There is, however, one major difference between Illma and the rest of her family and friends.
"I have hypogammaglobulinemia," said Ilma.
Hypogammaglobulinemia is an immune disorder that prevents Ilma's body from properly fighting infections. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Ilma couldn't be around many people, had to homeschool during winter months, and took extra precautions to prevent getting sick.
In fact, Illma hasn't attended in-person school in nearly a year.
Patients with this condition can die from common infections, in addition to facing an increased risk for leukemia.
"I try to be brave," said Ilma.
One thing that gives Ilma a relatively-normal lifestyle is the plasma she receives from the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. She requires a transfusion every other week, which she administers to herself.