11 Private Islands You Should Convince Your Friends to Rent on Airbnb
3 hrs ago
Editor's Note:
We know COVID-19 is impacting travel plans right now. For a little inspiration, we'll continue to share stories from our favorite places around the world. Be sure to check travel restrictions, protocols, and openings before you head out.Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to own a G6 and frequently drink Champagne in non-celebratory settings to afford your own private island, at least for a week. No ma’am: All you need is a little imagination—and a whole lotta bug spray. It also helps to have two, or five, or ten friends to split costs with. After all, what good is a week of secluded seaside luxury without your nearest and dearest to share it with? Here are eleven private islands you can totally afford to rent on Airbnb and VRBO.