List of People Worked In Night of the Dribbler
1.Christina Chase
2.Corey Elias
3.Nathalie Gauthier
4.Ralph MacLeod
5.Brigitte Anne Pelletier
6.Glenn Scott
7.Bat Taylor
8.Sherwood Kendall
9.Cynthia Mantel
10.Ikkee Battle
11.Gordon Speirs
12.Michael Burns
13.Van Abrahams
14.Bernard Lapointe
15.Chantal Hardy
16.Chantal Woodman
17.Joseph Tawil
18.Bill Saddler
19.Alberto Guevara
20.Rhoda Macpherson
21.Roland Becker
22.Mark Cummins
23.Sylvie Choquette
24.Brigitte Gingras
25.James Connally
26.Nathalie Hardy
27.Archie Herbert
28.Shawn Als
29.Maurice Thevenet
30.Greg LaFontant
31.Alex Thoby
32.Brian Rabey
33.André Racette
34.Michael Sullivan