List of People Worked In The Club
1.Billy Baxter
2.Mike Brady
3.Jim Cain
4.Ron Carter
5.Janine Chialoo
6.Ruth De la Lande
7.Maggie Doyle
8.Diana Greentree
9.Jack Harris
10.Nick Harvey
11.Harold Hopkins
12.Susan Hopkins
13.John Howard
14.Graham Kennedy
15.Eric Lomas
16.John Proper
17.Frank Raggatt
18.Lou Richards
19.Geoff Richardson
20.Ray Shaw
21.Toni Gay Shaw
22.Ed Turley
23.Frank Wilson
24.Scot Palmer
25.Ian Fowler
26.John Wharton
27.Keir Looby
28.David Young
29.Fred Cook
30.Ron Wearmouth
31.Ric Barham
32.Russell Blew
33.Bob David
34.William Anderson
35.John Powers
36.Tommy Hafey
37.Frank Vardanega
38.Rene Kink
39.Bob Skilton
40.Helen Liston
41.Jack Dyer
42.Kevin Sheedy
43.Fifth Avenue
44.Neil Roberts
45.Michael Williamson
46.Doug Wade