List of People Worked In The 84th Annual Academy Awards
1.Troy Miller
2.Colleen Werthmann
3.Patrick Baltzell
4.Jeff Cesario
5.Ed Driscoll
6.Rick Edwards
7.Bob La Masney
8.Don Mischer
9.Larry Reed
10.Paul Sandweiss
11.Michael B. Seligman
12.Eric Stangel
13.Justin Stangel
14.Kris Wilson
15.Jon Macks
16.Billy Martin
17.Ben Anderson
18.Andrew Atherton
19.Kevin Atherton Laprise
20.Erin Masuda
21.John Perez
22.Tom Pesa
23.Gloria Lamb
24.Pablo Munguia
25.Tim Carvell
26.Jon Kusner
27.Kelsey Wiens
28.Terrance Ho
29.Christina Montaño
30.Shaun Harkins
31.Aalayna Stroud
32.Josh Morton
33.Mike Parker
34.Kristian Pedregon
35.Steve Nguyen
36.Richard Harbaugh
37.Greg Harbaugh
38.Todd Wawrychuk
39.Don Gummer
40.Ben Schwartz
41.Toni Thompson
42.Emily Harper
43.Daniel S. Winston
44.Rich Middlemas
45.Anthony Interdonato
46.Natasha Tsung
47.Gabriel Saavedra
48.Corey Scott Gilbert
49.Nate Selvidio
51.Dennis Boerner
52.Ivan Rosales
53.Radu Corlan
54.Petru Pop
55.Andy Jantzen
56.Richard Toftness