Updated: 5:17 PM EDT Apr 15, 2021
Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Thursday submitted a $4.2 billion budget proposal for fiscal year 2022."Many of the challenges we faced before the pandemic not only persist, but, in many cases, have been magnified. That's why we're making a concerted effort to address the disparities that have always been there. We're not just seeking to rebuild our economy, we are working to improve it," Olszewski said.Olszewski said the proposal "provides historic funding" for public education and provides major investments to support the county's ongoing recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic.The following are highlights of the budget proposal as provided by the county executive's office:EducationProvides record funding for education for the third year in a row. Total proposed education budget is more than $2.05 billion and includes the single largest dollar increase -- more than $40 million -- over the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) in county history.Restores 122 teaching positions originally proposed to be cut due to declining enrollment as a result of the pandemic.Provides $67 million toward a new Lansdowne High School.Provides $50.8 million in funding to complete Baltimore County's Schools for our Future school construction projects.Provides full funding for step increases and a mid-year Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for BCPS staff.Economic Opportunity Freezes in-county tuition at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) for third year in a row.Expands the College Promise Program, enabling CCBC to accept approximately 500 additional students.Increases Early College Access program for county high school students.Supports creation of the county's first dedicated Department of Housing and Community Development to help ensure access to affordable housing, provide housing stability support, and develop stronger neighborhoods.Expands small business resource center youth works programming.Healthy and Safe Communities Provides $16 million toward a new fire station and police substation in Sparrows Point.Provides an additional $7 million toward a new Wilkens Precinct.Provides $4.5 million toward a second set of turnout gear for firefighters and commercial-grade washers for firefighters.Provides $1 million toward land acquisition for new career fire station in Catonsville.Completes the effort to fully outfit body-worn cameras to remaining law enforcement officers.Vibrant, Livable Communities Eliminates all overdue fines for Baltimore County Public Library patrons.Provides over $12 million for major senior center projects across Baltimore County, including a $4.6 million expansion of the Woodlawn Senior Center, and $3 million for a new dedicated senior center in northern Baltimore County.Addresses recommendations of Code Enforcement Work Group to fund six additional code enforcement inspectors.Proposes a new revolving fund to address blighted properties.Provides funding to bring back bulk trash pick-up in early 2022.Sustainable Communities Provides $75 million in state and local funding for parks and open space, including leveraging $7 million in state and local funding for development of park at Greens Lane in Randallstown and provides $14.5 million to finish the Sparrows Point Park project.Funding to support operation of Towson Circulator which is expected to begin service this fall.Provides $5.3 million for land preservation.Provides $2.4 million for tree planting, maintenance, and equity tree planting across Baltimore County.Commitment to Critical Investments Contributes $70 million to OPEB -- doubling last year's investment to the fund that provides health and life insurance benefits for retired county employees.Retains a 13% fund balance-critical for maintaining the county's bond ratings.Provides full funding of steps and increments as well as mid-year costs of living increase for all county employees.The County Council is scheduled to vote on the proposed FY22 budget on May 27.