A SOCIAL landlord in one of Glasgow’s most deprived areas has appointed a consultant at a cost of £13,000 to improve the way it is run following two investigations and a string of resignations.
Maryhill Housing Association (MHA) has hired a governance consultant for a year to “improve board engagement, structure and processes” and ensure it complies with housing regulations.
In July, two separate inquiries were ordered by MHA and the Scottish Housing Regulator was notified following an incident, involving two board members, which was said to have been a potential breach of the board’s code of conduct.
The chairman of the board, Roger Popplewell, took a leave of absence while the investigations were carried out.

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Bryony Willett ,Roger Popplewell , ,Scottish Housing Regulator ,ரோஜர் பாபல்‌வெல் ,ஸ்காட்டிஷ் வீட்டுவசதி சீராக்கி ,

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