List of People Worked In Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm
1.Carolyn Bates
2.Leslie Howe
3.Bill Krauss
4.John C. Lange
5.Daniel Todd
6.David Fox
7.Eric Meyers
8.James Purdum
9.Mark Mullen
10.Jim Hedges
11.Peter Barrett
12.Veronica O'Donovan
13.Matthew Fassberg
14.Cynthia Dee
15.Jeanne Sophia
16.Noriko Hawks
17.Mark Schultz
18.Beth Kaufman
19.Brian Walker
20.Todd Hoff
21.Alex Rudis
22.Christopher Grigg
23.Todd Ingalls
24.David Brownstein
25.Sandy Timpson
26.David Dodge
27.Josh Smith
28.Li Kramer
29.Cathy Callahan
30.Emile Duronslet
31.Steve Blank
32.Mike Backes
33.Antonio Toro
34.Bruce Leak
35.Sheryl Chapman
36.Debbie Kerlin
37.Richard Burns
38.Richard Booroojian
39.Mark Holmes
40.Mel Sommer
41.Ramona Randa
42.Kunimi Terada
43.Vesselin Kamenov
44.Ed Hartley
45.Carlene Brady
46.Delores Del Valle
47.Tony Payne
48.Sean P. Owens