List of People Worked In The Night-Like Daydreams of Wolfgang Deedle
1.Hikari Takano
2.Jeff Henderson
3.Charlie Ramsey
4.Misti Patrella
5.Rafal Cwiok
6.John B. Boss
7.Angela Lynn
8.Dan Smolla
9.Valery Lanotte
10.Ashlea Thomsen
11.Brandon Borrmann
12.Shana Weinstein
13.Alyssa Rittorno
14.Matthew Danielewicz
15.Visweswara Durga
16.Evan Mulvihill
17.Keith Lyman
18.Dean Hacker
19.David Gigl
20.Gabriel Riveron
21.Brenda Lyman
22.Jesse Schroeder