12 new cases of Covid-19; 11,356 total in Madison Co.
May 1, 2021
Those new patients range in age from 17-years-old to 57-years-old.
There are currently two Madison County residents hospitalized. None of those patients are on a ventilator.
The health department also released statistics on patients, including zip code, race, gender, age and their health statuses.
Zip code:
White: 4,967 (43.7%)
11 – 20 years: 1,301 (11.5%)
21 – 30 years: 1,936 (17%)
31 – 40 years: 1,653 (14.6%)
41 – 50 years: 1,628 (14.3%)
51 – 60 years: 1,653 (14.6%)
61 – 70 years: 1,308 (11.5%)
71 – 80 years: 732 (6.4%)
80+: 461 (4.1%)
Unknown: 100 (0.9%)
For more information on COVID-19, go to the CDC website, the Tennessee Department of Health website or call (877) 857-2945.