Review JR九州鉄道プロモーション部,Fukuoka-shi,Fukuoka,Japan In fukuoka, japan

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Detailed description is JR九州の鉄道をPRしていく「JR九州 鉄道プロモーション部」の公式ページです。 JR九州の鉄道をPRしていく「JR九州 鉄道プロモーション部」の公式ページです。.
九州旅客鉄道株式会社(以下「当社」といいます)が運営する「JR九州 鉄道プロモーション部」(以下「本ページ」といいます)へお越しいただきありがとうございます。本ページは、ユーザーのみなさまに「旅」に関連する当社の最新情報をお届けするとともに、ユーザーのみなさまと当社がつながり、さら にユーザー同士でもコミュニケーションを楽しんでいただく場所です。ユーザーのみなさまとのより良いコミュニケーションを実現するため、本ページでは下記のコミュニティ・ガイドライン(以下「本ガイドライン」といいます)を定めております。 .
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・九州旅客鉄道株式会社ホームページ .
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当社が投稿を行う時間帯は、原則として、平日 朝10:00~夕方19:00(年末年始、土日、祝日および当社の定める休業日をのぞく)とします。 .
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【準拠法・ 裁判管轄】.
本ガイドラインは日本法に準拠します。ユーザーと当社の間で紛争が 生じた場合は、福岡地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。 .
【お問い合わせ】 .
本ページおよび当社に関するご意見、ご要望、ご質問は下記のウェブページからお願いいたします。 .
・九州旅客鉄道株式会社ホームページ/各種お問い合わせ、ご意見・ご要望ページ .

Established in the recent years JR九州鉄道プロモーション部,Fukuoka-shi,Fukuoka,Japan in fukuoka-shi , fukuoka in japan.

This is a well known establihment acts as one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other of the city.

Over the course of its journey , this business has establihed a firm hold in the [category].

The belief that customer satisfaction is an important as it products and services , have helped this establihment garner a vast base of customers and continue to grow day by day

Foods is provided with high quality and are pretty much the highlight in all the events in our lives.

Sweets and food are the ideal combination for any foodies to try and this JR九州鉄道プロモーション部,Fukuoka-shi,Fukuoka,Japan is famous for the same.

This has helped them build up a loyal customer base.

They have started a long journey and ever since they have ensure the customer base remains the same and growing month on month.

As they are located in favourable location , becomes the most wanted space for the tourist.

For any kind and assistance , it is better to contact them directly during their business hours.

Premises has a wide parking area and need to avail special permissions for parking.

Pets inside the premises are not allowed and require additional permission.

Cashless payments are available and extra charges for the credit cards are levid.

They are listed in many of the food delivery networks for home delivery with appropriate charges.

They accept cards , cash and other modes of payments

Tips are not actually encouraged but customers are willing to offer any benefit as needed.

There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property.

This business employs inviduals that are dedicated towards their respective roles and put in a lot of effort to achieve the common vision and goals.

It is a effortless task in communiting to this establishment as there are various modes available to reach this location.

The establishment has flexible working timings for the employees and has good hygene maintained at all times.

They support bulk and party orders to support customers of all needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About This Location

Qus: 1).what is the mode of payment accepted ?

Ans: Cash , Credit Card and Wallets

Qus: 2).What are the hours of operation ?

Ans: Open all days mostly from 9:30 to 8:30 and exceptions on Sundays. Call them before going to the location.

Qus: 3).Do they have online website?

Ans: Yes . They do have. Online website is - Website Link

Qus: 4).What is the Latitude & Longtitude Of the location?

Ans: Latitude of the location is 33.589377629753 Longtitude of the location is - 130.41708030701