April 1, 2021, is a settlement holiday on account of Annual bank closing (SPY 0.4%). Weekly jobless claims higher than expected despite signs of labor market improvement.
Here is the current market situation from CNN Money
European markets are mixed. The DAX is higher by 0.06%, while the CAC 40 is leading the FTSE 100 lower. They are down 0.43% and 0.07% respectively.
What Is Moving the Markets
Here are the headlines moving the markets.
The Future Of U.S. LNG Hangs In The Balance
Soaring American exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) could become a powerful tool of the Biden Administration to help other countries reduce their carbon footprint from more emission-intensive fossil fuels such as coal, U.S. shale gas producers say. Moreover, American natural gas is the sharpest diplomatic tool the Biden administration can wield in energy-related foreign policy and international trade negotiations, David Callahan, president of the Pittsburgh-based Marcellus Shale Coalition, wrote in InsideSources.com