List of People Worked In Ewoks: The Battle for Endor
1.Dawn Abbey
2.Niki Botelho
3.Rick Cimino
4.Charles Davis
5.Fred Field
6.Pam Grizz
7.Marianne Horine
8.Roger Johnson
9.Mark McNamara
10.Aubree Miller
11.Michael Pritchard
12.Eric Walker
13.Judy Weaver
14.Fred Martin
15.Cindy Lowney
16.Dan Cunningham
17.Mike Dito
18.Peter Thibeaux
19.Mary Henning
20.Scott Ferry
21.Malumba Anderson
22.Bill Tilman
23.Marques Strane
24.Andre Keys
25.Anthony Bagnarol
26.Peter Reitz
27.Matthew Roloff
28.Steve Morgan
29.Scott Couper
30.Michael Lipsky
31.Brendan Reitz
32.Bethany Jewett
33.Irving Scible Jr.
34.Jerry Keys
35.Todd Allan