List of People Worked In Staggered
1.Paul Alexander
2.Mick Anthony
3.Micky Arkwright
4.Marvin Berglas
5.Carlo Bianco
6.Helen Booth
7.Philippa Braithwaite
8.Simon Braithwaite
9.Kate Byers
10.Clare Crocombe
11.Emma Jane Davies
12.Clifford Davis
14.Alfred Dunhill
15.Denise Ann Feeney
16.Alexander Foustis
17.Claire Godfrey
18.Matt Greene
19.Abigail Hodge
20.Amanda Hodge
21.Eammon Hughes
22.Carol Hynes
23.Howard Jacobs
24.John Kellet
25.Alan Lawrence
26.Alan Line
27.Tom Lovegrove
28.Lee Mander
29.David Masters
30.Cathy Meese
31.Ian Michie
32.Geoff Neate
33.Chris Parkinson
34.John Good Show Patten
35.Marc Paul
36.Peter Pond Jones
37.Beverley Pond Jones
38.Sandy Poustie
39.Andrew Preveszer
40.Andy Prevezer
41.N.C. Ritchie
42.James Roberts
43.Joe Shearer
44.Lisa Silcock
45.Bruce Smith
46.Phil Steinmann
47.Roger the Swede
48.Dan Travers
49.Matthew Tucker
50.Chris Wallace
51.Ashley Ward
52.Peter Marsden
53.Martha Mackintosh
54.Tim Usher
55.Chris Delaney