List of People Worked In The Night Brings Charlie
1.David Carr
2.Joe Fishback
3.Keith Graham
4.Kent Griffin
5.Donna Jarrett
6.Todd Jeffrey
7.Ken Kistner
8.Kerry Knight
9.Wendy Logan
10.Wally Parks
11.Jack Sherdel
12.Monica Simmons
13.Mike Speller
14.Aimee Tenaglia
15.Chuck Whiting
16.Julie Nickol
17.Bernie Fidelo
18.Pete Esposito
19.Kent Dyer
20.Corey Pirrotta
21.Renee M. Smith
22.Page E. Martin
23.Gail A. Adams
24.Will Baysinger
25.Mark D. Mathes
26.Susan Zuljani
27.Butch Huey
28.Debbie Parks
29.Moire Reagan
30.Dina Lynn Gross
31.Glenn Krasny
32.Michael Smallwood
33.Jenny Tucks
34.George Elliott
35.Jack Fowler