List of People Worked In The Lighthorsemen
1.Gary Amos
2.Dale Arthur
3.Jan Bladier
4.Jon Blake
5.Scott Bradley
6.Gregory Campitelli
7.Murray Chesson
8.Sean Clarke
9.Ken Connley
10.Ashley Cooper
11.Shane Cooper
12.Phillip Corr
13.Steve Crockett
14.Stephen Crockett
15.Nick Daniell
16.Daryl Dicks
17.Peter Douglas
18.Jason Dunn
19.Brendan Egan
20.Barry Elliott
21.Alan Fitzsimmons
22.Steve Harrison
23.Allen Heath
24.Adrian Ireland
25.John Kelly
26.William Kerr
27.Don Keyte
28.Michael Kitschke
29.Jo Larner
30.Kingsley MacDonald
31.Ken Mahlab
32.Kevin May
33.Mario Millo
34.Tom Mudge
35.Graham Newman
36.Ricky Noble
37.Ned O'Brien
38.Tom O'Brien
39.Di O'Connor
40.Vic O'Neal
41.Daphne Phillips
42.Caroline Polin
43.Brian Pollitt
44.Mark Pretti
45.Malcolm Pritchard
46.Matthew Randell
47.Robert Rehn
48.David Sadler
49.Leo Scanders
50.Felicity Schoeffel
51.Gary Stalker
52.Barry Stephan
53.Milton Stevens
54.Richard Stevens
55.Trevor Stevens
56.Iain Strutt
57.Tamas Szegedi
58.Lloyd Ventry
59.Tony Jablonski
60.Cos Russo
61.Kerrie Barnhill
62.John Bird
63.Robert Johnson