List of People Worked In The Gong Show Movie
1.Robin Altman
2.Della Barris
3.Ruth Goldberg
4.Budd Granoff
5.Starr Hester
6.Linda Howard
7.Cloyce Morrow
8.Bill Neale
9.Ray Neapolitan
10.Brian O'Mullin
11.Gene Patton
12.Melvin Presar
13.Nicki Rae
14.Lillie Shelton
15.Jack Spangler
16.Mark Z. Stevens
17.Betsy Lynn Thompson
18.Carol Gwynn Thompson
19.William H. White
20.Monroe P. Askins Jr.
21.The Vatican Four
22.Charles Sladen
23.Tony Ledger
24.Brian Hartley
25.Jeff Spitz
26.Chuck Bird
27.Susana Ello
28.Susan Chalfin
29.Harvey Alpert
30.Pat Francisco
31.Darvy Traylor
32.Bill Bridges
33.The Bait Brothers
34.Kurt Abell
35.Ed Holland
36.Merry Kay Cote
38.Trixie Dejonge