speak, 1 2 of the ukrainians were found in the equipment. Matching suit in overalls and so on, there, 5 km from the landing site, a prisoner who was captured, well, 46 years old is a bit old for a private, in this case, we think that this is still an Intelligence Officer there, but he is sure that he will tell everything , fully cooperates with everyone, how contract soldiers and volunteers are trained at the Training Grounds of the Southern Military district, Sergei Shaigu checked, classes are conducted by officers with combat experience in a special operation zone, shooting, first aid, evacuation of the wounded, and also training in working with a drone. Including drums. The minister of defense also held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces. Details from kirill brainin. Combat training at Training Grounds does not stop for a single day, but of course, not every time the minister of defense oversees the training of contract soldiers and volunteers. Soldiers in the Southern Military district are honing both their shooting skills and the control of drones in their arsenal and the latest modifications, taking into account the experience of use at the front. One of the new tasks, troops to implement everything, we have troops, but the enemy is also not asleep, because so we call combat coordination at the Training Ground there are no discounts for anyone, as the concept of the weaker sex. The girls from the medical service have just finished their next Training Session in evacuating a wounded man under fire and, without really catching their breath, are receiving their medal watches. Why are they chasing you here . But they dont complain, its not a difficult job for women, it seems like they chose the job deliberately. You studied to be. Doctors, we want to protect you just like our men who are intertwined, but we want to protect them. Those who are clearly not inclined to talk about the hardships and deprivations of military service are burdened these women turn out to be only one. Separately, i would like to say about the women volunteers, girls, i can say that i met there today at the Training Ground, they are preparing at the same time, they themselves have already undergone training, they have combat experience, naturally, these are doctors, medical workers, girls. From different places, from tula, from yalta, from krasnodar, from siberia, from everywhere, and they say, what is surprising is that they ask me a question, for some reason we have been here for a long time, its time we were sent there , there this is to the front, to meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, they were talking about how the preparation of fresh units , contract soldiers and volunteers who are yet to appear on the front line, we have formed reserve regiments for each, in fact for each group, that are being prepared for today every day we have a total number of nine reserve regiments , which are being trained and are progressing naturally constant replenishment, some already have combat experience, because many of the volunteers, having completed a sixmonth contract, return a second one, and there are those who are returning for the third time, i would like to separately note our. Instructors, officers who conduct that training, all 100 , who are engaged in combat training in all directions, have combat experience, there are also those who as a result of hostilities, he was wounded, but nevertheless returned to combat service, and this is the most effective use of those who actually have rich combat experience. I hold it, lets go, the instructors share their experience and are closer to the front line, here is one of the Training Grounds of the lugansk peoples republic, in as targets for machine gunners , the enemys equipment is damaged, the conditions are, as they say , as close as possible to combat, and the cartridges are not blank. The objective of the training is to take a stronghold of a fictitious enemy, gain a foothold and hold the position until reinforcements arrive. Father commanders drive fighters from dawn to dusk. So that later it will be easier in a real battle. The main thing is swiftness, the main thing is that the fighter is not afraid of his enemy, gets close to him as quickly as possible and destroys him in close range combat, this is the most effective, a reliable way to defeat him. Those who came to serve voluntarily undergo training at the Training Ground, and these ranks are constantly replenished. Kiril brainin, oleg shishkin, dalia serazheddinova and denis larin channel one. Lets return to Vladimir Putins answers to the question. Valdai international club. The head of state named figures that reflect the peoples support and trust in the special military operation, in particular in the course of the country as a whole. We simply have a wide flow of volunteers joining the armed forces. Today we already have 335,000 people, who voluntarily came and concluded contracts with the ministry of defense and about 5,000 more, a little more. The socalled volunteers, although they are all volunteers , they come voluntarily, but this is simply a different category, contracts are signed for a shorter period, in total it is already somewhere around 350 thousand, this is a manifestation of Peoples Trust in the policies of the russian state. Among those who signed contracts with the ministry of defense, according to Vladimir Putin, are several thousand fighters of the wagner group, they will receive social guarantees, while previously, they were paid only in cash; a question was asked to find out the reasons for the crash of the plane on board which was yevgeny prigozhin. The crash occurred on august 23 in the tver region. The investigation continues, the head of the Investigative Committee reported, literally , just the other day, fragments of hand grenades were found in the bodies of the victims during the plane crash , there was no external influence on the plane, this is an already established fact, a fact, the result of an examination carried out by the Investigative Committee of the russian federation, well, the investigation is not completed, there yes, to unfortunately, no examination was carried out for the presence of alcohol or drugs in the blood of the deceased, although we know that after the wellknown events, in a company in st. Petersburg , the fsb found not only 10 billion in cash, but also 5 kg of cocaine, but in my opinion, it was necessary would have carried out such an examination, but it was not carried out. New signals from the west, depleted of arms supplies to ukraine. The head of the Nato Military Committee , rob bauer, discussing the state of the alliances arsenals, used the expression the bottom of the barrel is visible, against the next aid package president of slovakia. The opinion of voters cannot be ignored. On october 1 , the party won, whose leader, exPrime Minister robert fitse , promised not to send a single cartridge to kiev. And the head of the hungarian government, viktor orban , criticized him. A way to pump ukraine with weapons, and at the same time attempts to strangle the press under the pretext of fighting for its own rights. Brussels is creating the oryolov world before our eyes, they buy and supply weapons through the peace fund, they want to control the media with the help of the law on media freedom. We fought with communists not in order to end up, as in 1984. But in germany, a few days before the elections to the parliament of bavaria, one of the key lands, it is being dismantled. What brought the leader of the alternative for Germany Party to the hospital, Vladimir Putin mentioned her today at the alaidas club. At the rally on the way to the stage, tina khrupala felt ill. Doctors found redness and swelling on the shoulder, reported that it was an injection, and that a syringe was even found. The police do not confirm the version of the attack. In any case, the alternative is advocating, in particular, peace negotiations on ukraine, the requests can claim second place in bavaria, second only to the cdu bloc. These are the ones where Angela Merkel was chancellor. The social democrats, led by olaf scholz, are promised the worst result in history on october 8th. Lets return to the president s work schedule. In the morning, Vladimir Putin, via video link, took part in the ceremony of delivery of nuclear fuel to the rupur Nuclear Power plant. Bangladesh. It is being built by our specialists 160 km from the capital dhaka. On the other side video bridge Prime Minister of the country sheikh. The project is key for bangladesh, where there is a large shortage of electricity, and one of the most important foreign projects for rusatom. Pavel matveev, about the event itself, the construction schedule

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