List of People Worked In Normandy: The Great Crusade
1.Peter Basch
2.Paul Fussell
3.Warren Lloyd
4.Forrest C. Pogue
5.Bill Preston
6.Chic Streetman
7.Robert Mason Ward
8.Kim Chaix
9.Gary Westphalen
10.Lili Francklyn
11.John Slaughter
12.Holly Barden Stadtler
13.Judy Barrett Litoff
14.Shirley Green
15.Christopher Koch
16.Eric Roland
17.Danny Ashkenasi
18.John Edwards
19.Laura Taylor
20.Mary Lou Hartman
21.Bob Bamberger
22.Kathleen Paterno
23.Kati Koerner
24.Catrin Rees
25.Gary Covino
26.Steve Smollan
27.Margaret West
28.Craig Luther
29.Catherine Pike
30.Barbara Sanz McClannen
31.Thomas Raulston
32.Geoffrey Donald Corry
33.Hellmuth Pock
34.Millard McKee
35.David C. Smith
36.Gordon Mont
37.Christine Aldrich
38.Leroy O'Toole
39.Guenther Gurowski
40.Elisabeth Paul
41.Henrietta Rogers
42.Jochen Leykauff
43.Karla King Harrison
44.Rudolph Grabher Meyer
45.Jan Evans
46.Gilbert Gray Murdoch
47.Douglas Waite
48.Tom Race
49.Kenneth Reimers
50.Peter Werres
51.Kirk Kenkler