BINGHAMTON, NY (WSKG) — On April 3, 2009, 13 people were killed in a mass shooting at the American Civic Association in Binghamton.
Parveen Ali, Almir Olimpio Alves, Marc and Maria Bernard, Li Guo, Lan Ho, Layla Khalil, Roberta King, Jiang Ling. Hong Xiu “Amy” Mao Marsland, Dolores Yigal, Hai Hong Zhong, and Maria Zobniw.
A memorial in Binghamton remembers the 13 people killed in a mass shooting April 3, 2009. It has a broken column in the middle – a symbol of life cut short – and 13 white birds flying away from it. (Sarah Gager/WSKG)
“Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families,” said ACA Board President Angela Leach following the attack. “Whatever drove this individual to do what he did, I cannot possibly fathom. But we will come out of our grief and sadness more resolute in our mission, and more dedicated than ever to help people realize the dream of American citizenship.”