Children's Health Defense (CHD) et al vs. the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The
appeal seeks to have the court order the FCC to remand, vacate and update its 25-year-old exposure guidelines for radio-frequency radiation (RFR) from cellphones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, 5G and other wireless communication devices.
Arguments in the case will be
livestreamed via audio. The presiding three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia includes the Honorable Karen Henderson, Patricia Millett and Robert Wilkins.
The court ordered that one attorney present the case for all the Petitioners allocating 10 minutes each for the Petitioners and the FCC. EHT and CHD have agreed to have CHD's attorney, Scott McCullough, former Assistant Texas Attorney General and telecom attorney, to present the Petitioners' joint argument. Robert F Kennedy, Jr., CHD's Chairman, is the organization's co-counsel.