Review Thank Your Lucky Stars in Music -

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List of People Worked In Thank Your Lucky Stars

1.Doug Arthur
2.Mike Cotton
3.Kenny Damon
4.Troy Dante
5.Danny Davis
6.Karl Denver
7.Susan Grey
8.Tony Hall
9.Tony Jackson
10.Philip Jones
11.Bob Lang
12.Gary Leeds
13.Brian Matthew
14.Duffy Power
15.Tommy Quickly
16.Cherry Roland
17.Ric Rothwell
18.Sylvia Sands
19.Richard Sarstedt
20.Barbara von der Heyde
21.The Candy Dates
22.Bob Wallis
23.Lorne Gibson
24.Bobby Curtola
25.Paul Hollingdale
26.The Mark Four
27.The Mark Leeman Five
28.Gibson Kemp
29.Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas
30.The Undertakers
31.Butch Moore
32.Valerie Mountain
33.Dickie Rock
34.Big Jim Sullivan
35.Rey Anton
36.Billie Laine
37.The Challengers
38.The Brook Brothers
39.The Clyde Valley Stompers
40.Ray Orchard
41.Alan David
42.Dick Charlesworth
43.Tony Osborne Orchestra
44.Dave Nelson
45.Denny Piercy
46.Michael Aldred
47.The Dakotas
48.Ted King
49.Julie Rayne
50.Jeanie Lambe
51.The Redcaps
52.Tony Rocco
53.Johnny Sandon
54.Nola York
56.Keith Powell
57.Alan Howard
58.Rick West
59.Dave Munden
60.The Ivy League
61.The Dallas Boys
62.Dev Douglas
63.Julie Grant
64.The Sundowners
65.Clive Sarstedt
66.Ian Wallace
67.Janice Nicholls
68.Phil Fernando
69.Ricky Stevens
70.The Allisons
71.Ria Bartok
72.Don Wardell
73.Alan Dell
74.Michael Cox
75.Eleanor Toner
76.Neal Landon
77.Lance Fortune
78.Tony Holland
79.Tony Cassidy
80.Keith Millar
81.Dave Webb
82.Alex Kirby
83.David Tomlinson
84.John Nichols
85.The Warriors
86.Chick Graham
87.Janet Panter
88.Barbara Kay
89.Mike Shannon
91.Anita Scott
92.Johnnie Lee
93.Ursula Huggins
94.The Long and the Short
95.Band of Angels
96.The Chants
97.Ricky Valance
98.Linda Hotchkin
99.David McBeth
100.Thelma Bignell
101.Kim Cordell
102.Tammy St. John
103.Lynn Holland
104.Dodie West
106.Ray Anton and The Peppermint Men
107.Marilyn Powell
108.Rod Hill
109.The Beat Merchants
110.Paddy Chambers
111.The Overlanders
112.The Big Three
113.The Avons
114.Pinkerton's Assorted Colours
115.The Uglys
116.The Merseys
117.The Birds
118.Twice as Much
119.Janie Jones
120.Tony Rivers
121.Cliff Bennett & The Rebel Rousers
122.Shane Fenton and the Fentones
123.Patrick Evans
124.Shirley Douglas
125.The Mojos
126.Ray Singer
127.Susan Terry
128.The Gary Edwards Combo
129.Ed Moreno
130.Donna Douglas
131.Bill Forbes
132.David and Jonathan
133.The Truth
134.John Hammond
135.Jimmy Justice