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10 Things You Can Do To Boost Your Mood and Release Stress in Just 5 Minutes :
10 Things You Can Do To Boost Your Mood and Release Stress in Just 5 Minutes
10 Things You Can Do To Boost Your Mood and Release Stress in Just 5 Minutes
Saanya Ali
© Photo: Getty Images/Westend61
5 minute stress relieving exercises
Some days, you may wake up on the right side of the bed and everything feels easy. But then there are days when just brushing your teeth feels like an arduous task, and the idea of having a positive outlook on anything seems unfathomable. On those days, it really helps to have a a few 5-minute stress relieving exercises handy that you can count on to reset your mood before it wrecks your whole day.
Fortunately, while much of your personal happiness is a product of genetics and daily circumstance (otherwise, out of your control), studies show that up to 40 percent of it can me altered or magnified by intentionally engaging in daily thoughts and practices that make us happy and feel more present in our lives. It's all about taking your mind off of what's bumming it out and redirecting your attention to activities that bring you joy.
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